Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 261 The Eve of the Turmoil

Chapter 261 The Eve of the Turmoil (5)
"How dare you." Jones said angrily.

"I have nothing to dare, and I won't leave evidence after doing it like you." Lan Zexi said with a smile, the more smiling, the colder it made people feel, and the temperature in the room suddenly dropped a lot , the servant behind couldn't help but shiver.

"Okay, let me tell you, if you are the patriarch of the Rockefeller family, I will announce my separation from the family today." Jones said, Jones has been reserving his power all these years since he was deprived of the right to inherit the family by Stephen.

"If it was Uncle Jones' decision, as the future head of the family, I would have readily agreed, but if Uncle Jones regrets it, there is still time." Lan Zexi said.

Lan Zexi never reported the grudge back then, because Moen told Lan Zexi before his death that the first family rule of the Rockefeller family was not to take action against family members, and not to endanger the lives of family members. Even Zexi's life was not in danger, so Stephen decided to let Jones go.

"Father, it's over for the family to deal with Zexi. Does father really believe him?" Jones said to Stephen.

"Jones, you no longer have the right to inherit the family, what more can you say?" Stephen said.

"Grandpa, Uncle Jones is going to leave the family now. I want to ask Grandpa's opinion. Of course I agree." Lan Zexi expressed his opinion. Of course, Lan Zexi will not show mercy to Jones.

"Jones, do you really want to leave the family?" Stephen asked. After all, Jones was still a descendant of the Rockefeller family, and it was Rockefeller.Stephen's son.

"Father, if Zexi belongs to the Rockefeller family, then I must leave the family," Jones said.

Seeing Lan Zexi today, Jones knew that Lan Zexi would not let him go easily. Once Lan Zexi took power, Lan Zexi would take away everything he had for many years, because the head of the Rockefeller family had mobilized all the families The right to wealth, Jones belongs to the Rockefeller family, of course, Lan Zexi can also mobilize his wealth, Jones does not want to take risks, and does not want to waste everything he has managed for many years.

"I agree with the matter of Zexi being the head of the family. Jones, you are no longer young, and you have the right to make your own decisions." Stephen said. The Moen incident made him blame himself for more than ten years, and Stephen agreed to the family competition. , Only with competition can there be progress. As for other things, Stephen suddenly felt that he was old and didn't want to care too much. Since he already felt that he should let go of his power, it took him so long to let go of it completely.

"Hmph." Jones snorted and walked away.

Seeing Jones walking away, Lan Zexi's eyes became darker and darker. Although Jones' departure would have some impact on Rockefeller, he was already prepared.

"Is there anyone who will object next?" Lan Zexi said.

Lan Zexi can be said to be an example to others just now. Although the people below still have a lot of dissatisfaction, no one dares to object. Zexi's matter will become like this, perhaps even more ruthless than Lan Zexi.

"Grandpas, you have already convinced everyone, please give me your instructions." Lan Zexi turned around and said, perhaps it is more appropriate to say that persuasion is conquest.

When Stephen and Rogers heard Lan Zexi's words, they couldn't help but have black lines in their hearts. Is this convincing everyone? They are clearly prepared, so that everyone has no reason to object, and the means are very tough.

However, Stephen and Rogers are very satisfied with Lan Zexi's approach, because only in this way, after the merger of the two forces, they also know that Lan Zexi can control and not rebound. For Anbu, Lan Zexi has completely conquered all of Anbu in two years. People, if they were other people, it would be impossible. As for the outsiders, they dare not object now.

"Okay, I announce Rockefeller. Zexi has officially become the new head of the Rockefeller family, and the meeting will be held in New York a week later." Stephen said.

Rogers did not express his opinion. Perhaps because he has been in the dark department for many years, Rogers has become accustomed to the way the dark department handles things, and the things on the bright side are handed over to Stephen.

After announcing the completion, everyone in the hall dispersed, perhaps because they were in poor health and had exhausted their minds today, so Stephen also went directly to rest, and only Rogers and Lan Zexi were left in the hall.

"Zexi, sit down and have a cup of tea with Grandpa Rogers." Rogers said.

Rogers is not because of some reason, although he is a Westerner, he likes tea more.

"Okay." Lan Zexi sat down directly, saw the tea in the cup, and thought of Yan Xi again.

"Zexi, you have a sweetheart." Rogers said, and I have to say that Rogers' eyes are very sharp.

"No." Lan Zexi said lightly, about Yan Xi, Lan Zexi didn't want the family members to know for the time being, he was afraid that he would not be able to protect Yan Xi, and that Yan Xi would be like his mother.

Lan Zexi has just taken over the family, so he will definitely face all kinds of difficulties. How can Rogers not understand Lan Zexi's thoughts, but Rogers will not believe Lan Zexi's words.

"Forget it, tell me when you are willing, Zexi, Daniel will be handed over to you in the future." Roger said.

"Is Daniel still unwilling to come back?" Lan Zexi asked.

"Yeah, I'm old. When Daniel's father died, her mother took her away. He hasn't forgiven me until now. Also, I wasn't the task I arranged back then, so Hill wouldn't have passed away. It was all my fault, but I didn't expect it to lead to a lifetime of regret," Rodgers said.

"Grandpa Rogers, don't worry, Daniel will forgive you, as long as you give him some time, no one can predict the accident that year." Lan Zexi said.

"Yeah, no one could have predicted it, but if I had listened to Daniel's mother, I wouldn't have photographed him on that mission, and there wouldn't have been such an accident," Rogers said.

"I think Daniel will figure it out." Lan Zexi said.

"Forget it, Daniel is your right-hand man now, and I don't like his life too much, as long as he is happy, but since his mother passed away, he has been alone." Rogers said, for himself Rogers was always worried about his grandson.

"Don't worry, he's doing well." Lan Zexi said, he knew the wound in Daniel's heart, but how could the wound heal so easily.

After Daniel and his mother left the family, his mother also died of illness a few years later. Lan Zexi also met Daniel at that time, but he had no contact with people from Anbu. It was also during the two-year training of Anbu. Zexi only knew about the relationship between Daniel and Rogers, but he didn't expect them to be brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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