Mommy, Daddy is reborn!

Chapter 288 She is more than 1 million

Chapter 288 She is more than [-] million

Zukang almost lost his footing, the young master is crazy, the young master is still a child over four years old, what does he know?

If it's all paid out, it's too much to play, right?
"Master, is it a little too much?"

In his heart, it is too much to give the young master one hundred thousand. After all, he is so young, so if he loses, he will lose it.

He Nanjie raised his lips and smiled, "She is more than [-] million."


Zukang was even more puzzled, who was more than [-] million.

He Nanjie said calmly: "Go, let him have fun."

Zukang was a little confused, but he had no choice, he was the boss, he had the final say, so he could only leave the office and play investment with the young master.

Ji Lingfeng woke up when Zukang was talking. He raised his hand and rubbed his eyes. He rubbed the pink eyeshadow that Xiaoxiaoya had painted on her into two circles. It's about makeup.

He got up, put one hand into his trouser pocket, and walked towards him slowly.

"Jie, do you still need a son? I also want to practice my hand."

He Nanjie gave him a cold look, "Call me Grandpa."

But it was just this one glance, his face, and his soaring Xiaobian.


In the end, he didn't hold back and laughed out loud.

But in an instant, he returned to his stinky face again.

"She fell asleep?"

So he got up and walked towards the sofa area, and saw the little girl who was already sleeping soundly on the table. He thought this little girl was quite interesting, and he didn't know how many times he laughed today.

For He Nanjie, apart from Gu Encounter who can make him happy, now it's this girl who can make him happy.

He picked up Xiaoxiaoya and walked to his lounge, preparing to make her sleep more comfortably.

And what did Ji Lingfeng remember?He raised his hand and wiped his face. There are all kinds of colors. Has he really become a palette?
So he followed the tall man who was holding his daughter into the lounge, he went into the bathroom, and then screamed loudly.

As soon as He Nanjie put the little girl on the bed, he was awakened by his cry, and the little girl hugged He Nanjie's neck.

"Ah, is there a monster?"

He Nanjie frowned, and glanced sideways at the bathroom, what the hell is that kid's name?Woke up his precious daughter.

He patted her on the back lightly, "It's okay, it's because Uncle Ji thinks he's too beautiful, and he fainted by himself, go to sleep!"

Xiao Xiaoya has been very sleepy for a long time, she has the habit of taking a lunch break every day, so she will be sleepy when she arrives. After hearing what He Nanjie said, feeling her warm embrace, her eyes slowly closed, and then fell asleep .

He Nanjie carefully put her on the pillow, and then covered her with a soft quilt.

He stood by the bed and looked at the little girl, feeling that his genes were strong enough, both his daughter and his son looked like him, and he wanted to have another child in the future, hoping to be like the one he met. Genes are buried.

Ji Lingfeng came out and called him.

"Jie, what kind of cosmetics does your daughter use? It can't be washed off with water."

Xiaoxiaoya's makeup box is waterproof, so he wants to wash it off with water, it's just a dream.

He Nanjie's cool eyes fell on his face, and then he shook his head.

Uh, why did he become such a ghost? It's even scarier than before, like a psychopath.

"You think I understand this kind of thing?"

Ji Lingfeng looked at his stinky face, didn't he thank him?Coaxed his daughter so happy.

"Then I'll find your wife."

After that, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Gu Yuyu's number, because he had to attend a meeting with Hearst later, he didn't dare to go with such a ghostly look.
To tell you the truth, I want your recommendation tickets and comments, and I can't stop blinking. ---
(End of this chapter)

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