Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 218 She's Going Crazy

Chapter 218 She's Going Crazy
It was the first time Gu Yumet heard about such a thing, and he was completely in shock, and he was even more sure that this place was a lie.

She smiled coldly, but there was no smile on her face. Chen Huan also saw that she couldn't accept it, so he whispered in her ear.

"I couldn't accept it before, but as long as we can have sales, the manager will take us to a big meal, really, so I think I can accept it. If you make money, you can eat good food. If you can't make money, you can eat free."

Gu Encounter, Chen Huan, and two other girls went to the vegetable market closest to this house. This was the first time Gu Encounter had seen this kind of vegetable market.

It was very dirty and messy. The evening market was over at this time, and all kinds of rotten vegetables were scattered everywhere.

They were brought over by a van, and five tall bodyguards followed them all the time.

Gu Yuyu glanced at the people behind her, frowned, and walked towards them.

"Little brother, how much is your daily salary? How about I give you double? Lend me a cell phone to make a call."

Thinking of this, she sadly remembered that she couldn't remember the uncle's number at all, and it was impossible to find him.

Immediately felt uncomfortable, his little face wrinkled.

And those men ignored her at all and just followed behind them. Gu Yumet felt that these five men must have been brainwashed and would not listen to her at all.

She frowned, and followed behind Chen Huan and the others, watching them pick up those yellowed vegetable leaves and rotten tomatoes, Gu Yumet felt that they were really crazy, can such vegetables be eaten?
But those girls seemed to be unconscious, they started to pick up when they saw it, and they seemed to be numb.

Gu Yuyu couldn't take it anymore, she walked to the side, she wanted to find someone to call the police.

She only took a few steps forward when she was stopped by two bodyguards.

"You are not allowed to go out, you can only move around in this place."

Listening to that rough voice, Gu Yumet felt that they really didn't seem to have a heart.

She blinked her big innocent eyes, "I'm homesick, I want to go back."

After hearing what she said, one of the men grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her to the side of the car.

Gu Yumet glanced at the empty vegetable market, why is there no one here?
And when someone saw it just now, they just left in a hurry, and they didn't care about it at all.

She stretched out her feet in despair, wanting to stop, not wanting to be dragged away, but the bodyguard didn't give her any chance at all, and threw her into the car directly.

Chen Huan ran over, "Meet you, stop making trouble, you won't want to leave when you make money."

She got into the car and sat beside her, doing her ideological work all the time.

The other two girls were still picking up those rotten vegetables. After a while, they came back and got into the car with several big bags of rotten vegetables.

Seeing their expressions, Gu Yu really seemed to have lost his mind.

She just wanted to pass out, being watched by people every day, and having to do these strange things, she was really going crazy.

Seeing her like this, what did Chen Huan want to say?
Gu Yuyu directly raised her hand to cover her mouth, she said it was money, although she really wanted to make money, but she was not so obsessed with money, she simply lost herself.

"How can I get my phone back?"

She asked suddenly, now she really wants to leave this ghost place, so getting her phone back is the most important thing.

Chen Huan thought for a while, "You just came, it's hard to get your phone back. If you recruit people to come in, my aunt and the others can let you call back."

When Gu Yu met had an idea, she told them to use He Nanjie as a downline and let him come over, then he could come to pick her up.

(End of this chapter)

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