Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 109 The Master's Trip

Chapter 109 The Master's Trip (1)
"Alright go ahead, come to me directly if you need anything." Yan Zhenglin said, thinking about it, Yan Xi is also his daughter after all, and he still doesn't want to treat Yan Xi badly in terms of material things.

"En." Yan Xi left the study after finishing speaking.

Seeing the two leave, Song Yi had a big smile on her face. Regarding the departure of Yan Xi and Cheng Lin, Song Yi was happy to see it happen.

Walking to the door, Cheng Lin and Yan Xi smiled at each other, and understood the meaning of each other's eyes. Yan Xi thought, the next step is whether to suspend school, and then the opening of the entertainment city. It should be almost renovated now, Genesis I have to spare a week to go to the place that Master said about the progress of my IT development. Thinking about it, I feel that my time is also very tight.

Thinking of the busy work in the later period, looking at the night sky, Yan Xi took a deep breath, and decided to go through the formalities of suspending school tomorrow, and at the same time said goodbye to Yun Qianqian. We spent six years together in the previous life, and one year in this life. Yan Xi's innocence is also the most precious, without you fighting over each other, without calculating each other, thinking of Yan Xi, he smiled unconsciously, and his smile lit up the dark night sky.

Early the next morning, Yan Xi and Cheng Lin came to the school together. After arriving at the school, Yan Xi went directly to the classroom, and Cheng Lin went directly to the Student Management Office to handle the materials for Yan Xi to apply for suspension.

When Yan Xi came to the classroom, Yun Qianqian was already in her seat. Seeing Yan Xi approaching, Yun Qianqian jumped on her.

"Xiao Xi, why is it later than usual today?" Yun Qianqian said while pulling Yan Xi's arm. Yan Xi is now nearly 1.6 meters tall, almost half a head taller than Yun Qianqian. Seeing Yun Qianqian, Yan Xi couldn't help it Thinking of Sun Qingya, the two of them really look alike. Although they spent a short time with Sun Qingya, they feel very familiar.

"No, as usual, you came earlier than usual today." Yan Xi replied with a smile.

"Well, it seems so." Yun Qianqian stuck out her tongue and said.

"Qianqian, I'm here today to say goodbye to you. I plan to take a leave of absence from school today, so I can concentrate on preparing for the Ivy League." Yan Xi said with a trace of reluctance.

"No way, Xiaoxi, aren't you going to finish this semester? There's just over a month left." Yun Qianqian said reluctantly, originally thinking that she could get along with Yan Xi for more than a month.

"No, there are still a lot of things to deal with before going abroad. Now I came to the classroom to say goodbye to you, and I will go through the formalities later." Yan Xi said, the formalities need to be approved by the principal, Cheng Bo can only get the form first some type of.

"Xiao Xi, I really miss you." Yun Qianqian said with a tone of crying.

"Me too, we can often call each other in the future, we are good friends for life." Yan Xi hugged Yun Qianqian and said, in fact, she was reluctant, but time did not allow her to stay in school.

"Xiao Xi and we are good friends for life, I hope you have a happy life." Yun Qianqian tried to keep a smile on her face and said, in her opinion, as long as Yan Xi is happy.

"Thank you, Qianqian, for calling me before you go abroad." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, I'll see you off at the airport when we leave." Yun Qianqian said.

Just after finishing speaking, the class bell rang, Yan Xi turned and walked out of the classroom, Yun Qianqian held back the tears from her eyes, waved goodbye to Yan Xi, Yan Xi silently thought, we are friends for life, Also begging for hope that this friendship won't sour over time.

When he walked to the Student Management Office, Cheng Lin had already prepared all the documents. After Yan Xi filled it out carefully, he and Cheng Lin came to the principal's office. All the documents need to be approved by the principal before they can take effect.

"Principal, good morning." Yan Xi greeted after knocking on the door.

"Principal Murong, hello." Cheng Lin also greeted afterward.

"Mr. Cheng, classmate Yan Xi, hello, are you here today?" Murong Zhi asked, Cheng Lin handles all of Yan Xi's school affairs, compared to Yan Zhenglin, perhaps in the eyes of the school teachers, he would think that Cheng Lin is the parent.

"Principal, Miss Xi has to prepare to go to the Ivy League. I came here today mainly to suspend Miss Xi." There was Cheng Lin, and Yan Xi handed over all the matters to Cheng Lin, while he stood quietly by the side.

"Student Yan Xi, do you want to suspend school?" Murong Zhi asked Yan Xi after hearing Cheng Lin's words.

"Yes, I want to deal with studying abroad after I leave school." Yan Xi replied to Murong Zhi.

"Okay, here is someone I know who has held a training class. If you need it, you can go and see it. After all, if you want to go to a foreign country, it is necessary to prepare first." Murong Zhi said, although he knew that the Yan family would definitely After arranging everything, Murong Zhi still introduced a training class to Yan Xi.

"Thank you, principal." Yan Xi said with a smile.

Murong Zhi signed and Yan Xi successfully completed the suspension procedures, and Cheng Lin and the two left the school where they had stayed for seven years in the past and present. In his memory, there seemed to be no painful memories here. Yan Xi couldn't help looking more I glanced twice.

"Xiaoxi, what are your plans now?" Cheng Lin asked while driving.

"Cheng Bo, how long will it take to go through the formalities for going abroad?" I remember that it seemed to be 30 days in the previous life, but Yan Xi didn't understand the current situation.

"45 working days, start preparations now, and the embassy should be able to approve it in early July." Cheng Lin replied.

"Cheng Bo, how far in advance is it appropriate for us to go to country M." Yan Xi didn't know much about the current situation.

"It's best to be in early August, not later than late August. There are a lot of things that need to be prepared in the past." Cheng Lin thought for a while and replied, preparing the house and handling matters related to school convenience.

"Then early August, let's go there earlier." Yan Xi thought for a while and said, calculating the time in his mind.

"Okay." Cheng Lin replied.

"Cheng Bo, Master and I will be leaving Shangjing for a week, please say hello to Dad." Yan Xi said. Recently, Yan Xi seldom visits Yan's house, and rarely sees Yan Zhenglin when he returns to Yan Xi. , thinking it might be the recent affairs of the Yan Group, Yan Xi didn't think much about it.

"About when." Cheng Lin asked.

"In the past two days, according to Master's arrangement, you don't have to come to Zheng's house to pick me up these few days, just take care of other affairs. Genesis has recently helped me pay more attention. Except for oil stocks, let Lan Lan not trade in the stock market. Invest in other areas." Yan Xi replied, and Cheng Lin nodded after Yan Xi finished speaking.

Cheng Lin directly sent Yan Xi to Zheng's house, and then Cheng Lin left. Yan Xi had just walked into Zheng's house. Zheng Ran didn't know that he was confessing his life to Wang Lei in the living room. There were two bulging backpacks in the living room.

(End of this chapter)

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