Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 209 Severing the relationship between father and daughter

Chapter 209 Severing the relationship between father and daughter (1)
Rescuing Yan Nuo is the only chance. If we wait until tomorrow, maybe the people in the village will transfer Yan Nuo, and it will be more and more difficult to find Yan Nuo by then, and maybe it will be impossible to find him again.

"Village chief, here is five thousand. Can you see enough? This child is the only child of this couple, and he has been looking forward to it for many years. Please forgive me." Yang Chen saw that the village chief did not speak, and took it directly from the bag. 5000 yuan was paid and handed to the village chief.

"Tie Dan, come here." The village chief said, but he didn't take the money from Yang Chen.

"This is brother Tie Dan, right? It's like this. Children are really important to our couple. I also know that you are definitely looking forward to having your own children. This little money is a kind gesture." Yang Chen said.

Handed the money that Zhao Da didn't take to Tie Dan, Tie Dan looked at Yang Chen, Ning Xuan and Yan Zhenglin who were dressed very well in the back, he knew that he couldn't give the child such a rich life, but he The expectation for children will never be less than that of others.

"Well, I'm adding a little more." Yang Chen said, and took out a stack from his bag. It was about 1 yuan, and the total was [-].

"My little brother, you are also a sensible person. I just want a child. That woman is infertile. Last year I went to dig coal to save money and I want to buy a child..." Tie Egg said.

The expectations for children in rural areas are very high, and their future hope is still linked. From Tie Dan's words, I also know that abducting and selling children is wrong, but they really have no choice. This is another problem under the social system.

"How about this, brother Tie Dan, you hand over the child, I'm adding [-] to you, you take your sister-in-law to the hospital in the big city to check it out, maybe you will have your own child soon. "Yang Chen said.

In the current situation, there is no other way to solve it. Tie Dan was also moved by Yang Chen's sincerity. With his own flesh and blood, who would want to buy a child to raise.

"Okay, mother-in-law, take the child out." Tie Dan said after taking the money from Yang Chen's hand after thinking about it for a long time.

During this process, Chen Xiang wanted to rush out several times, but because of Yan Zhenglin, he suppressed his impulse. After all, the safety of the child is the most important thing. Chen Xiang was born in Shangjing and grew up in Shangjing. The policemen who came together have never seen this before. In this situation, they didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Tie Dan's daughter-in-law took the child out and handed it to Yang Chen. Yang Chen took the child and handed it to Ning Xuan. Ning Xuan looked at Yan Nuo. Although it was only two days, he felt that Yan Nuo's skin was rough. He didn't sleep very well, and the original cotton clothes were replaced with coarse linen clothes, and tears kept streaming down his face. Yan Zhenglin hugged their mother and child tightly.

"Village chief, thank you for your help. It's a small thing." Yang Chenyou handed over a few hundred yuan to the village chief. For the small village, a few hundred yuan is already a big income, and the village chief did not refuse.

"Let me find two people to take you away." The village chief said after receiving the money.

"Then thank you for your existence." Yang Chen said.

The road in the small village is difficult to walk, and it is difficult to walk in during the day, let alone at night. It is naturally the best choice to send it out with someone you know, and Yang Chen doesn't want to wait until tomorrow. Whoever it was, Yang Chen didn't want to investigate at all.

In the early hours of the morning, the group finally returned to the place where the car stopped. Yang Chen told the two villagers who led the way that Yan Zhenglin, Ning Xuan and Yan Nuo got into the car in front of them. It seems like a century has passed, Ning Xuan still refused to let go of Yan Nuozhen's Xiaolu, and he didn't know how many blood blisters had been worn out on his feet. Yan Nuo might be lying safely in his mother's arms, although Lu It was very bumpy, but they slept soundly. After getting in the car, Yan Zhenglin and Ning Xuan also fell asleep leaning against each other.

Chen Xiang and Yang Chen were sitting in the car behind, Chen Xiang always looked at Yang Chen curiously, today's handling of the matter was not a normal way, logically speaking, Tie Dan's involvement in child abduction has already constituted a crime.

"Yang Chen, I want to know why you did that." Chen Xiang finally couldn't hold back his curiosity, and asked a little dissatisfied with Yang Chen's behavior.

"Officer Chen, what else can I do if I don't do that." Yang Chen asked back.

"We can call a large number of policemen tomorrow and just arrest people," Chen Xiang said.

"A large number of policemen came, and the child was taken away from the village long ago. The villagers would ask questions, and there are mountains all around. Is it possible that you are willing to search the mountains at that time, and you may not be able to find them. If you don't take the child tonight Bring it out, after tonight, you won't be able to bring it out again." Yang Chen said.

"How do you know, don't forget I only said the police." Chen Xiang said unconvinced.

"You are a policeman and I am a detective. I don't have to follow your handling methods. If you encounter such a situation next time, you can try it yourself." Yang Chen said impatiently. All suffered.

Yang Chen's words were confirmed by Chen Xiang. In a child abduction case a few years later, Chen Xiang suffered a lot. Only then did he deeply understand the meaning of Yang Chen's words.

"You..." Chen Xiang didn't know how to refute.

The tranquility in the car was restored, and Yang Chen was finally relieved. Even if he might lose the big client of the Yan family, he didn't plan to interfere in the next thing. Chen got out of the car before arriving at his destination. He hadn't rested for three nights. Now that the police had intervened, the next thing had nothing to do with him.

Chen Xiang had always disliked Yang Chen, he felt that there was a big problem with Yang Chen's handling method, and he didn't stop Yang Chen from getting off the car.

In fact, there are many ways to deal with the matter. Yang Chen chose the most direct one. He is a detective, not a policeman. There is no need not to follow some rules. What he has to do is to achieve his goal. It takes a long time for him to wind up.

Yan Zhenglin did not take Ning Xuan back to the villa, but directly brought Ning Xuan back to the Yan family. After this incident, Yan Nuo always wanted to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan. It was also an opportunity. When I arrived at Yan's house in the morning, Song Yi hadn't woken up yet. Only the servants in the yard were still busy. However, most people were afraid of Yan Zhenglin and dared not speak up. Yan Zhenglin led Ning Xuan directly into the guest room. , and let Ning Xuan directly stay in the guest room to rest. They were really tired for a few days. After resting, they still have more things to deal with.

On a new day, Yan Xi is enjoying the time before the storm in the tranquility. Yan Nuo's return, it is reported that Yan Zhenglin took Ning Xuan to the Yan's house early this morning before dawn. It seems that Yan Nuo's status may end here It's settled down, but Yan Xi is not in a hurry. In order to find Yan Nuo these days, Yan Zhenglin has hardly rested. With Yan Zhenglin's personality, he will not drag his exhausted body to deal with what happened in the past few days.

(End of this chapter)

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