Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 120 Betrayal

Chapter 120 Betrayal (3)
Yan Xi didn't know what kind of shock her calm words would bring to Zhou Jing. The tea that Zhou Jing was going to drink fell directly on the ground, and Zhou Jing only came back to her senses when she heard the noise.

"Why did you tell me?" Zhou Jing asked inexplicably. If she wanted to hide it from the world, there must be a reason to hide it. Now tell herself what she wants to get.

"It's very simple, I want you to be of use to me." Yan Xi said with a smile. Negotiating too much experience in her previous life has already penetrated into her bones. No matter how powerful Zhou Jing is, how can she be Yan Xi's opponent? Take the initiative.

"What if I refuse." Zhou Jing asked. Suddenly someone came over and asked you to use him. People would generally refuse because it was too strange.

"Don't you want to hear my conditions?" Yan Xi said with a smile. Judging from Zhou Jing's recent performance, she is an ambitious person. But no matter how hidden some actions are, they will still be revealed unconsciously.

"I'm very curious." Zhou Jing said, and Zhou Jing calmed down compared to just now.

Yan Xi was very satisfied with Zhou Jing's performance. She knew how to control herself and put herself in a favorable situation under any conditions.

"Clothing, a clothing company is completely run by you." Yan Xi knows that talking to smart people is often the easiest and most time-saving.

"It's such a good thing." Zhou Jing asked back.

"Of course." Yan Xi replied affirmatively.

"Okay." Zhou Jing has been in Genesis for a long time, and naturally understands the development of Genesis. Since the girl in front of him said that Lan Lan did not refute it, it must be true.

"Get to know me, Yan Xi, you must have heard of my name." Few people in the business world in Shangjing have never heard of the name Yan Xi. Champion, to the students, Yan Xi has become the name card of Shangjing.

"You are not afraid that I will betray you." Zhou Jing said, but her heart was very restless, or she couldn't calm down when she heard Yan Xi's name.

"You won't." Yan Xi said without the slightest worry.

"Why." Zhou Jing asked puzzled, since she thought that Yan Xi was already Yan's eldest lady, why did she bother to run the company, and hide that Yan and Yan were on opposite sides.

"Freedom, do you believe it?" Yan Xi didn't want to tell anyone about the matter of revenge. After revenge, Yan Xi wanted to have her own time, and a wealthy woman could not escape the possibility of marriage.

"I believe." Zhou Jing said with a trace of memory, freedom, that is her expectation, but the price is too high.

"What about you, won't you tell me about your affairs?" Yan Xi asked, she wanted to know about Zhou Jing's affairs so that she could better arrange future affairs, but if Zhou Jing was unwilling, she would not force her .

"Would you like to listen?" She had been suppressing herself for so long that she had almost forgotten her life experience.

"Only you want to say it." Yan Xi said, and Lan Lan beside her also nodded.

"My mother's name is Zhou Yunyin. She was one of the first batch of foreign students in China to go to country F. After returning home, she met my father. They met and fell in love with each other. But after my mother became pregnant, I didn't know that the man had already married. It was impossible to marry him. My mother, but he kept my mother behind with sweet words, but he couldn't contain the anger, and his wife finally found out. After some quarrels, his wife also acquiesced in the existence of my mother, and finally she was willing to be with me. My mother worked with a husband, and that moment was the beginning of the nightmare. When the so-called father was away, she took the opportunity to bully my mother. My mother used to be such a proud person, but eventually she became depressed. When I was seven years old The time ended in depression, and that woman finally drove me out of the house." Zhou Jing said with a hint of sarcasm.

It's another story of a wealthy family. Although the society is monogamous now, it still can't hide the existence of many women.

"What happened later." Yan Xi asked without a trace of sympathy. She knew that Zhou Jing was a proud person, and the last thing she needed was sympathy from others.

"Later, I wandered for a long time before I was sent to an orphanage. After that, I was adopted by my adoptive parents. Although the conditions of my adoptive parents were not good, I was very happy." Zhou Jing said.

"Hasn't he ever looked for you?" Lan Lan asked. Although Lan Lan had experienced emotional trauma, Yan Xi knew that he had a warm home. Although his parents were no longer there, they still existed in Lan Lan's memory.

"Girls are the least valued, and besides, I have never been registered with him." Zhou Jing said, having regained her composure.

Yan Xi had to sigh, Zhou Jing was really able to control her emotions, what kind of experiences did she have to have for a girl to do this, Yan Xi couldn't help but feel a little admiration.

"In this way, are you still willing to trust me?" Zhou Jing asked Yan Xi. She used to get used to it when others heard about her past and started not to associate with her.

"Why not, as long as you are willing, but your mother's study in country F is not to study fashion design." Yan Xi asked. Country F is known as the capital of fashion, and students who study abroad usually study fashion design or music. aspect.

"Yes." Zhou Jing replied.

"Do what your mother failed to do, can you?" Yan Xi asked, thinking that Zhou Yunyin's experience left a deep shadow on Zhou Jing's childhood.

"It's also time to let go." Zhou Jing replied, after all, it was already in the past.

"Have you thought about avenging your mother?" Yan Xi still couldn't help asking, a man who failed the woman who loved him, such an injury must have left a deep shadow in Zhou Jing's heart.

"My mother told me not to hate him before she left. That was her own choice." Zhou Jing said, she had thought about revenge, but thinking about her mother's dying words, she gave up, not because she didn't want to but because she couldn't. final will.

"As you wish." Yan Xi said with a smile.

"Thank you." Zhou Jing felt very relaxed about Yan Xi's trust. She didn't know how many years she had said today's words. Looking at Yan Xi, Zhou Jing had a voice in her heart telling her that Yan Xi was worthy of her trust.

"You must have a certain understanding of clothing, and I will prepare for funds." Yan Xi said.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll lie to you?" Zhou Jing couldn't help asking.

"Would you know it?" Yan Xi asked with a smile. Yan Xi had a certain understanding of Zhou Jing, so he naturally understood.

"No." Zhou Jing didn't expect Yan Xi to ask her in turn.

"I will prepare for the funds. I don't know about clothing. I will leave the rest to you." Yan Xi said to Zhou Jing.

"No problem." Zhou Jing said confidently. She once thought about studying fashion design when she was in college, but at that time there was the shadow of her mother. The opportunity is naturally better.

(End of this chapter)

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