Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 275: Unbreakable, Unreliable

Chapter 275: Unbreakable, Unreliable (1)
"So that's the case. By the way, has that community passed the inspection?" Yan Xi asked.

Although Song Yi's family background is not top-notch, she can be regarded as a member of a fourth-class family in the capital. No wonder Ning Xuan would give such a chance even though he hated his parents. It's no wonder that if Ning Xuan had no family background, it would be Yan Zhenglin Her concubine's room will still be looked down upon by others, and it is hard to change Ning Xuan's behavior.

"It still passed the inspection, but it just bribed the inspectors of the Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau." Lan Lan said, Lan Lan was more concerned about the matter of the Yan family.

"Okay, you give yourself to me tomorrow, and I'll take care of it." Yan Xi thought for a while and said.

Hearing all this, Yan Xi smiled ironically. Although Song Yi has a hobby of playing cards, she has never been involved in Yan Zhenglin's career. Judging from Ning Xuan's actions, Ning Xuan is really greedy and wants more. Much, but what Ning Xuan forgot was that she was not under the Yan family's household registration name. Although Yan Nuo belonged to the Yan family, Ning Xuan was an outsider.

"Uncle Qiao, what do you plan to do with the Yi family?" Yan Xi asked directly. Impatient to wait.

"I want to attack the Yi family from the inside. Now the old man of the Yi family is not in good health, and his sons are fighting for the family property." Qiao Yuhan said.

"Uncle Qiao, you can think about it yourself. You can use the resources of Huangchao as you like, and you can use the resources of the Jun family when necessary. Those medicine formulas are now one of the main sources of income for the Jun family. Back then, our price was very high. Very low, and I will ask Uncle Kui to help you, it is inappropriate to have anything to do with Genesis at this stage, lest the Yi family have too many precautions." Yan Xi said after analysis.

Wang Kui has the best personnel in his hands, whether it is the investigation of the matter or the handling of the matter, it is the best choice. If the access of Genesis, the Yi family will be on guard, and it will be difficult to deal with it at that time.

"Thank you, Miss." Qiao Yuhan said, and at work, Qiao Yuhan changed his name to Yan Xi.

"Uncle Kui, you and Uncle Qiao have been going to the capital recently. Uncle Qiao, I will also go to find out about the matter of the Yan family. Uncle Qiao should not be too hasty about the matter of the Yi family for the time being. The information must be accurate. Uncle Kui I can help you." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, Miss, after I leave Shangjing, I will leave a trustworthy person for Miss." Wang Kui said.

"Okay, Uncle Kui, you should be cautious about things, you can help Uncle Qiao if you have any questions," Yan Xi said.

In the capital, Yan Xi has resources, but he still feels that he should leave everything to Qiao Yuhan and let him handle it himself. If Yan Xi directly avenges Qiao Yuhan, then he will look down on Qiao Yuhan, and Qiao Yuhan must have collected all kinds of things in Huang Chao these years. All kinds of information, if Yan Xi hadn't asked Qiao Yuhan to wait for another two years in New York two years ago, perhaps Qiao Yuhan would have already met the Yi family.

"Xiaoxi, then I will leave for the capital tomorrow. If you have anything to do in Beijing, you can come to me directly." Qiao Yuhan said, the time of the Yi family is not in a hurry, Qiao Yuhan has nothing to worry about Yan Xi's current situation After all, Yan Xi must have grown up in the past few years. He couldn't see through Yan Xi before, and now he can't see through even more.

After arranging things, everyone left Tianyu, but Lan Lan had the cheek to stay overnight in New Century, and Yan Xi didn't object. It seemed that he was a partner, but Lan Lan was different. Let's talk about Lan Lan, Yan Xi She is her only relative in this world, Lan Lan always regards Yan Xi as her younger sister, even though Yan Xi is much better than her.

Yan Xi didn't refuse either. Back at the hotel, Lan Lan was sitting on the sofa. Seeing Lan Lan's appearance, Yan Xi always felt that Lan Lan was restless. It seemed that Qiao Yuhan also had a considerable place in Lan Lan's heart.

"Lan Lan, are you worried about Qiao Yuhan?" Yan Xi asked.

"Xiaoxi, I actually want to help him, but I understand that what Xiaoxi said is reasonable." Lan Lan replied.

"You don't have to worry, Qiao Yuhan's arrangement is not a problem, and there is also Huangchao, Huangchao has been in the capital for many years, where is the gathering place for information, otherwise why did I establish Huangchao in the first place, although Huangchao makes money, it is far from the financial aspect .” Yan Xi said.

When Qiao Yuhan was asked to establish Huangchao, Yan Xi took all the factors into consideration. In the eyes of the world, Huangchao is a place to eliminate gold, but in Yan Xi's eyes, it is a place where information is gathered.

"Xiaoxi, I'm sorry, I didn't think about it for a while." Lan Lan said.

"It's okay, are you worried about Uncle Joe? Don't worry, Uncle Qiao's arrangement will not be him. Uncle Kui is here. Don't forget that most of Uncle Kui's security companies are retired special forces. Don't you worry? , take a good rest, don't think too much, and I will pay attention to the movements of the capital, and you should stay in Shangjing recently, so you can help me." Yan Xi said.

Of course, Yan Xi would not allow anyone to bully him. Although Qiao Yuhan's matter was for him to settle, it did not mean that Yan Xi would let it go.

"Okay, but I want to live here too." Lan Lan finally felt relieved and said.

"Follow you." Yan Xi said.

Hearing Yan Xi's words, Lan Lan smiled.

Now Yan Xi doesn't need to hide too much, even if everyone knows what's going on, and Yan Zhenglin won't pay attention to him now, I hope that Yan Zhenglin can deal with his methods next, and the road to revenge is about to begin.

The wind and clouds are surging, and the air in Beijing is slowly changing. In the past two days, it has been cloudy and rainy. Some people are wandering and some are busy. People who like rainy days enjoy a bit of clear air after being tired of heat. People who hate rainy days, Looking at the drizzle in the sky always feels depressing. Yan Xi originally thought that she would hate rainy days, but unconsciously, she slowly changed.

The rainy day was originally the time when Yan Xi bid farewell to the world in his previous life, but it was also the time when Yan Xi was reborn. In the past, Yan Xi was engaged in conflicts. Whether this rainy day gave him a chance or punished him, but now his heart gradually sees it. Yes, looking at the drizzle, put the Buddha statue in the heart, cleansing the heart of the person, and bringing people one step closer to the sun.

"Cheng Bo, you're back." Yan Xi said as he looked at Cheng Lin who had just entered the room.

"Xiao Xi, what Lan Lan said is indeed correct. Yan's latest residential building does have serious quality problems, not just the steel bars, but even the cement used is inferior. Due to the rush of the project, The construction of the two projects is very rough." Cheng Lin said, passing the investigation materials in hand to Yan Xi by the way.

Looking at the clear photos, Yan Xi didn't expect that Ning Xuan's father really had the guts to do such a thing. If the house made by such a project experiences rainy weather, it is most likely to cause problems Yes, such an approach is simply burying the conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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