Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 175: Three Years Later

Chapter 175 Three Years Later (4)
The next day, Sun Qingya went to bid farewell to her classmates who had been together for three years in the morning. Only Cheng Lin and Yan Xi were left at home. In the past three years, Yan Xi had known many people, but she had very few friends at school, and some of them were just indifferent. Friendship, because of Crawford's special care for Yan Xi, Yan Xi aroused the jealousy of many classmates at school. At the beginning, he made various small tricks, but after Yan Xi fought back fiercely, everyone knew that Yan Xi was not good. So annoying that there is no other action.

"Cheng Bo, it will be embarrassing for us to go back this time, do you mind?" Yan Xi said thinking of the current situation.

"No, everything has already passed, and I have nothing to do with the past." Cheng Lin said, he no longer cares about other things except Yan Xi, and now he has already regarded Yan Xi as himself relatives and masters.

"Well, it's good to be relieved, but they can do whatever they want, and we won't treat ourselves badly." Yan Xi said with a smile, the time here is very relaxed, and Yan Xi has more sincere smiles on his face.

"Xiao Xi, I hope you won't be soft-hearted sometimes." Cheng Lin said, in his opinion, Yan Xi was too kind and made him very worried. If Cheng Lin knew about Yan Xi's arrangement, maybe he wouldn't be so worried.

"No, I hope Uncle Cheng won't say I'm cruel." Yan Xi said.

The soft heart has been discarded as early as rebirth. Although Yan Xi is very kind to everyone, the person who can walk into the deepest part of his heart has not appeared until now. She just hides all her secrets in the deepest part of her soul. , so that no one would notice, Yan Xi has learned in three years that the greatest pain is not a one-time pleasure, but also seeing the things in his hands passing away, but he can't grasp them no matter what.

Going back this time is just the beginning. I just set a fire when I go back this time, and then let him burn to his heart's content. As for how long it will last, it depends on her mood. It's all over.

The situation in China has also changed a lot in the past three years. Two years ago, according to Yan Xi's request, Lan Lan set up the headquarters of Genesis in the best location in Xiangdu, and directly bought the land in Victoria Harbor for [-] million US dollars. The most magnificent office building built in just three months, Lan Lan has directly become a legend in China.

Lan Lan is an M nationality, so there will not be too many restrictions in the mainland and Hong Kong. Genesis has become internationalized, and there will be better room for growth in Xiangdu. Genesis hired a professional management team directly from Wall Street. Lan enjoys absolute rights, and will not be more or less than shareholders.

During the three years, Lan Lan came to country M to see Yan Xi twice. Yan Xi found that Lan Lan had matured a lot and made more rational decisions. Yan Xi was completely relieved when Genesis was handed over to Lan Lan, but Qiao Yuhan It seems that they have been chasing Lan Lan. Since both of them have their own careers, Lan Lan is more belated. Up to now, Qiao Yuhan is the only one who is working hard. Lan Lan has not noticed it until now, perhaps because of emotional injuries. As a result, Lan Lan consciously ignored these things.

Over the past three years, Qiao Yuhan has also followed Yan Xi's suggestion. Huangchao You Shangjing officially opened to the capital, and several first-tier cities have been built, and some of them are under construction. Huangchao's business is becoming more and more extensive. Huangchao now includes Apart from all the business, there is a five-star hotel near every Huangchao club, but the hotel is only provided for members to live in.

In the past three years, Zhou Jing has Genesis's own support to establish Sissy Fashion. Zhou Jing originally planned to use Yan Xi's Xi as the brand name, but after discussing with Lan Lan, she used the word Qianqian as a homonym, but the logo of Sissy Fashion is not The symbol of water ripple is used as the symbol. Except for the few parties involved, no one outside can know about this problem. Whenever the media asks about the symbolic meaning of Sissy's fashion, Zhou Jing will just laugh and say nothing.

In the past three years, according to the four seasons of the year, all of Yan Xi's clothes have been custom-made by Zhou Jing, but without the label of Qianqian's fashion, each piece of clothing is tailor-made for Yan Xi, and it is also unique. I told Zhou Jing that I don't need to be so troublesome, but Zhou Jing said, "I just make clothes at home, why should I wear other people's clothes?"

Zhou Jing is another career-oriented strong woman after Lan Lan, and someone once tried to connect the relationship between the two, but only found out that Zhou Jing had been Lan Lan's assistant, but there was no connection in other things. Although Jing is not as good as Genesis, nor is it as good as several other leading companies in Shanghai. If it is ranked second, it is still at the bottom, but it still has a certain influence in the fashion industry.

In the past three years, Wang Jin has opened many branches of Tianyu in Shanghai and Beijing. Wang Jin once asked Yan Xi if he wanted to expand to other provinces and cities. Yan Xi said that it was up to her wish. Later, Wang Jin decided not to expand any more. However, it has turned Tianyu into a major specialty restaurant in Shangjing and the capital city, especially the variety of dishes that are launched in it, satisfying people's oral intake, and also launched medicinal cuisine. In Wang Jin's words, the reservations are scheduled until next year .

However, Wang Jin did not open a new Tianyu, and would leave an independent box out, only for Yan Xi and his partners. As Yan Xi said, if you know how to start a business, you must know how to enjoy it yourself.

Wang Kui's security company is also on the right track, but it mainly directs the business of Genesis and Huangchao. After all, the two companies are developing rapidly. Ever since Yan Xi's information in Huangchao was leaked, Wang Kui chose another Don't die, the requirements for personnel are even stricter. Wang Kui doesn't have too much ambition. He pursues stable development. Yan Xi also agrees. After all, personnel are the most difficult to train, so it is a very wise choice for Wang Kui to do so.

Yan Xi sat in the study and sorted out everything in the past three years. Unknowingly, he already had so many industries in China. In the past three years in country M, Yan Xi established an investment company, so he did not develop other businesses, but Focusing on finance, the company is well-known on Wall Street, but there is an extra myth on Wall Street, a mysterious trader, but no one knows who she is.

In three years, Yan Xi has fully enriched his knowledge and life, and experienced a time that he never had in his previous life. Yan Xi attributed all this to a name called cherishing.

For three years, Yan Xi only asked Lin Yiyang to pay attention to Ning Xuan's situation. Yan Xi decided to find out before going back, so he called Lin Yiyang.

"Miss." Lin Yiyang said excitedly after seeing the caller ID. For the past three years, Yan Xi will give Lin Yiyang a fixed living allowance every month. Even though Lin Yiyang already has his own income, Yan Xi's self-help is still not enough. cut off.

Yan Xi contacted Lin Yiyang twice in three years, but Lin Yiyang was unable to contact Yan Xi. Lin Yiyang was overjoyed when he received a call from Yan Xi today.

"Yiyang, how are you doing recently? How was the exam?" Yan Xi asked.

(End of this chapter)

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