Chapter 330
"Walk slowly." Yan Xi said directly.

Jiang Haiping glanced at Yan Xi, and found that although Yan Xi was very gentle, he didn't have much temperature. He wanted to test Yan Xi, but nothing came out. He felt that Yan Xi didn't care about Yan, but he felt that there No, after thinking about it, he decided to try Yan Xi by leaving, but what he got in exchange was Yan Xi's words to walk slowly and not see him off.

Jiang Haiping left the reception room, turned his head to look at Yan Xi when he reached the door, and found that Yan Xi didn't care about him at all, Jiang Haiping thought, that's all, it seems that he is already old, shook his head, and left Yan family, now Jiang Haiping can only gamble, betting on Lin Zhenhua's descendants.

"Xiao Xi, what do you think?" Cheng Lin said.

"A rare smart person." Yan Xi said.

Hearing Yan Xi's words, Cheng Lin nodded in agreement. Jiang Haiping was indeed a rare smart person, but it was a pity that he met Yan Xi. Smartness didn't work, and time passed quickly.

When he was a child, Lin Yiyang knocked on Yan Xi's door.

"Yiyang, how's it going?" Yan Xi asked.

"Ten percent, Mr. Wu has sold all of them, and the other two bosses have sold half of them." Lin Yiyang said.

"Okay, it's hard work." Yan Xi said, it seems that the other two didn't want to lose their money, and planned to do both, so that neither side would suffer.

"Cheng Bo, hold a meeting of managers of various departments in the afternoon." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, I'll inform you." Cheng Lin left the room after speaking.

"Yiyang, you have been here for a few days, what kind of person is the manager of the personnel department?" Yan Xi asked.

For a company, personnel is the most important thing. The talents they select are directly related to the future of a company. Huaxia does not pay much attention to personnel, but country M is the opposite of Huaxia. The way of controlling Yanxi is more suitable for In country M, the company needs a big shakeup, first of all in terms of personnel.

"Generally, but it seems to be unsuccessful, but it doesn't have any great ambitions, but it has a close relationship with Xie Dong." Lin Yiyang said.

"Okay, I got it." Yan Xi said, after looking at the share transfer document just now, Dong Xie was one of them.

"Miss, are you going to buy all the shares?" Lin Yiyang asked, feeling that it was easy for Yan Xi to take out hundreds of millions, which made Lin Yiyang curious.

"I won't buy any more, that's enough." Yan Xi said, Yan's situation is different from Genesis's. From time to time, one person holds all the shares, and Yan's situation is more complicated.

After the two chatted, Yan Xi got into work. A few days ago, Yan Xi drew up a plan for the future of the Yan family. It is only rough now, but it needs to be changed in different ways. At noon, Yan Xi asked Lin Yiyang We had lunch together, and after lunch, the afternoon session also started.

In the morning, Yan Xi suppressed several shareholders with an absolute victory, which had a great impact on the company. As soon as he entered the meeting room, it became very quiet, but Yan Xi did not ignore everyone's questioning and dissatisfied eyes. Yan Xi did it Take the seat, Cheng Lin sat beside Yan Xi, Yan Xi didn't speak, everyone remained silent.

"Why didn't Manager Yang from the Finance Department come over?" Yan Xi said, his voice was not loud, but it broke the silence of the area. The voice was not very cold, but everyone could hear the sense of distance.

"Manager Yang is not feeling well. I'm asking for leave in the afternoon." Manager Yang's assistant said, but she was a little nervous. She was just a small assistant, and Manager Yang was not here. In order to record the content of the meeting, she reported it to Manager Yang. must also come.

"Oh, I've asked for leave. It seems that my meeting is held at an inappropriate time. Everyone said it was wrong." Yan Xi said.

Hearing Yan Xi's words, all the people below were much older than Yan Xi, but they still felt very stressed. They could only shake their heads to express it, but did not speak.

"What's your name?" Yan Xi asked Manager Yang's assistant.

"Xia Jinghua." Manager Yang's assistant Xia Jinghua replied cautiously.

"Xia Jinghua, a native of Beijing, graduated from the Finance Department of University A, and went to country Y as an exchange student for two years in her sophomore year. She joined Yan's after graduating from A a month ago. Am I wrong?" Yan Xi Said that although I have seen all the people's information, but because it is an electronic version, there are no photos.

"That's right, Boss Yan has a really good memory." Xia Jinghua said.

"Since Manager Yang is not feeling well, let's take a good rest. From today on, Xia Jinghua will be the manager of the Finance Department." Yan Xi said.

"Mr. Yan, she just graduated from college, how can she do that?" Deputy General Manager He Shikun said.

"Mr. He hasn't experienced it before, how do you know she can't do it." Yan Xi said.

"The company has normal rules for accepting fate. It is inappropriate for Mr. Yan to do this, and it violates the company's original rules." He Shikun said.

"Regulations? Then that regulation will be invalidated from today. From today onwards, only the company will apply. There are no regulations." Yan Xi said coldly, the smile just disappeared, and the atmosphere became serious.

"Is Yan always planning to dismiss us?" He Shikun said.

"Vice President He is also sick. Why is Vice President He sick? I don't mind letting your assistant take the lead." Yan Xi said, it was He Shikun who shot Yan Xi's gun to make an example.

"You dare." He Shikun said.

"How does Vice President He know that I dare not." Yan Xi said, what Yan Xi said, He Shikun knew that if he left now, Yan Xi would really dismiss him, although he was angry, he remained silent.

Although He Shikun is the family member of Director He, his current job is his source of income. Once he is really unemployed, as the vice president of the Yan family, it will be very difficult for him to find a job after he goes out. Small companies will not want it. No one dared to use Yan's relationship.

"Since Vice President He has no objections, I hope to work hard for the company in the future. Who is the manager of the financial department?" Yan Xi said.

"I'm the manager of the finance department, Huang Yi." Huang Yi said.

"Well, from now on, the financial aspects of all departments will have to be approved by you personally. Of course, I will conduct spot checks. In the past few years, the managers have used public funds to eat, drink, and give you gifts. Last year alone, they spent 5000 million yuan. In the past I won't pursue the matter, but from now on I don't want any possible situation." Yan Xi said.

"Mr. Yan, this is necessary to receive customers." Sales Manager Zhao Qian said.

"Really, I don't know if the diamonds that Manager Zhao sent to Ai Xue have to use public funds. If so, I should really ask your wife." Yan Xi said, since Yan Xi came, I will find out If everyone's details are not established today, it will be even more difficult to move forward in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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