Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 191 The Chaos of the Yan Family

Chapter 191 The Chaos of the Yan Family (2)
The hot sun scorched the eyes of countless people, but they also leisurely enjoyed the summer coolness it brought. Ever since she was reborn, Yan Xi was tortured by memories, how many times she couldn't sleep, how many times she told herself to be patient, There was helplessness, but also warmth, and pain, but made her stronger.

Yan Xi knows that there is no trust for no reason. Find the right person and give your trust to him. If you agree, he may also give your trust to you. Yan Xi is very happy to have a group of friends. Rebirth is life after all. Apart from her own life, Yan Xi's wish in this life is to hope that her soul can be free, not to recall the darkness of the past, even if there is only a little bit of light, it can shine into the depths of her heart.

Today is Ning Xuan's birthday, and it is also the beginning of everything. After rebirth, Yan Xi has long been used to keeping everything in his own hands. This time is the same, and he will never let things out of his control. Without it, there would be no value in existence.

two days ago...

"Miss." Seeing Yan Xi's call, Lin Yiyang said excitedly.

"Yiyang, hello, do you know Ning Xuan's recent whereabouts?" Yan Xi said, talking with Lin Yiyang, Yan Xi did not use his original voice, but lowered his voice, which could make people hear a hoarse voice , not distrust, and don't want to be surprised.

"Since Yan Nuo was born, Ning Xuan has spent most of her time at home and has very little time to go out, but don't worry, Miss, we have installed surveillance cameras on the part of her way out, and all her actions are under our control. .” Lin Yiyang said.

"The information says that Ning Xuan's birthday is two days away, so I think she needs a birthday party," Yan Xi said.

"In the past few years, Ning Xuan's birthday was spent at home, and he rarely went out, and now Ning Xuan is basically out of our control." Lin Yiyang said.

He felt that he himself was not doing well enough, and his tone was apologetic. He thought that if he could do better, maybe Ning Xuan would not be out of his control, and Yan Xi would not be so passive now.

"Yiyang, don't blame yourself, Ning Xuan has never been a person who can be easily controlled, and I never thought that she would always obey my command." Yan Xi said.

"Miss, I'm sorry, I will definitely do better next time I have something to do." Lin Yiyang said.

"Do you know what brand shop Ning Xuan has that he loves, and where does her most popular luxury goods come from?" Yan Xi said.

"Yan Zhenglin seems to give her a sum of money on Ning Xuan's birthday. She is used to the life of the rich now. Although she rarely attends rich people's parties, as far as I know, she likes a bag called Miao Miao very much. She once asked me to ask Miss Xiang to inquire about it." Lin Yiyang said.

At that time, he felt that Ning Xuan was too hypocritical and greedy. He didn't tell Yan Xi about this, and directly suppressed him.

"Miao Miao, luxury goods from Italy, do you have a shop in Beijing?" Yan Xi asked.

Although Yan Xi has never pursued the luxury goods of major international brands, he has some understanding. Miao Miao is famous for producing handbags all over the world, and only members are eligible to buy new products in each issue. Ning Xuan was also rich earlier. The family, and then came to think that her father's bankruptcy led to the current situation. It has always been her wish to return to the upper class.

Ning Xuan's ability to endure is very strong, otherwise the child would have been about two years old, and she would have been willing to stay behind the scenes. Presumably, she also hopes to have a chance to fight back, and does not want to be shamed for the rest of her life.

"Yes, I made a special investigation, and there is one on the top floor of the International Finance Center." Lin Yiyang said.

On the top floor, isn’t Givenchy’s on the top floor? It seems that Ning Xuan’s vision is very long-term. Otherwise, he can find Yan Zhenglin, and he can find Lin Yiyang because he wants to use himself behind him, so now I will give her a chance. So what, but the opportunity is given, whether the effect she wants is beyond Ning Xuan's control.

"Okay, tomorrow I will find someone to send the membership card to you, and you will send it to Ning Xuan later the day after tomorrow. I think she wants to make a big purchase on her birthday." Yan Xi said.

"Miss, Ning Xuan is too greedy, we don't need to spend so much money for her." Lin Yiyang said.

Miaomiao members are either rich, but the annual fee is close to 500 million yuan a year. No matter how much Yan Zhenglin loves Ningxuan, he will not let Ningxuan talk about such a high price, or he has strength, which is equivalent to a potential stock.

But for Yan Xi, it's very simple, just let Lan Lan communicate with Miao Miao's people directly, and they promise to send up the membership card obediently.

Lan Lan followed Yan Xi's advice, and was always willing to spend money on clothing and accessories. In Shangjing, there is almost nothing that can be obtained like Lan Lan's.

"Don't worry, I don't need to spend money, some things don't necessarily need money to solve." Yan Xi said.

"Okay." Lin Yiyang said. Up to now, she still can't figure out Yan Xi's identity and who it is. He doesn't know that Yan Xi is very powerful. Every time he comes to contact him, it is a different person. Regarding household registration matters, I directly contacted the best lawyer in Shangjing, but the lawyer could not disclose who handled these matters, because lawyers always have confidentiality agreements when dealing with major clients, and he knew that if he revealed With the client's information, his career as a lawyer has come to an end.

"Yiyang, you will know some things when the time comes. Now try to make yourself stronger." Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi understood Lin Yiyang's thoughts, if someone suddenly changed his life completely, it would be impossible for him to live without any worries. Only Lin Yiyang's thoughts showed that he is also a normal person.

"Okay, I'll wait for Miss's answer, no matter how long it takes." Lin Yiyang said.

Lin Yiyang has also grown in three years. He knows that Yan Xi needs to have sufficient ability compared to the Yan family. Now he can't help Yan Xi himself. The more he knows, the worse it will be. Xi is in danger, he is eager to grow up quickly, at this moment he hates his own powerlessness.

"Okay." Yan Xi said.

After chatting for a while, the two hung up the phone. Lin Yiyang and Yan Xi didn't let him know about some things about Lin Yihan. Although Lin Yihan had grown up in the past three years, he was used to living in Lin Yiyang. Under the wings, neither Lin Yiyang nor Yan Xi wanted him to get too involved in these matters.

After dealing with Ning Xuan's matter, Yan Xi dialed Wang Jin's number. If the most powerful entertainment venue in Shangjing is Huangchao, but the best restaurant must be Tianyu.

"Wang Jin, good afternoon." Yan Xi said after dialing the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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