Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 284 Gu Encounter is a Bet

Chapter 284 Gu Encounter is a Bet
The security guard said to the secretary: "Secretary Jiang, I'll leave it to you."

Secretary Jiang nodded slightly, "Let's go, I'll take you to the president."

Xiao Xiaoya stretched out her hand to hold her hand, Secretary Jiang felt that the child's hand was so soft.

Xiao Xiaoye walked behind with a trolley case and entered the president's office.

"President, these two kids are looking for you."

He Nanjie was sitting at his desk and was busy answering a phone call. When he saw Xiao Xiaoya and Xiao Xiaoye, he said softly.

"I'll call you later."

Then hung up the phone, and he looked over with cold eyes.Frowning slightly, he asked a question.

"Why are you two here?"

Xiao Xiaoya withdrew her hand and ran towards him.

"Boyfriend, my brother and I are here to work! We are all on vacation."

When the secretary heard the word part-time job, a look of surprise crossed his face. He knew how to work part-time at such a young age, but it was too cute!
He Nanjie said to the secretary: "Secretary Jiang brought them two glasses of juice and some snacks."

"Okay, President."

The little girl had already climbed onto He Nanjie's lap, leaning her little head in his arms, looking very enjoying it.

It was the first time that Secretary Jiang saw a woman who dared to climb up the CEO's thigh like this. She was a little excited, and quickly turned around and left the office to prepare food and drink for the two young masters and young ladies.

Xiaoye walked around the office, his office was big and bright.The decoration is tall and elegant, which is in line with his temperament.

"He Nanjie, you said you would give me a job, and I'm here to work today."

The little girl was still arguing with He Nanjie. He Nanjie was smiling, but after hearing his words, he turned his head and looked deeply at his son.

"If you need money, I can give it to you."

He has never fulfilled his father's responsibilities, so he will give whatever he wants.

Xiao Xiaoye sneered, and narrowed his shiny black eyes, that kind of disdain was vividly expressed on his face.

"I won't ask for anyone's money in vain, give me a job, and I will definitely satisfy you."

He Nanjie raised his lips and smiled. He didn't expect his son to be so ambitious, and his character was a bit like that girl.

"What kind of job do you think is right for you?"

Xiao Xiaoye thought for a while, "I like stocks and investing more, you can arrange for me to go to the investment department."

After getting his business card, he studied the Hexcel Group and probably knew the direction of his company, but he was more interested in those curves, and only those lines could be understood by him.

I still don't know all the characters, most of them know him, but he doesn't.

But he can still understand the lines, so he boldly said that he likes stocks and investing.

If He Nanjie knew that his son didn't understand anything, he would go to his investment department, would he faint from anger.

Little night, do you want to ruin your father's property?
He Nanjie frowned, "You still understand this?"

Xiao Xiaoya whispered in his ear: "My brother is amazing, you must give him a job."

He Nanjie listened to the wind in his ears, then glanced at the stubborn little man standing in front of the desk, and squinted his eyes and smiled.

"I can let you go to the investment department, but if you make money, I'll give you 10% commission, and if you make me lose money, let your mommy marry me? Do you dare to bet?"
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(End of this chapter)

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