Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 211 Does Tsundere Have Friends?

Chapter 211 Does Tsundere Have Friends?
He Nanjie looked so cute when she saw her tugging at some of her sleeves, maybe it was because she had a ball in her head, anyway, how could she look like a little girl at this time.

"You can play mahjong?"

How did he not know before?This girl doesn't seem to have any hobbies in this area. Could it be that her memory loss has given her a new hobby?

"Yes, hurry up and make an appointment. It's best to ask someone who has money and can't fight, understand?"

After she finished speaking, she had already got into the car by herself, and she didn't wait for the bewildered man to open the door for her, and she didn't need him to protect her head like a gentleman.

In fact, how could Gu Encounter know how to play mahjong? It was just that she used her mobile phone to check with her mother to see which way was easier to make money.

She thinks things like stock trading and going to casinos are unreliable.

Anyway, she just wanted to make a little money, just double it for Xiao Xiaoye, so she saw something like mahjong.

She had a general understanding of the rules of the game, and thought it was quite simple, so she let He Nanjie and the others play together.

He Nanjie got into the car and saw her excited face, staring at him with beautiful peach eyes.

When this girl looked at someone, her eyes seemed to be emitting electricity, which was very charming.

Maybe not many people can bear to look at her, some people are born with this kind of wink.

"Call me! I can't wait to play."

He Nanjie took out his mobile phone, dialed his only two brothers, first dialed Ji Lingfeng's number, and the connection was quickly connected there.

"Jie, what's the matter? Is your woman still awake?"

When Gu Yuen was unconscious, he and Xi Cheng both visited.He went to see if Gu Yuyu was awake, while Xi Cheng went to see if Gu Yuyu was dead.

Although the intentions of the two are different, the result is the same.

"Come to the Presidential Suite at the Lido Hotel."

A certain man coldly reported an address, but didn't say anything else?

Ji Lingfeng smiled and said, "What? You suddenly found out that you fell in love with me?"

He actually asked him to open a room, he didn't have such a hobby.

"Get lost within half an hour, or I will withdraw from the project."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone. Mr. Ji was about to scold his mother over there, and he didn't ask him if he was okay, and even threatened him.

But someone's threat was very effective. For that project, he had to rush through it according to his time.

After hearing this, Gu Yu was a little puzzled.

"Uncle, are you sure you are dating a friend and not an enemy?"

This tone, threatening people like this, doesn't seem like a friend or a good brother. She began to worry, does this dead Tsundere have any friends?

She secretly glanced at her bag, the 5 yuan inside was too heavy for her, it was the little guy's love for her, she must do what she said.

Otherwise, how can you deserve him to spoil him so much?
Gu Yuyu frowned, regardless of whether the person who came was an enemy or a friend, she had to win, and she had to win a lot of money.

He Nanjie hung up the phone, dialed Xicheng again, and the connection was quickly connected there.

"Jie, would you like to come out for a drink?"

When Xi Cheng's young voice came, Jie felt that the kid had really grown up every time he heard it.

"Come to the Presidential Suite at the Lido Hotel."

Then he hung up the phone directly, Xi Cheng basically obeyed his words, thinking that he was going to have a drink with him.

Half an hour later, He Nanjie's car stopped at the entrance of the Lido Hotel, and Gu Yuyu raised his head to look at the hotel.

No matter how luxurious the hotel is, what she cares about is money, and she quietly followed him into the hotel.

When the girl at the front desk saw her, she ran out of the front desk and surrounded her.

"YJ, can you sign me up?"

"I especially like your perfume."

"Me too, but it's so expensive every time, and you can't get it even if you have money."
Do you think Gu Encounter won or lost?1 deduction for winning money, 2 deduction for losing money, and then ask for tickets, the more the better, Mu Mu is super short. ---
(End of this chapter)

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