Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 281 If He Wasn't My Son Who Would It Be?

Chapter 281 If He Wasn't My Son Who Would It Be?
Gu Yumet looked at the card in his hand, and was about to say that she couldn't take it, but took a step back during the day.

"Don't refuse me, okay? Otherwise, I won't go back."

If the beautiful wife doesn't spend his money, then he will stay by her side.

Gu Yumet frowned. This kid looked bad, but he was actually quite heart-warming.

"what are you guys saying?"

Gu Qingye walked over, glanced at the two of them, and then looked at Tiantian.

"Tiantian, what the hell are you doing?"

In a bad tone, with reproach.

Tian Tian blinked at Gu Yuyu, Gu Yuyu could only hold the card tightly, if Gu Qingye saw it, he would be beaten again during the day.

"I didn't do anything? Just say thank you to her!"

He ran to Bai Mu and sat on his lap.

"Daddy, Tiantian is home, so will you give me the money you promised to give to Tiantian?"

Bai Mu coaxed him, as long as he went home, he would be given 1000 yuan a day, as well as buy him snacks and toys.

He thinks this is pretty good too. He saves one thousand a day, and after a while, he will have a lot of money, which he can spend on his beautiful wife.

Gu Qingye hurried over when he heard what they said.

"Then what kind of money do you need?"

She stared at Tiantian, who made a face at her.

"I want to save money for my future wife, can't I?"

Gu Qingye: "..."

Feeling full of black lines, so small, what are you thinking about?
"During the day, let me tell you, don't always think about your wife or something? You are only so old, so don't think about it, you know?"

She always brings orders when she speaks to Tiantian, and feels very helpless.

And during the day, it seemed like he didn't hear it, and hid beside Bai Mu.

Bai Mu couldn't stand listening anymore, "Gu Qingye, he is your son, and he is still a child. It's no wonder he wants to go home when you talk to him like this."

After hearing these words, Gu Qingye put away his anger when he saw Bai Mu's angry appearance.

She thought about how her mother told her that daytime is the key to her gaining a firm foothold in the Bai family, so no matter how she doesn't like him, she must treat him well.

If there is no daytime, she will lose Bai Mu and the support of Bai's family.

Thinking of this, she squeezed out a smile.

"Tiantian, Mommy will give you money in the future, every day, okay?"

During the day, he glanced at her lightly, "Then will you still hit me?"

His voice was slightly cold, as if he didn't quite believe her words.

Gu Qingye walked to her side, half knelt on the ground, took his little hand, and glanced at Bai Mu.

"Son, I'm your mommy. I was born in ten months of pregnancy and almost died. I beat you because you are angry with Mommy. Mommy won't beat you anymore, okay?"

She wanted to kiss him, but turned her head away during the day.

He has heard these words countless times, but why is the beautiful wife so nice to Xiao Xiaoye and Xiao Xiaoya?
And every time his mommy looked at him with disgust, he could tell that she didn't really like him.

However, thinking of the days to come, he couldn't fight against her.

"Just don't hit me, and don't make me hungry."

Since he was sensible, if he was disobedient, she would not let him eat and starve him apart from beating him.

Gu Yu met these words and said coldly.

"Gu Qingye, I'm seriously doubting whether he is your son? Which mother would starve her own child."

Gu Qingye suddenly stood up, "Gu Yumet, what are you talking about? If he isn't my son, who would it be?"

"Oh, I have to ask Bai Mu about that."

(End of this chapter)

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