Rebirth of the rich lady

284 Chapter 5 The Water Is Hard to Recover

284 Chapter 5 The Water Is Hard to Recover ([-])
Yuan Hao thought of the defeat of the previous young masters just now, but he also thought that he is the son of the Yuan family, and today is the elder's birthday party, Yan Xi probably won't give him face, it's a pity that Yuan Hao thinks too much of himself.

"Hello." Yan Xi said lightly, not intending to shake hands with Yuan Hao at all.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yuan, my lady has a cleanliness habit." Cheng Lin said.

Although Cheng Lin was talking about Yan Xi, people would think that Cheng Lin was saying that Yuan Hao was too dirty.

"Young Master Yuan, I have already separated from the Yan family. Otherwise, you can go and accompany Ms. Yan Xin. Her eyes have never left you." Yan Xi said.

Yuan Hao looks handsome, and Yan Xin paid attention to Yan Xi all night. After Yuan Hao came over, Yan Xin showed a jealous look. Why didn't Yan Xi notice it? Although Yan Xi didn't pay attention to the party, the whole party The above things are all in front of Yan Xi's eyes.

"Can I understand that Miss Yan Xi is jealous?" Yuan Hao said with a smile, and sat down on the sofa next to Yan Xi after speaking.

"You can understand that I want a quiet environment." Yan Xi said.

"Miss Yan Xi, can I ask you to dance." Yuan Hao said.

"No." Yan Xi said directly, Yuan Hao's entanglement made Yan Xi dissatisfied, and this appearance made Yan Xi think of a pug, a typical rascal.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Yuan Hao said resolutely, after hearing that Yan Xi was from Tianyu, he began to take advantage of Yan Xi, Yuan Hao didn't believe that Yan Xi would not be attracted to him.

"Cheng Bo, go and bid farewell to Mr. Yuan." Yan Xi looked at Cheng Lin and said.

The place where the elder was sitting had to pass the dance floor. Yan Xi really didn't want to pass by the pile of incense powder, so he asked Cheng Lin to say goodbye. Yuan Hao didn't expect Yan Xi to be so desperate, so he left directly. It's not time yet, so leaving now is quite Yu didn't give the Yuan family face, I didn't expect Yan Xi to dare to do this.

"Sorry, I disturbed Miss Yan Xi." Yuan Hao said.

Yuan Hao didn't want Elder Bei to know, this meant driving away guests, Cheng Lin just listened to Yan Xi's words, Yuan Hao's words didn't stop Cheng Lin from walking.

"Mr. Yuan, Tianyu is a small restaurant. It's not worth Mr. Yuan's thoughtfulness. If you want to stay with me, it's better to accompany Ms. Yan Xin. The Yan family is one of the four major families in the capital." Yan Xi said with a smile. .

The matter of Yan Zhenglin has been well hidden. In Shangjing, it is estimated that the elders and the current head of the family know that Yan Xi deliberately confided this news to Yuan Hao in order to let Yuan Hao approach Yan Xin proactively. Yan Xin is now Still young, if Yuan Hao doesn't get close to Yan Xin, the next development will be more troublesome.

Yuan Hao didn't expect that Yan Xi would directly puncture his thoughts, and didn't save him any face. When Yuan Hao was about to refute Yan Xi, he found that Yan Xi had already got up and walked towards the door without paying him any attention.

When Yan Xi left, he purposely walked behind the sofa and distanced himself from Yuan Hao. For the first time in Yuan Hao's life, a woman he could not conquer appeared, and a strong desire to conquer appeared in his eyes.

"Xiaoxi, the elder said that he would like to invite you to dinner when he has time." Cheng Lin said to Yan Xi after getting in the car.

"We'll talk when we have time," Yan Xi said.

Huaxia people are used to discussing business at the dinner table, how could Yan Xi not understand the old man's approach?It's nothing more than benefits, but Yan Xi has lived in country M for seven years, and she's gradually not used to this kind of practice. It's too troublesome, and it's better to eat with what she likes, otherwise it won't even taste good.

After Yan Xi left, Yuan Hao really invited Yan Xin to dance. After Yan Xin was trained by Song Yi, the two instantly became the most eye-catching couple on the dance floor, and Song Yi was also very satisfied.

But Yan Zhenglin had other thoughts. Seeing the hot dance between Yan Xin and Yuan Hao, Yan Zhenglin's eyes lit up with calculations, but he settled down in the afternoon in an instant, and turned his eyes to Yan Xi and Cheng Lin just now. Go out the door.

Yan Zhenglin didn't expect that the Yan Xi back then would grow so much that many young masters present couldn't take their eyes off him. Yan Zhenglin thought to himself, he must meet Yan Xi if he finds a chance.

Early the next morning, Cheng Lin received a call from Yan Zhenglin. Cheng Lin's call was not kept secret, so it was very easy for Yan Zhenglin to find out. The phone said that Yan Zhenglin wanted to invite Yan Xi to dinner, and Cheng Lin directly replied that he wanted to ask. For Yan Xi's opinion, he made a phone call.

"Xiaoxi, Yan Zhenglin invited you to dinner at noon today, and the place is Tianyu," Cheng Lin said.

"Okay." Yan Xi said, anyway, he has already shown up, and those who need to see will always meet.

"Cheng Bo also go together." Yan Xi said after thinking about it.

At noon, Yan Xi and Cheng Lin changed into simple attire and came to Tianyu. Yan Xi's identity had been exposed, and Yan Xi had no intention of hiding anything. The waiter brought Yan Xi directly to Yan Zhenglin's private room.

Yan Xi sat down directly opposite Yan Zhenglin, and didn't say hello to Yan Zhenglin. The person who came with Yan Zhenglin today was Yang Zhi. Yan Xi knew that this meeting must be full of calculations when he saw Yan Zhenglin taking Yang Zhi. , but Yan Xi also took law as an elective while studying psychology.

"Xiao Xi, come, let's see what you like to eat." Yan Zhenglin said to Yan Xi, his tone was very kind, but it was very strange that such an expression appeared on Yan Zhenglin's face.

"No need, why did Mr. Yan invite me here today?" Yan Xi asked directly.

Yan Xi has a special box in Tianyu, she doesn't want to have lunch with Yan Zhenglin, she is afraid that she will choke to death.

"Xiaoxi, I was not good at what happened before. Of course, I was too impulsive. I didn't take good care of you these years. I came today mainly to want you to return to Yan's house. I have already asked Yang Zhi to prepare the legal documents. , I will make it up to you in the future," Yan Zhenglin said.

Hearing Yan Zhenglin's words, Yan Xi suddenly had an idea of ​​wanting to play Yan Zhenglin, so he said, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, you see." He said and handed the document prepared by Yang Zhi to Yan Xi.

Yan Zhenglin naturally understood that Yan Xi wanted to win his attention since he was a child, and when he heard Yan Xi's words, he suddenly felt hopeful, thinking that as long as Yan Xi returned to the Yan family, Tianyu's funds could solve Yan's current financial problems, and Yan Xi already showed his face in high society yesterday, as long as he takes advantage of it, the current crisis of the Yan family will be resolved.

"Mr. Yan, we are two complete strangers now, and this document says that I have returned to the Yan family, but now I have nothing to do with the Yan family. Is Mr. Yan planning to adopt me? No, I am already 20. I'm old, past the adoption age, Mr. Yan is sorry." Yan Xi said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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