Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 240 You Are Just a Pawn

Chapter 240 You Are Just a Pawn

Gu Yumet was actually a little confused, but she didn't mean to expose herself.

"Ji Gongzi, do you want to try it too and see if I can read minds?"

Ji Lingfeng got up suddenly, and stepped back step by step.

"Forget it, I'm afraid Jie will beat me up, so you three should stick together!"

The three of them are already very abnormal, plus his four are abnormal.

He Nanjie saw that he was leaving, so he called him.

"Ling Feng, send Xiaocheng back."

That kid was so drunk, Ji Lingfeng raised his hand.

"OK, no problem, you and Encounter have a lot of fun."

He Nanjie's men came from a distance, set up Xi Cheng, and left behind Ji Lingfeng.

Seeing that they were all gone, Gu Yu met, she sat next to He Nanjie, the man's exquisite side face, he was wearing a pure black suit with a straight neckline, which made his facial features even more stern.

He rested the arm with the expensive wristwatch on the bar counter, dusting the cigarette casually.

When he didn't speak, he gave people a sense of oppression that he couldn't take the initiative to speak. Gu Yumet just looked at him like this, thinking that everything was pretty.

She propped her chin up, blinking her big eyes, He Nanjie extinguished the cigarette, and met her soft eyes.

"very nice?"

"Well, it's very beautiful!"

She answered very directly, which gave the stern man a tinge of warmth. He stretched out his big hand with well-defined bones and pinched her small chin, which still carried a faint smell of tobacco.

"Then I'll show you enough tonight."

After he finished speaking, he squinted his eyes and gave a wicked smile, but Gu Yumet suddenly came back to his senses.

"But I don't want to sleep at all. How about we play a little longer, or go to a nightclub."

The memories of this stage, Gu Yueneng was when she was young and rebellious, so her ideas were also bold, and she wanted to try all good things and new things.

He Nanjie frowned, "Nightclubs are nothing fun."

That kind of place is full of fish and dragons, and the air is not very good. She is a perfumer now, and her nose does not allow her to go to those places.

Gu Encounter was a little disappointed, "Okay then, I'll go eat something, and we'll go home and sleep after eating."

When she said the last two words, she glared at him and complied with his request.

He Nanjie smiled faintly, slid his thumb over her lips, and the brows were full of warm colors.

Gu Yuyu walked towards the dining area, but He Nanjie was surrounded by several business people.They all wanted to know He Nanjie very much, and of course they would not let go of such an opportunity this time.

As for those people's status in the business world, He Nanjie didn't want to offend them, so he could only have a drink with them and chat for a while.

Gu met with some food and sat in the rest area. She took a sip of the juice, then picked up a fork and started eating.

Suddenly a figure sat down on the opposite side, and those eyes stared at her coldly.

"Gu Yumet, why aren't you dead yet?"

Gu Qingye's slightly ferocious face appeared in front of her eyes, Gu Yuyu lost her appetite in an instant, she put down her fork, and stared at her coldly.

"Did you expect me to die a long time ago?"

After she and her mother entered Gu's house, many things happened in the family. Sometimes she felt that the mother and daughter were a pair of broom stars. Once they entered Gu's house, they made everything go wrong.

Now that the Gu family has changed hands, the more she thinks about it, the more she feels that these things are related to the mother and daughter.

Gu Qingye gritted his teeth, "Don't think that Bai Mu still has feelings for you, he just wants to use you to lure out the person behind the scenes, you will always be just a pawn with Bai Mu."

Gu Encounter's eyes rolled, although she didn't have those memories, but from her mouth, it could be heard that Gu Qingye regarded her as a rival in love.

She smiled coldly, "Gu Qingye, Bai Mu said that the only person he loves will always be me."

(End of this chapter)

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