Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 270 Her home field

Chapter 270 Her home field
Gu Yuyu listened to his words, his eyes turned cold a little bit.

In fact, she has too many burdens on her body, why did the Gu family change hands?And whether Gu Qingye's mother and daughter are the ones who killed their father, everything is waiting for her to investigate.

So when she married He Nanjie, she could not only get his love, but also his support, so that she could find out everything.

"Well, I see, thank you husband!"

This was the first time she had sincerely called him husband. He had been pestering her to call him husband last night, but she couldn't do it.

Now she yelled so smoothly that the man on the other side of the phone was stunned.

"Would you like to call me husband?"

The voice is deep and pleasant, with a strong nasal sound, very magnetic.

"Because we're married."

After she finished speaking, her face would turn red unconsciously. For the time being, it was difficult for her to adapt to the matter of marriage.

He Nanjie listened to her sweet little voice, and the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger.

"Well, it's time for the wedding. Then you come to decide on your favorite wedding plan."

Gu Encounter: "..."

wedding?The uncle seemed to be in a real hurry.

After getting the certificate, he shouldn't be in such a hurry, right?Unexpectedly, he still remembered the wedding.


"Don't, don't you girls all dream about your own wedding appearance? As long as you like it, it's fine."

The two chatted like this, and half an hour passed without knowing it, when Leng You rang the doorbell, it was only then that Gu Yumet remembered that he hadn't washed yet.

"Husband, hang up first, the coldness may come, I'm not ready yet."

"No hurry, just take your time and let him wait at the door."

After a quick wash, Gu met changed into a beige professional suit, tied her hair into a ponytail, and put on high heels.

When she opened the door, she saw the breakfast in Leng You's hand, and she took it.

"Thank you, Special Assistant Leng."

"Young Madam, you are too polite."

Leng You thought she would eat breakfast before leaving, but she didn't expect her to be so casual, so she took it and ate while walking.

A group of people followed her and got into the car. She was still eating breakfast very elegantly.

Leng You sneaked a few glances from the rearview mirror, Miss Gu was considered stunning, no wonder the young master went to get married in the middle of the night.When Zukang told him, he still couldn't believe it.

This morning, he received the order from the young master to follow the young lady and obey her orders. He finally knew that Zukang was not teasing him.

When they arrived at Bai's, no one dared to stop them, because Leng You took the lawyer with him, holding the equity certificate in his hand, and went all the way to the meeting room smoothly.

Today is Bai's monthly shareholders' meeting, and the door of the meeting room was pushed open by the bodyguards of the same company.

Gu Yuyu walked in front with light steps, and her beautiful face attracted everyone's attention.

Bai Mu saw her stand up abruptly and walked towards her.

"Meet you, why are you here?"

Bai's headquarters moved to Liangcheng, and it was the first time Gu Yumet came here.

I could see the surprise on his face, thinking that Gu Yumet came to look for him.

Gu Qingye stood up abruptly, "Gu Yumet, this is the Bai's shareholder meeting, and you, an outsider, are not suitable to show up."

Seeing her husband's attentive appearance, she hated it to the extreme.

Gu Yu met gracefully walked to the head of the conference table, and then sat down.

Gu Qingye patted the table, "Gu Yumet, didn't you hear me, I invite you out in the name of the major shareholder."

This woman actually came here to mess around, this is the Bai family, and she can't be allowed to act wild.

(End of this chapter)

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