Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 229 The Child Is Just an Accident

Chapter 229 The Child Is Just an Accident

Gu Yumet was moved to the point of tears, then picked up the chicken leg and took a bite.

"Really delicious!"

The little girl swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The chicken legs made by Mei's mother are delicious, but it's a pity that I can't eat them today.

But seeing Mummy was full, she was very happy.

Xiao Xiaoye brought some vegetables for her, "Eat some vegetables, don't just eat meat."

He didn't move a mouthful, and kept holding vegetables for her. Gu Yumet felt that these two little guys were really sensible.

Although she didn't remember them anymore, seeing how kind they were to her at this moment, she was very moved from the bottom of her heart.

She will treat them well in the future, she suddenly remembered that she had lost money.

"Xiao Xiaoye, I used the [-], but I will pay you back more, trust me?"

Xiao Xiaoye looked at her with those dark and shiny eyes, and there was deep concern in them.

"That was meant for you."

Gu Yumet reached out and touched his face, "You are such a good man."

At this moment, He Nanjie came in and saw her praising Xiaoye as a good man, so he raised his sword eyebrows.

"what about me?"

A pair of bottomless eyes stared at Gu Encounter, Gu Encounter couldn't help being amused, and then blinked at her.

"You are also a good man."

He Nanjie was in a good mood after hearing her praise.

"Are you full? Want to take you somewhere?"

After hearing this, Gu Encounter met his eyes, both of them had a smile in their eyes, and they were in a very good mood.

She put down the bowl and chopsticks, "I'm full."

He took a tissue and wiped his mouth, then stood up abruptly.

"I'm going to change clothes."

But they didn't notice Xiao Xiaoye's dark face, Xiao Xiaoya also looked at the two of them, they seemed to have forgotten the two babies in the restaurant.

A little sad, she pouted slightly.

"Brother, Mommy seems to be different after she got sick. She has forgotten about us, and now she doesn't take us with her when she wants to go out to play."

Of course, Xiao Xiaoye could also see that Gu Yumet only had He Nanjie in his eyes now, but he regarded them as strangers, and it would be a lie to say that he was not sad.

"Sister, don't be afraid, she will think of us one day."

It is impossible for her to forget them forever, Xiaoye is very sure of this.

Xiao Xiaoya walked to Xiao Xiaoye's side and hugged him.

"Brother, you still have mine. I will never forget you, and I will always be with you."


Gu Yuen went upstairs, rinsed his mouth, washed his face, and put on light makeup to make himself look more energetic.

Looking at the beautiful woman in the mirror, she squinted and smiled, is she going out with Dabu later?
So happy!So happy!

She picked out a red dress and twirled it in front of the full-length mirror. It was very delicate and elegant, and she squinted and smiled.

"It's just you."

She came down from upstairs and saw two little guys standing at the door of the restaurant. Their bright eyes looked at her, and she walked towards them.

Kissed the two of them on the face, "Baby, my sister will go out to play for a while, you go to bed early, children can grow taller if they go to bed early!"

Then she turned and walked towards He Nanjie, his tall body stood up from the sofa.

There is not only surprise in her eyes, but also more warm colors.

"Uncle, let's go!"

He Nanjie walked towards her, and raised his hand to touch her forehead. She really didn't have a fever anymore, and she seemed to be revived again. She looked so beautiful and fascinating.

The two walked towards the door, but they didn't see the two children who watched them leave, their eyes were full of disappointment.

(End of this chapter)

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