Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 247 It's all because of this useless brain

Chapter 247 It's all because of this useless brain

He Nanjie picked up Gu Yuyu and carried her back to the bedroom. Seeing that she was sleeping so deeply, he couldn't bear to wake her up, so he could only wrong himself.

After he lay down, he hugged her into his arms, and smelling her body, he soon became sleepy. Over the past month, his complexion has been getting better and better.

Because of this girl, he can always sleep well.

The next day, when Gu Yuyu woke up and saw that handsome face so close at hand, she squinted and smiled, that kind of sweet, happy smile.

She raised her hand to touch his thick black eyebrows, and a certain man suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes were a little blurred, with the hostility of just waking up.

That gaze was a bit scary, Gu Yumet hurriedly withdrew his hand, but was held by his big hand.

"woke up?"

His slightly cold voice sounded, full of dissatisfaction.

Gu Yumet couldn't help but chuckled, "Uncle, why didn't you wake me up last night? Didn't you say you wanted to teach me something new?"

She smiled badly, and she had the kind of sense of being good-looking when she got a cheap one.

Her Nanjie's eyes darkened, and he pinched her little face.

"I don't know who sleeps like a pig."

Otherwise, how could he let her go?

Gu Yuyu frowned, "Who is the pig? You are. You are the pig who wants to give me this cabbage."

Hearing this, He Nanjie was rude and clasped her hands.

"I'm kicking you now."

After finishing speaking and kissing her lips, Gu Yumet smiled, thinking that this man is really stingy, and his temper can be ignited at the slightest moment.

Just when Gu Yuyu became more and more docile, and when He Nanjie became more and more gentle, a cold childish voice sounded.

"Gu Yumet, come out and let's talk."

It was Xiao Xiaoye's voice, Gu Yuyu and He Nanjie hurriedly separated, far away.

Gu Yuyu only saw the door being closed, and she sighed softly.

"Uncle, didn't you lock the door last night?"

Just now they... well, this will teach the child badly, and she will also be shy.

How could He Nanjie not lock the door, he curled his lips coldly.

"If locking the door works, it's not your son."

Gu Yuyu tidied up his clothes, "Then, I'll go out first, he's looking for me."

She slid out of bed, put on her slippers and walked towards the door, thinking as she walked.

What the hell is going on here?She said it was her son, but he obviously looks like him!

She raised her hand and hit herself on the head, "It's all because of your uselessness."

I don't remember anything, like a fool who believes what others say?
She walked out of the room and saw that the three children at the door were about the same size, but Xiao Xiao was smaller.

"looking for me?"

The little girl pouted angrily, "Brother said that girls can't sleep in the same bed as boys, sister, why do you sleep with my boyfriend, it's wrong."

Gu Encounter laughed. It seemed that Xiao Xiaoye was very strict with her younger sister, and even taught them all these things. One could imagine that Xiao Xiaoya would have to get his approval to make a boyfriend in the future.

"Well, my sister won't be there in the future, is there anything else?"

Seeing him coming out during the day, he had already moved to his side secretly, and stretched out a small hand to grab her pajamas. He had listened to what she said last night.

But he wanted to get close to her, so he could only grab the corner of her nightdress.

"Pretty wife, tell them, can I live here?"

He was wearing a small white suit during the day, and his hair was waxed, so he looked like he had been dressed up specially.

"Little night, little girl, it's very pitiful during the day. He helped me last night, but his mommy would beat him when he got home, so I left him to stay at home for a few days to thank him."

Xiao Xiaoye would never have agreed to his stay at first, but now that he heard that he had helped Gu Encounter, he didn't want to owe him a favor either.

"Well, remember to let him go after paying off the favor."
Ask for a ticket ---
(End of this chapter)

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