Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 268 Doubt him

Chapter 268 Doubt him

Gu Yumet is a little confused, Heshi?Yeshi?And him?

He Nanjie has already taken her to take a picture with her, and Zukang has already taken care of the previous information. Gu Yuyu just needs to cooperate to take a photo and press a fingerprint.

Gu Yuyu looked at the things in Zukang's hand, "Where did you get these?"

She didn't bring it out, but He Nanjie actually had her ID card and household registration book. Did they steal it?

Zu Kang nodded slightly, "Miss Gu, these are all given to me by the young master, I just follow his orders."

Gu met her fate, so she could only take a picture and press her fingerprints, and finally took the two notebooks and sat in the hall looking at them absent-mindedly.

He Nanjie personally gave everyone a red envelope, and it was a super big red envelope, and they all said something to He Nanjie.

"Congratulations, Young Master He!"

Zukang followed, it was the first time he saw the young master handing out red envelopes like this, so he knew he was in a good mood.

He finally did not disappoint the young master, and his job was kept.

After sending out the red envelopes, He Nanjie chatted with the director for a few more words before walking towards Gu Yuyu.

Looking at her holding those two red books, she doesn't show any joy at all.There are two completely different looks from him, but he will definitely let her know that there is nothing wrong with this marriage.

Zukang said solemnly to the two: "Congratulations, young master, congratulations to Miss Gu, I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years!"

After speaking, he exited the hall, and the staff inside all left one after another, not daring to disturb them.

He took the marriage certificate from Gu Yuyu's hand, "I will keep this."

Watching him take away the two red notebooks, Gu Yumet pouted angrily, and his eyes were full of mist.

"He Nanjie, will you treat me well?"

He Nanjie hugged her into his arms and patted her on the back lightly.

"I've died once, and I still can't treat you badly."


Gu Yuyu didn't understand, and He Nanjie smiled faintly.

"Honey, let's go home!"

Gu Yuyu pampered her in his arms for a while, wiped away her tears, and finally felt that the deal was done, and there was nothing to regret.

"What is Mrs. He's privilege?"

He Nanjie put the marriage certificate in his coat pocket, put his arms around her, and looked down at her pretty face with those deep eyes.

"I'll give you whatever you want? Including me."

He is mentioned in everything, so it can be seen that he is very afraid that she will not want him, right?

Gu Yuyu could actually feel it, he was quite warm, not as indifferent as he looked on the outside.

She thinks that if she gets married, she should marry. Didn't he say that all the children were born for him?Just treat those two children as her birth!
After leaving the Civil Affairs Bureau, his car was waiting on the side of the road, and Gu Yumet suddenly realized it.

"Did you deliberately let them go away just now, and you stopped the pedestrians and cars on this road?"

He, is this too dark-bellied?
Suddenly, Gu Yuyu felt that he was on a thief ship. He wouldn't have any flaws, would he?

Not in that respect?
Gu Yuyu's beautiful cross-eyed eyes turned down and looked somewhere.

And all his expressions were captured in He Nanjie's eyes, he squinted his eyes and smiled wickedly.

"What are you looking at? You just got the certificate and can't wait?"

Gu Yuyu blushed suddenly and glared at him.

"Who can't wait? It's just that you forced the marriage like this. Is there something wrong with your parts?"

She didn't realize it until she finished speaking, and ran to the car in fright.

Because at this time, Heranjie's face looked like he was going to eat people.

(End of this chapter)

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