Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 266 Tacit understanding and succession

Chapter 266 Tacit understanding and succession (5)
Stephen didn't expect Lan Zexi to do this, but the current situation is nothing more than the best choice. Give everyone present a chance and let him call to witness everything. If Lan Zexi succeeds, he can win everyone present respect and trust.

"Okay, may I ask Rockefeller what measures the new owner plans to take in response to the current stock decline." A middle-aged blond man asked, and he still looked at Lan Zexi disdainfully after speaking.

"Mr. Kebbins, since you are so concerned, I will give you a satisfactory answer, Daniel." Lan Zexi said.

"Yes, boss." Daniel said, and here Lan Zexi has been replaced with a respectful title, which is unique.

After Daniel finished speaking, he directly connected the computer to the display screen. Everyone was very surprised to see the data on the display screen. All the stocks under Rockefeller had been rising. He entered the venue today to participate in the succession ceremony. There are such resolute means.

"Mr. Kempins, do you have any questions?" Lan Zexi said to Kempins with a smile.

"No, thank you sir." Kempins said, but cold sweat was breaking out behind his back, Kempins and Rockefeller.Jones has a certain relationship and now sees the situation, he received Rockefeller.The temptation of Jones bought a large number of shares of the Rockefeller family and fell.

"Second question." Lan Zexi said.

"May I ask how the family will develop in the future." It was really the family of the Gandalf family who asked this question, that is, Ivy's grandfather. He secretly rejoiced that he listened to Ivy's words this time, otherwise the Gandalf family would suffer serious losses this time.

"In the future, Rockefeller will still stick to the current development direction and develop in all aspects." Lan Zexi said.

Gandalf felt that his problem was hitting the sponge, but his most important thing was to sell a favor to Lan Zexi. He hoped that there would be opportunities for cooperation in the future. Otherwise, with Rockefeller's strength, how could he care about a Gandalf family.

"The third question." Lan Zexi said.

"Mr. Zexi, I'm Lisa, may I ask if you have someone you like." The person who asked this question was Vox, a blonde girl in her twenties.lisa.

Vaux.Lisa is the eldest daughter of the third generation of the Vaux family, a member of the Vaux family and the Rockefeller family, ranking among the top in the world, Lisa saw Lan Zexi for the first time today, don't be attracted by Lan Zexi Not to mention Lisa's vision is also very good, Lisa's question asked the inner voice of most of the daughters or women present.

However, Lan Zexi was very disgusted with Lisa's question, and felt a little disdainful. Although the Vaux family is second to none in country M and even the whole world, its background is far less profound than that of the Rockefeller family. Has learned to hide the edge.

"Miss Vaux, I already have someone in mind, and someone who can stand by my side." Lan Zexi said.

But Lisa's problem was solved by Lan Zexi. Everyone present was very surprised, including Stephen and Rogers who stayed in the monitoring room upstairs. Stephen didn't expect that his grandson, who had been deserted all along, had a crush on him. Rogers was I didn't expect Lan Zexi to say it directly on the spot.

"She is from that family." Lisa asked dissatisfied.

In the Vaux family, Lisa was favored and developed a savage character.

"The three questions have been answered. I don't need to answer your questions. Next, please enjoy the dance tonight. Of course, I have prepared a lounge for you. Please go to rest first." Lan Zexi said.

At this point, Lan Zexi officially completed the succession ceremony, and everyone was in no mood to embarrass Lan Zexi. Because of the changes in the stock market, everyone was anxious to deal with it. They were afraid of offending the Rockefellers, but they did not expect that Lan Zexi would give them directly. a chance.

After speaking, someone left first. Seeing someone leave, Lan Zexi also left, and Daniel followed behind. Lisa didn't pay attention to Lan Zexi just now, so she didn't see Lan Zexi's figure, and stomped her feet on the spot.

"Zexi, the ceremony for you to take over as Patriarch is probably the smoothest." After returning to the room, Daniel said to Lan Zexi.

"I don't like trouble." Lan Zexi said.

At this moment, Lan Zexi was very grateful for Jones' actions, otherwise he would have been annoyed to death by those people in the family and the guests present this afternoon. Lan Zexi didn't like crowded places, although he could handle this kind of situation. He doesn't like parties very much, and avoids them if he can.

"Zexi, since the establishment of the Rockefeller family, you are really the smoothest, you boy, you have been prepared." Rogers also came to Lan Zexi's room from the monitoring room.

Rogers just saw Daniel on the surveillance, and wanted to come over to have a look, but before he could talk to Daniel, Daniel left the room directly.

"Grandpa Rogers, give him some time, he will figure it out." Lan Zexi said seeing Rogers with a sad face.

"Really." Rogers seemed to see the dawn.

"I talked to him, give him some more time." Lan Zexi said.

Lan Zexi thought of the deep friendship with Rogers during the years of training in Anbu. Compared with Stephen, Lan Zexi may like Rogers more.

Hearing Lan Zexi's words, Rogers nodded, and then left the room. Rogers knew that Daniel would not come back if he was in the room. He agreed with Lan Zexi's words and gave Daniel something more, only before he passed away. That's it, it's been so many years, and Rogers doesn't care about this little bit of time.

- Yan Xi's apartment at this moment -

Seeing a series of rising numbers, the change is getting faster and faster. Before falling, it quickly rose by 30.00%, and it is still rising. At this moment, everyone in Tiannuo's office is relieved. Kevin returned to the office. Looking carefully at the tears of joy in the corners of his eyes, Kevin was very excited. He didn't expect Yan Xi to be so powerful, and he let go of his previous worries.

"Xiaoxi, how much do you think it will go up?" Cheng Lin asked.

"It's hard to say, but on the original basis, a conservative estimate is about 20.00%." ​​Yan Xi said with a smile.

"Well, yes, in that case we have enough funds." Cheng Lin said.

"Well, if it rises to 20.00%, we will make about four times the profit, but we will have to wait until night, Kevin, and everyone will be notified to work overtime today," Yan Xi said.

"Yes, miss." Kevin said happily.

"Kevin, wait until the original basis exceeds 15.00%, gradually release it, and withdraw about 100 billion." Yan Xi said.

"Okay," Kevin said.

(End of this chapter)

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