Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 193 The Chaos of the Yan Family

Chapter 193 The Chaos of the Yan Family (4)
"Thank you for your trust, Ellen." Daniel said. He knew how difficult it was to gain Yan Xi's trust. He knew that after three years, Yan Xi would not even trust Sun Qingya except Cheng Lin. They could be friends, but But will not get involved in business and interests.

"It should be me thanking you. We have also encountered a bottleneck in the development of IT. I will let Lan Lan talk to you about the cooperation, but this time the cooperation is only with the IT company. Although IT is under Genesis, But few people know about it," Yan Xi said.

Lan Lan is in charge of the IT company's management personnel, Yan Xi has never met, but every time he does the final review, he uses Lan Lan's identity to conduct his own online meeting.

"It seems that Ellen has a lot of secrets waiting to be discovered." Daniel said.

"Do you want to dig?" Yan Xi said with a smile, but looked very dangerous.

"I was wrong." Daniel said, he didn't want these things to reach Lan Zexi's ears in the future, at that time he just couldn't bear to walk around.

Yan Xi's plan to enter Daniel was directly sent to Lan Lan. Lan Lan had just returned to Xiangdu, and felt that she should deal with the affairs of Xiangdu as soon as possible before returning to Beijing, but Yan Xi directly refused. He decided to let Daniel go to Xiangdu once. All, after talking about it, Daniel also agreed. Xiang has the support of Second Wall Street. It would be great if he could go once, but Daniel made Yan Xi reassure him that he would pay attention to his safety so he could rest assured.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Yan Xi and his group entered Tianyu through a special passage. As early as two days ago, when Wang Jin was ordered to handle things, they quietly threw the invisible camera installed by Wang Jin between the two VIPs, waiting for the opening of the big show. .

After the three of them came to the special private room, Wang Jin came once and then left. As the boss of Tianyu, Wang Jin had too much contact with Yan Xi from time to time inside Tianyu. Not yet.

"Ellen, what do you want to bring me to see?" Daniel said puzzledly. It was just a private room for Tianyu. Could it be that watching a play is eating, but it shouldn't be that simple to come first.

Seeing Yan Xi's calm performance, Daniel felt itchy in his heart, but Yan Xi didn't explain the reason, which made Daniel very helpless.

"Just wait, what's the rush." ​​Yan Xi said enjoying the camellia and fruit tea.

Soon Wang Jin ordered to serve his favorite dish, Cheng Lin had already gotten used to Yan Xi's style, there was nothing strange, he acted very calmly, when Yan Xi saw Cheng Lin, Cheng Lin didn't know how to wait. Will it be so calm.

After the meal, the food was removed, and some fruit was ordered, so Yan Xi ordered no one to come in, directly closed the door and sat on the sofa next to him, and turned on the TV.

"Ellen, why are you still interested in watching TV?" Daniel said when he saw Yan Xi turning on the TV with the remote control, but the picture on the TV surprised Daniel. It was not a TV at all, but a surveillance camera.

"Ellen, you installed a surveillance camera in another room." Daniel said in surprise.

"Otherwise, how could you have a good show to watch." Yan Xi said.

"Mrs. Yan, mother and daughter, why are they here?" Daniel said after seeing the video in the surveillance.

The TV on the monitoring link was not adjusted properly. Yan Xi took the computer next to her and began to readjust the monitoring screen. The screens of both rooms appeared on the TV, and the screen of one room was blank. It seems that Ning Xuan and Yan Zhenglin hadn't come yet, Yan Xi checked the time, thinking it should be soon.

"Is there anything unusual about coming to eat?" Yan Xi said with a smile, deciding to keep it a secret.

Cheng Lin was so surprised that he was speechless. He didn't expect Yan Xi to be talking about watching a play. He didn't know who was in the other room in the picture.

When Yan Xi installed the monitoring system, he also specially installed voice control. The two rooms can choose the sound independently. Yan Xi is still very satisfied with the effect, so he couldn't help but nodded.

In the picture, Song Yi entered Tianyu, changed from her mistress demeanor in the past, and now she has become like a noble lady, ordering dishes arrogantly, not looking at only three people, but actually let Tianyu order all the signature dishes. last one.

"She looks like a nouveau riche at first glance, doesn't she know how to cherish food." Daniel couldn't help but said when he heard Song Yi's words.

"It's worth it for a good show," Yan Xi said.

VIP card One-day VIP card consumption in Tianyu is free, but it is generally aimed at the bosses of large groups, but no one wastes it like Song Yi, because Tianyu's regulations are that if there is too much waste, it will be added to the blacklist in the future , obviously Song Yi didn't know.

Soon Ning Xuan, Yan Zhenglin, and Yan Nuo appeared on the screen. Cheng Lin who just opened his mouth to drink tea was stunned. Yan Xi jumped the sound of the screen to Yan Zhenglin's room.

"Daddy, give me a hug." Yan Nuo stretched out his hands to hug Yan Zhenglin who had just sat down.

"Okay, our Xiao Nuo is really good." Yan Zhenglin immediately hugged her, with a smile on his face.

"Honey, thank you for being able to accompany me to celebrate my birthday." Ning Xuan said in a small and friendly manner, not forgetting to think of Yan Zhenglin's winking eyes, which made Daniel feel chilly, but even so, it seemed to be too late A warm family of three.

"Xiaoxi, when did you know?" Cheng Lin said.

Cheng Lin vaguely felt that there was Yan Xi in the middle, but he was not sure. Yan Xi was able to bring them here today, so he was planning to confess.

"Three years ago." Yan Xi said directly, Yan Xi did not hide the time, thinking that what was concealed was that everything was designed by her.

Cheng Lin looked at Yan Xi, and suddenly felt that being Yan Xi's enemy was too scary, but luckily he would never hurt Yan Xi, no matter what Yan Xi did, he didn't think it was wrong. Regarding the Lin family's affairs, Cheng Lin He basically understands, and he also understands that Yan Xi must have understood everything, and he will help Yan Xi with other things, so that Yan Xi has no worries.

"Ellen, it's too risky to do so much," Daniel said.

"No, no one will know that we came to Tianyu, and no one will know that we have designed everything. This drama is still satisfactory." Yan Xi said.

"I'm very satisfied, but I don't want to be the protagonist in your play." Daniel said, he didn't expect to hit Yan Xi so hard, it seems that the two women will soon be pinching each other.

Everyone in the two rooms ate very happily. There was still a Givenchy bag in Song Yi's room, which seemed to be the result of today's victory.

Daniel wasn't asking Yan Xi any questions, he decided to watch the show first and ask questions later.

"Waiter, why hasn't my rock sugar abalone come up yet?" Song Yi saw that all the left and right dishes had been served, except the rock sugar abalone.

(End of this chapter)

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