Chapter 291
Compared with Lan Zexi, Yuan Hao and Lan Zexi are in the sky and in the earth, there is no comparison at all.

Lan Zexi put his hands on Yan Xi's waist, stepped onto the dance floor, with a clean face and white gauze, black silk dyed in ink, like a fairy, like a fairy, as if walking from a dream, the first movement was like bending down, and then Like looking up; like coming, like going.It's so graceful and yet so melancholy, it's hard to describe it in words.Then dance, like flying, like walking; like Lali, like leaning.Inadvertent movements are never out of order, and the hand, eye, and body skills are all in response to the sound of the drum.The slender Luo Yi fluttered in the wind, and the long sleeves criss-crossed left and right.An endless stream of gestures spread out, twisting bodies, hands and feet merged, and they walked gracefully with their dance partners in a tacit understanding.

As soon as the song finished, the two of them became the focus of the whole ball in an instant. Today's protagonist seemed eclipsed in comparison. Yan Xi did not ignore the jealous look of Yan Xin's deliberately dressed today, and deeply remembered everything in her mind. In the previous life, the two of them danced together and became the focus of the audience. In this life, this aura has been taken away by Yan Xi.

After a dance, the ball officially began. Both young and old stepped onto the dance floor in pairs, while Lan Zexi and Yan Xin withdrew.

"Xi'er, I like you more and more." Lan Zexi said.

Lan Zexi, who was like a little fox on the dance floor just now, is deeply engraved in Lan Zexi's mind. However, Lan Zexi will silently support Yan Xi. Without Yan Xi's permission, he will not help at will. Of course, Yan Xi Except when there is danger.

Lan Zexi's words made Yan Xi's cheeks blush slightly.

"Zexi, if I did something today, would you think I've gone too far?" Yan Xi said.

"No, I will only do it for you. I am not a kind person. Other people's affairs have nothing to do with me. As long as you are well, I will be fine." Lan Zexi said deeply.

"Thank you." Yan Xi said, resting her head on Lan Zexi's shoulder.

This kind of behavior will not make people feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, it will make people feel warm and sweet. Seeing the appearance of the two of them, several men and women who originally wanted to strike up a conversation canceled their original thoughts.

What men think about is that they are too inferior compared to the men around Yan Xi, and their face will not be too good-looking if they refuse, while what women think about is Lan Zexi's looming air-conditioning, as if they only care about the women around them, If it is rejected, it will be affected in Shangjing for a long time in the future.

It's a pity, but there are always people who don't give up. As soon as Lan Zexi went to answer the phone, Li Hao, the youngest of the Li family, walked over and looked at Yan Xi with a narrow expression.

Seeing Li Hao approaching, Yan Xi was particularly disgusted. Although he was disgusted, but he believed in his previous experience, Yan Xi wished to let him die. However, Yan Xi knew that there was a better way. Death might be too easy for him. up.

"Miss Yan, can I invite you to dance." Li Hao said gentlemanly, but Yan Xi would not ignore the bewildered gaze in Li Hao's eyes.

"Sorry, Young Master Li, I'm a bit tired. If Young Master Li doesn't suggest, I can have a drink with Young Master Li in the room later." Yan Xi said with a smile.

"Of course I would." Li Shao stared at Yan Xi, as if he wanted to swallow Yan Xi directly.

"Wait for someone to tell me the room number next time, but I hope that Young Master Li can go to the appointment alone." After Yan Xi finished speaking, he didn't give Li Hao a smile. To their own enemies.

"Of course, I'll wait for you." Li Hao said when he saw Lan Zexi walking over, the imposing manner on Lan Zexi made Li Hao feel a little scared.

Yan Xi nodded, and did not forget to show a smile to Li Hao. After receiving Yan Xi's smile, Li Hao left. Before leaving, he couldn't forget to stare at Yan Xi.

"Xi'er, don't get too close to him." Lan Zexi said when he saw Li Hao who had just left.

Lan Zexi's first feeling from men is that he doesn't like liking, but Lan Zexi will not destroy Yan Xi's plan, although Lan Zexi sees Yan Xi's smile, but the smile is deep in his eyes.

"Okay, how about we stay here today, and watch an important play tomorrow morning." Yan Xi said to Lan Zexi.

As early as a few days ago, Yan Xi had already found someone to book a suite, but she didn't expect Lan Zexi to come over. Over the years, the two have established a fixed way of getting along, but they didn't break the window on the last floor Paper.

"Okay." Lan Zexi said, as long as Yan Xi wanted to, he would accompany him and give Yan Xi the most freedom. The premise of falling in love is mutual respect. As long as it is Yan Xi's decision, before Yan Xi is not hurt Under the circumstances, Lan Zexi has unconditional support.

The lights were feasting, and the engagement scene reached its climax amidst the sound of blessings. Since the two announced their engagement, Yan's stock has been rising, and Yan Zhenglin has also seen hope from it. His face was full of smiles throughout the night, and Yan's problem was solved proudly. Yan Xi has become a dispensable existence for Yan Zhenglin, and Yan Zhenglin didn't talk to Yan Xi all night, instead it was as if Yan Xi didn't exist.

As the climax passed and the engagement banquet drew to a close, Yan Xi left first. The glimpse at today's dance left a deep impression on everyone present.

After Yan Xi left, Li Hao couldn't forget to stare at Yan Xi obscenely. Yan Xi felt the sight behind him, and showed a sarcastic smile. He hoped that after today, Li Hao would still have the opportunity to be like a flower before the moon.

Yan Xi and his group went directly to the suite that Yan Xi had reserved in advance. Due to the wedding banquet, the hotel rooms became very tight. Lan Zexi's arrival was not expected, so Cheng Lin and Simon could only choose to book an ordinary room. In the evening, only Yan Xi and Lan Zexi were left in the suite. The two of them were no strangers to this kind of situation, and there had been such a situation before.

"Why did you come to Huaxia?" Yan Xi asked, the two of them didn't talk much at the engagement banquet just now, and now that they're back in the room, Yan Xi wants to know about Lan Zexi's situation.

For Lan Zexi's sudden appearance, Yan Xi was pleasantly surprised, and also a little bit greedy for the warmth Lan Zexi gave him. Although the two of them get together less often, they are always in each other's heart.

"The Asian branch has some things to deal with." Lan Zexi said with a smile.

"How long can you stay?" Yan Xi said, and handed the water glass in his hand to Lan Zexi.

"I don't know, but I should be able to stay longer." Lan Zexi said with a smile, took Yan Xi's water glass, and hugged Yan Xi directly in his arms.

The faces of the two were very close, and Yan Xi could see a bruise appearing on Lan Zexi's handsome face. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't notice it. Yan Xi leaned his head against Lan Zexi On Lan Zexi's shoulders, with his face buried in Lan Zexi's neck, the two of them didn't hold each other like this. Neither of them spoke too much, as if they could hear each other's heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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