Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 12 Adventure

Chapter 12 Adventure (2)
"Mum Zhang, I'm going to the bookstore, and I won't come back for lunch." Yan Xi said to Zhang Ma, fearing that she would stay outside for too long, so that she wouldn't have to prepare lunch for herself at noon.

"Okay, Miss Xi, be careful on the road and remember to eat at noon." Zhang Ma said concerned about Yan Xi.

After listening to Zhang Ma's words, Yan Xi strode out of the gate. Cheng Bo had already opened the car door. The weather was a bit hot. Yan Xi got into the car and found that Cheng Bo had turned on the air conditioner. Cheng Bo closed the car door and got in the driver's seat. seat, started the car and slowly drove away from the mansion.

"Miss, which bookstore are you going to?" There are several small bookstores nearby, so Cheng Bo asked.

"Cheng Bo, if you have time all morning, you can take me to the bigger bookstore on Feier Road." Yan Xi wanted to buy more books, so he said to Cheng Bo.

"Okay." Cheng Bo returned, Cheng Bo looked at Yan Xi from the rearview mirror, and found that Yan Xi's eyes had been staring out of the window, Cheng Bo took a few glances, and found that the eldest lady was silent a lot after returning from the hospital, He didn't like talking very much anymore, so Cheng Bo wanted to find something to talk about, but since Cheng Bo was selected by his family to be Yan Zhenglin's housekeeper, he had never been married, had never raised a child, and didn't know what to say, so he sighed and chose to remain silent .

Compared with the previous life, there are very few small cars on the road, and the car soon arrived at Feier Road. Yan Xi wanted to choose more books by himself, but he didn’t want Cheng Bo to follow him all the time, so the car soon arrived at the gate of the Book City , so the silent atmosphere in the car was finally broken.

"Cheng Bo, I may have a long time, you go back first, and I will take a taxi back later." So Yan Xi said to Cheng Bo.

"Miss, how can it be, it's not safe for you to be alone." Cheng Bo said.

Yan Xi felt the same, since he was still young, it would definitely be impossible to let Cheng Bo go back by himself, so he asked, "Cheng Bo, what time will you go to Dad's in the afternoon?"

"It's fine at three o'clock in the afternoon. I'll stop the car and come back to accompany Missy to buy books." Cheng Bo replied, Yan Xi listened to Cheng Bo's words, Cheng Bo was the housekeeper sent by the family to Yan Zhenglin, and kept calling himself Missy, Yan Xi felt quite awkward.Yan Xi has been thinking about what to do. It is almost impossible to go without taking Cheng Bo. He is still a little young now, so he probably feels worried and doesn't know what to do, so he thinks that there is a coffee shop on the top floor of the bookstore.

So he said to Cheng Bo: "Cheng Bo, after you park the car, go to the coffee shop on the top floor and wait for me. I can go in the bookstore by myself. I bought books for about an hour and a half. After that, I will go to the top floor to find you." Just fine."

"Okay, miss, I'll go to the car first, and be careful yourself." Cheng Bo looked at Yan Xi's refusal, and finally chose to wait for Yan Xi on the top floor, so Yan Xi got out of the car and walked towards the bookstore. The time now is about the same It's ten o'clock, just wait around 11:[-] and go to the top floor.

Yan Xi came to the bookstore. The bookstore on Phil Road is the largest bookstore in Shangjing. In 98, it might be the most complete bookstore in China. Many books are not sold in other places in China, but they can be found here, too. It was one of the places that Yan Xi had frequented in his previous life.

Yan Xi walked into the bookstore. The types of books in the bookstore were clearly marked as in the previous life, and the types of books were also very complete. It is not an exaggeration to describe this bookstore as the ocean. First, I went to the language category. Yan Xi took A few books in French. In my previous life, my French could only greet me normally. Now I need to strengthen it, and I took a few books in German. When Yan Xi was about to leave, he looked at the owner of his book basket. I feel a little strange about the books I have. Some of them moved towards English, and I took a few English books. Although my English was already at the eighth level in my previous life, it would be too strange if I only took French and German books now.

Yan Xi pushed the book basket to the fifth floor. The fifth floor is dedicated to selling financial books. Yan Xi picked out a few original books about financial convenience. Yan Xi looked at the time and found that the moment just now had passed It's been an hour, and the one who just selected financial books must have spent a little too much, Yan Xi thought, let's settle the bill on the sixth floor, remembering that there seemed to be a cash register on the sixth floor in the previous life.

So Yan Xi took the elevator to the sixth floor, and found that there was no cash register at all. Could it be that it hasn't been built yet, so Yan Xi decided to go to the first floor to settle the settlement, so she turned around and walked, when Yan Xi suddenly passed by, she found I hit someone, and the books fell to the ground.

"I'm sorry, Uncle." Yan Xi said to the middle-aged man, squatting down and picking up the books that fell on the ground.

"It's okay, I'll help you." The middle-aged man said, and he squatted down to help Yan Xi pick up the books that fell on the ground. When the middle-aged man picked up the books on the ground and put them in the book basket, his face showed a look of astonishment. The expression, the girl in front of me who seems to be about 12 years old, dropped books in several languages ​​on the ground, what is even more astonishing is that there are original books on basic finance, it is too strange for a little girl to buy .

So, I couldn't help asking curiously: "My little friend, how do you buy books in several languages? There are also original books on finance here."

At this time, all the books had been put back in the book blue. Yan Xi looked up at the middle-aged man who had just helped you pick up the books on the floor, and found that this man had the temperament of a mature businessman, which was different from Yan Zhenglin and himself in the mall in his previous life. Anyone I met in the movie, but Yan Xi felt that his feelings were not wrong at all. After all, he had worked hard in the mall for several years in his previous life.

"Uncle, I bought only the English books in it, and the rest are what my uncle wants. He just went to the top floor for an urgent matter, and I'm going up to find him now." Yan Xi replied.

"Oh, you are looking for the cash register. There is one on the top floor. You can go up there and pay the bill. My surname is Sun. You can call me Sun Zhenyao. You can call me Uncle Sun. Do you want me to see you off?" Go up." Sun Zhenyao said.

"No need, I can go up by myself, thank you Uncle Sun." After speaking, Yan Xi planned to pick up Shulan and walk towards the elevator. Just as he stretched out his hand, he found that Sun Zhenyao's hand picked up Shulan one step faster.

"Let's go, at least let me take you to the elevator entrance. The book is quite heavy." Yan Xi did not refuse, and when he reached the elevator entrance, when the elevator arrived, it might be morning and it was working time. There was no one in the elevator. Put the book in the elevator and walk out of the elevator by yourself.

"Thank you, Uncle Sun. My name is Yan Xi. I'm sorry to bother you. Thank you." Although this man looked gentle and elegant, Yan Xi didn't want to have too much contact with him. She was a little afraid that he would send her up. After entering the elevator, he walked out, showing a shy smile as he thanked him, and he told Sun Zhenyao his name.

(End of this chapter)

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