Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 263 It's almost a family

Chapter 263 We're Almost a Family

He Nanjie glanced at the pile of things over there, raised his thin lips slightly, and looked deeper at her.

In fact, Young Master He doesn't lack anything, but he lacks someone to give him a gift.

And this person must be that woman, otherwise he would not have become like this.

Some people are really not good at all, they just have to be her.

Seeing him like that, Gu Yuen squinted and smiled happily. Mu Yun held the silk scarf and a jade bracelet in her hand, and the corners of her mouth were also full of smiles.

"Met, even I bought it, I really have a heart."

This girl is really heart-warming, she can't do it if she doesn't like it.Being pretty is one thing, and then being kind.

That's how they met back then, and she knew that this was her daughter-in-law.

It's just that she doesn't know what happened between her and her son?She had never seen her before, but she gave birth to two children for Jie'er, which she has never figured out until now.

Gu Yuyu nodded slightly, "Mother He is being polite."

He Nanjie walked to her side by himself, opened the boxes one by one, and stared at the things inside with dark eyes.

She bought him everything from the inside to the outside, and also bought a fountain pen, which is a world famous pen.

He held it in his hand and looked at her deeply.

"Good eyesight."

Gu Yu met leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"I don't know if you can accept that box of cartoon underwear, but I like it anyway."

He Nanjie's gaze deepened, "I'll show you how to wear it tonight."

Gu Yuyu pushed him and blushed.

"You can't stay here at night, you forgot our agreement, I want to set a good example for Xiaoxiaoya."

He really forgot about this, this girl won't let him stay, so he has to go home at night.

He frowned and thought about it.

"Or, if you go to my house, the little girl won't be able to see it?"

After speaking, he blinked at her, with that kind of expectant and ambiguous look.

"not good."

She stuffed all those bags into his arms, "I got home safely, and you can go home too."

Gu Yuyu stood up, and all the bags in He Nanjie's hands fell to the ground, and he hurriedly reached out to help her.

"Can you do it?"

Those deep eyes looked at her slender ankles with worried and distressed eyes.

Gu Yuyu raised his eyebrows, "Xi Cheng's massage is very good, he said he can leave tonight, and he really is."

She took a few steps in front of him, and the three children who were playing at the side all cast their gazes, seeing that she could go, they were all relieved.

Mu Yun glanced at the time, the little girl was sticking to her body, she also liked her, and was reluctant to be separated from the children.

But it's so late, she should go back.

"Meet, your feet are inconvenient, let Jie'er stay with you and take good care of you, I will go back first."

The little girl was a little bit reluctant, and she pursed her mouth angrily.

"Grandma, come and play with us tomorrow!"

Mu Yun nodded, "I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Gu Yuyu pushed He Nanjie, "Mother He, Jie will go back with you too."

He Nanjie took a deep breath and pulled her into his arms.

"Is that why you don't want to see me?"

Gu Yumet was slightly startled by his actions.

"Hey, the children are watching, let go."

When Mu Yun saw the two of them like this, the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened, and it seemed that they would be able to live together soon.

She will never have to be separated from the children again, and she feels happy thinking about it.

At this moment, Mu Yun's cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and connected, "What's the matter?"

"Ma'am, a thief has broken into the house, and the young master's room and study have been turned into a mess."

(End of this chapter)

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