Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 241 The Past and Warmth

Chapter 241 The Past and Warmth (4)
Lan Zexi was dumbfounded for a moment, lying down and looking at Yan Xi, the two of them fell asleep in the same clothes before they knew it.

At Yan Xi's apartment at this moment, Cheng Lin was relieved after hearing Yan Xi's call. He initially disagreed with Lan Zexi when he took Yan Xi out, but after two days, he felt that Yan Xi's mood was much better. Lan Zexi sincerely treats Yan Xi well, and now he is relieved to hear that Yan Xi and Lan Zexi are together.

"Cheng Bo, how is Xiaoxi?" Sun Qingya asked.

Sun Qingya also walked outside alone for a long time before returning to the apartment by taxi. When she came back, she saw that Yan Xi hadn't come back. She was always worried. Although Cheng Lin was anxious, she didn't ask Sun Qingya why.

In fact, the reason why Cheng Lin didn't ask Sun Qingya was because he felt that it was Yan Xi's privacy, and he respected it. Although he and Sun Qingya had lived together for three years, there were many times when Yan Xi and him did not involve Sun Qingya in some matters. Qingya just lived a three-year campus life.

But just when he heard that Yan Xi had gone to Lan Zexi, Cheng Bo knew that something must have happened between Sun Qingya and Yan Xi.

"Xiaoxi is fine, I'm living outside today." Cheng Lin said, he didn't intend to tell Sun Qingya about Lan Zexi, the less Sun Qingya knew about Lan Zexi, the better.

"It's good that she's fine." Sun Qingya said, she was relieved when she heard that Yan Xi was fine, thinking of the dispute with Yan Xi just now, she was a little scared, but she also had some doubts.

"Qingya, did something happen between you and Xiaoxi?" Cheng Lin asked, he didn't care about Sun Qingya's affairs, but the reality related to Yan Xi was naturally different.

"It's going like this..." Sun Qingya told Cheng Lin the whole thing.

Over the past three years, Cheng Lin has taken care of Sun Qingya a lot, and of course many of them were secretly instructed by Yan Xi. Sometimes Sun Qingya felt that Cheng Lin was like a parent, so she didn't tell Cheng Lin everything about today.

"Cheng Bo, did I do something wrong? At that time, I just thought that Xiaoxi gave the information of that woman to those few people. I thought that woman might be in danger, so that's why I thought so." Sun Qingya saw Cheng Lin Said without speaking.

"Qingya, I can't blame you for this matter, but if Xiaoxi doesn't give Hans the information about that woman, you probably won't be able to get out." Cheng Lin said, Cheng Lin was in country M for three years, during which time he visited New York frequently. , and Cheng Linyou is good at collecting information, so he naturally has a certain understanding of these things.

"Why, even if we don't give it to them and won't win, they won't do anything to us, and we can call the police." Sun Qingya said.

"Qingya, you don't know much about the situation in New York. It's a good thing you didn't ask about the details of the theft. New York is very complicated. The more you know, the more dangerous it is. That woman must have stolen something important, otherwise there would be no With so many people chasing her, do you know that if you get involved deeply, it may be life-threatening." Cheng Lin said, only explaining the seriousness to Sun Qingya, and didn't want Sun Qingya to know too much inside story.

"Cheng Bo, tell me why, okay?" Sun Qingya finally realized the seriousness of the matter and said.

"Hey, well, it was first built by a few underworld forces, and then gradually faded after the baptism of time. Now people who go there are either rich or expensive in New York. If they steal some money, no one will hunt them down. And you see how much of the consumption in New York is in cash, it doesn't matter if the card is stolen, but now it has attracted so many people to chase, it can only show that it is very busy and important information, and you just said that the woman is in your How do you know that she didn't just pretend to be weak after seeing you walking into the alley." Cheng Lin said.

"Although New York looks peaceful, it is secretly controlled by different forces. Although the street looks bleached, it is still controlled by different forces in the dark. It's just that an agreement has been reached. If you go recklessly to fight with other forces If there is a conflict, maybe I may not be able to see you today." Cheng Lin said after his own analysis.

"Do the police not care?" Sun Qingya said.

Sun Qingya came from a military family, so her education since she was a child was of course different from other families, just like a Chinese propaganda saying that she should seek the police for everything.

"Never mind, do you have any evidence, and we are not from M country, do we have influence, how to manage it, it is not difficult for a few people to disappear, and you have no way to track it down, but fortunately today's incident did not cause trouble, Don't worry, you don't want to go anywhere in the future." Cheng Lin said.

Listening to Cheng Lin's words, Sun Qingya is innocent, but not stupid. How could she not understand the meaning of Cheng Lin's words? At first, Cheng Lin said it very euphemistically, but later he said it very directly. After Sun Qingya figured it out, she was afraid for a while, feeling She shouldn't have listened to Yan Xi's words, now she finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Cheng Bo, Hans and the others won't bother us now." Sun Qingya asked.

"According to what you said just now, it probably won't happen. Don't go to that street in the future. It's not as simple as it seems on the surface." Cheng Lin said in admonishment.

"I know Uncle Cheng, and I have caused trouble for Xiaoxi today." Sun Qingya said.

"Go to bed early," Cheng Lin said.

After speaking, Sun Qingya felt that Yan Xi was fine, and there was no follow-up to this matter, so she felt a little relieved and walked into the room.

Cheng Lin saw Sun Qingya walk into the room, and looked at it for a while, not knowing what he was thinking, but what was certain was that his impression of Sun Qingya had changed.

Cheng Lin just hoped that Sun Qingya would not be so righteous in the future and would not cause trouble for Yan Xi. Cheng Lin was only lucky when they chose different universities.

It was almost nine o'clock when Yan Xi woke up the next day. After stretching, Yan Xi found herself lying on the bed. Yan Xi looked at her clothes. It was still the same one she was wearing yesterday. She sat up and saw On the other side of the bed, there seemed to be traces of someone wading through it. After thinking about it, it didn't matter if it was covered anyway.

When I got up, I found a long white dress on the chair, which looked brand new. I looked at myself, picked up the clothes, went to the bathroom to wash up, changed into a long white dress, and put my clothes in a bag up.

Walking out of the room, there was no Lan Zexi in the living room. Yan Xi approached the dining room and saw Lan Zexi busy in the kitchen from the dining room, but did not notice Yan Xi's arrival. Looking at Lan Zexi's figure, Yan Xi suddenly feel very happy.

Yan Xi knew that Lan Zexi was very busy, but he was still here to wash his hands and make soup for himself. It would be very difficult not to fall in love with such a man.

"You're awake, have you slept well?" Lan Zexi looked at and found Yan Xi's existence, and said to Yan Xi.

Looking at the long white dress Yan Xi was wearing, she nodded in satisfaction, thinking that Xi'er is really suitable for wearing long skirts, and the white color makes her more elegant and immortal.

(End of this chapter)

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