Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 252 Experience and Growth

Chapter 252 Experience and Growth (1)
Crawford's Go was taught by Yan Xi. Ever since he lost five games in a row to Yan Xi, he never dared to play chess with Yan Xi, and turned his target to Mike. Ivy naturally disliked this activity. When Crawford was teaching, he fell asleep on the sofa without shame.

The situation on Wall Street is becoming more and more tense. Cheng Lin lives directly in an apartment on Wall Street. He has not returned to New Haven this month, but he talked with Yan Xi on the phone. He is not worried about Yan Xi. He reports to Yan Xi every day about various things on Wall Street. Condition.

Yan Xi, on the other hand, made a full analysis of these materials, and wanted to make a good fortune in the future, so that the company would officially stand on Wall Street and occupy a place. If you live downstairs, there is only one floor apart.

"Ellen, what do you think about the current situation?" Ivy asked, handing Yan Xi a cup of lemon tea, and not forgetting to make a cup for himself.

"One word, wait." Yan Xi said to Ai Wei.

"Wait for more episodes, there will be a mysterious plan later." Ivy asked without shame.

"Adaptive, I don't have any specific strategy right now." Yan Xi said truthfully.

Hearing Yan Xi's words, Ai Wei looked at Yan Xi bitterly, with an expression of asking for an answer.

"I really don't have a specific idea, but I can send you a copy of the data I analyzed, but I think I should have these data, do you want to?" Yan Xi asked, believing that the financial experts of the Gandalf family have already agreed. The current situation has been thoroughly analyzed.

"Yes, send it to me by express." Ivy said.

After Ivy finished speaking, he ran directly into the room to get the computer, and he didn't forget to go to Yan Xi's room to bring Yan Xi's computer too. In Mike's words, Ivy first acted like a typical slave in front of Yan Xi .

Yan Xi directly sent the data collected by Cheng Lin and some of the data he analyzed to Ai Wei. Of course, Yan Xi's decision-making data would not be given to Ai Wei. Believe me, it is impossible for Yan Xi to let Ivy know about her relationship with Rockefeller.

"Ellen, thank you so much, hug." Ai Wei said to Yan Xi with a lifelike look after receiving the information.

Seeing Ivey's appearance, Yan Xi went back to her room with the computer in one hand and lemon tea in the other, and she didn't forget to close the door. To be poisoned by him.

Just like this, people from two places are doing the same thing and exchanging all kinds of information at any time. For Wall Street, Yale is now a paradise. It has not been maintained for a period of time, and it is not yet time to erupt.

In the evening, Yan Xi received an unexpected call.

"Xiaoxi, I'm Qingya, can I come to Princeton?" Sun Qingya said, begging in her voice.

Yan Xi answered the phone. Since she separated from Sun Qingya, she called once a few days at first, then a week, and now less and less. Yan Xi didn't pay too much attention. After all, Sun Qingya is not young anymore. Xi is not her nanny either, so there is no need to protect her forever under his wings.

"Qingya, what happened?" Yan Xi asked, Sun Qingya is still a strong person, otherwise she wouldn't call herself for help.

"Xiao Xi, I can't explain it for a while, can you come and help me, please." Sun Qingya said with a choked sob.

"Okay, I'll come over right away." Yan Xi said, after all, there are still three years of friendship with Sun Qingya, although there are some things that Sun Qingya is not allowed to get involved in, but Yan Xi has always regarded Sun Qingya as a friend and lived together for three years, if It is impossible to say that there is no emotion at all.

"Thank you, Xiaoxi." Sun Qingya said.

After Sun Qingya and Yan Xi finished talking on the phone, they leaned against the wall of the dormitory, tears streaming down their face for a moment, looking very hesitant and helpless.

After hanging up the phone, Yan Xi changed her clothes, got her ID and walked out of the room. As soon as she walked out, she found that Ivy and Mike were still sitting, and they didn't stop chatting.

"Ivy, can you take a few days off for me and Professor James?" Yan Xi saw Ivy talking in the living room. Originally, Yan Xi wanted to call Professor James tomorrow.

"Ellen, what happened, where are you going?" Ivy asked.

"It's nothing. Something happened to a friend of mine in Princeton. I'll go over there. I won't be able to make it to Professor James' class tomorrow." Yan Xi said.

"Mike, you ask for leave for Ellen, and I will accompany Ellen to Princeton." Ivy said.

Before Yan Xi could refuse, Ai Wei went directly to the room, and Yan Xi was also a little helpless.

"Ai Wei, in fact, I can go by myself, and nothing will happen." Yan Xi said, looking at I Wei who had changed his clothes.

"Ellen, you should be planning to drive there. It takes almost eight hours to get to Princeton, just use me as the driver." Ivy looked at and said.

Looking at Ai Wei's expression, Yan Xi couldn't refuse for a while, and Ai Wei's words were indeed convincing. Now I can drive there in the morning tomorrow morning. If I take a plane, Yan Xi may not be able to wait. The first flight is tomorrow 10:30 am.

"Okay." Yan Xi said.

"Ellen, don't worry, maybe I can help you with me." Ivy said seriously.

Yan Xi nodded, and the two walked out of the room. It was indeed a good choice to take Ivy with him. Now he is nothing in country M. Ivy is at least a member of the Gandalf family, but Yan Xi is not It's not like using Ivey, so I hesitated, and it was really tiring to go there alone after an eight-hour drive, so I agreed after thinking about it, and the two embarked on a journey to Princeton.

The stars in the sky are dense and busy, they are completely silent, and it seems that the sky is only lively.A combed moon is like a girl who has not yet grown up, but she is no longer shy when she sees people. The light and outline are fresh and clear, which can gradually complement the night scene.A few lights, like dots of starlight, like floating in the thick air, in the dark place where the moonlight cannot reach, every story is written, all the eyes touch are covered with this soft net, any Grass and trees are not as realistic as they are in the daytime. They all have vague and illusory colors, each of which hides its subtleties and keeps its secrets, making people feel like a dream. a feeling of.

Yan Xi was sitting in the passenger seat, but her heart had already drifted far away. Although Sun Qingya was innocent, she was not stupid, and she had a strong sense of self-esteem. She would not call Yan Xi unless something was particularly serious. Unable to find a reasonable explanation, looking at everything, what Yan Xi was afraid of finally happened, and what she worried about would become a reality.

(End of this chapter)

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