Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 341 Love and Family Breakdown

Chapter 341 Love and Family Breakdown (1)
After several people left, Yan Xin went back to the room and called Song Yi. When she found that the phone was turned off, she called the house that Song Yi and a few wives usually bought. Fortunately, Yan Xin still had a phone installed in it.

"Hello." Song Yi picked up the phone and whispered.

After Song Yi owed money, she originally wanted to sell a few properties, but found that these properties had already been bought by Yan Zhenglin. The lady said to come over later.

"Mom, what happened when the debt collector came home." Yan Xin said.

"It's okay, Xinxin, don't worry." Song Yi comforted Yan Xin, but Song Yi's hands were shaking.

"Mom, it's fine if you usually play cards, but how can you go to the casino instead of gambling." Yan Xin said reproachfully.

"Xinxin, I will never go again, don't let your father know." Song Yi said.

"Dad knew about it a long time ago. Those people just came to the door and were kicked out by Dad." Yan Xin said.

"Mom, how much money do you owe? I still have some here. I can help you." Yan Xin said, although she heard it just now, but Yan Xin was on the second floor and didn't hear the amount clearly.

"You helped my mother, and I owe a lot of money." Song Yi said.

"Don't you have property under your name? Sell two of them quietly." Yan Xin said after thinking about it.

"Those were all bought by your father." Song Yi said.

Song Yi told Yan Xin all the situation. After Yan Xi knew that Song Yi owed 5000 million, she immediately sat down on the ground. Wan, immediately hung up Song Yi's call and started crying.

Song Yi has been waiting for Mrs. Wang's arrival in the house, but from morning to afternoon, she did not see Mrs. Wang. Song Yi called Mrs. Wang, but found that her phone had been turned off long ago. She called home and said that Mrs. Wang The wife went out, and Song Yi had nowhere to turn for help, but she dared not go home.

The Yan family is now hit by a storm. The long veil, the field covered with black mist, is shrouded in pitch darkness. Starting from the matter of the Yan family, everything has been out of Yan Zhenglin's control. The unexpected incident made it difficult for Yan Zhenglin to react for a while. All the incidents happened at the same time, and he couldn't even stop it. Ever since the person who came to collect the bill in the morning arrived at Yan's house, Yan Zhenglin hadn't contacted Song Yi, Song Yi seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Yan's stock acquisition was not going well, and Yan Zhenglin felt that he was almost exhausted and didn't have much energy to deal with everything.

All the things that happened in the Yan family recently came like a big net, and none of them fell through, but people didn't catch the fish in the net. Yan Zhenglin originally wanted to ask Yan Xin about Song Yi's situation, but he didn't wait until the sun went down. , Yan Xin never left the room, Yan Zhenglin gave up.

For Yan Xin, who grew up in Yan Zhenglin's love, now that Yan Xin looks like she might feel that she still owes her a little, Yan Zhenglin didn't go directly to Yan Xin, no matter what the reason was, she persisted until now Time for dinner.

Ning Xuan and Yan Nuo remained the same, but now they seldom speak, trying to reduce their sense of presence. Yan Yu lost Song Yi's presence, so she could only take care of herself. Because of Song Yi's affairs, Yan Zhenglin spent the whole day They didn't give me Yan Yu a good look. Although children are young and ignorant, they are the most sensitive. For Yan Xin, dinner cannot be avoided. Also walk down slowly.

Now Yan Xin is much lower than in the past, her eyes have no focus, they are empty, she basically doesn't talk to anyone at home except Song Yi, she has gradually begun to close herself, but only for her family, Yan Xin Occasionally go out at night, but no one knows where.

Yan Zhenglin saw Yan Xin sitting down, glanced at Yan Xin and asked, "Where did your mother go?"

The debt collectors outside were still waiting, waiting for the time to come. It was already a shame for Yan Zhenglin to delay the time until night, but if they didn't receive the money today, they, as debt collectors, would also have a hard time.

"I don't know, I haven't seen her since dinner last night." Yan Xin said lightly, unable to tell what kind of mood she was in when she said these words.

Yan Xin did not lie, the rules of the Yan family, everyone must eat at the same table at dinner, not because of this rule, Yan Xin will always lock herself in the room and not come out, Song Yi goes out, Yan Xin also sees from the window That's all, as for her whereabouts, Yan Xi doesn't care, as if everything that happened in the Yan family has nothing to do with her.

At the beginning, Yan Zhenglin did not seek justice for Yan Xin. After that incident, Yan Xin began to resent Yan Zhenglin. Since Yan Nuo came, everything has changed, and Yan Xin almost does not know her family. everything.

Yan Xin has lived under the brand-new care of Song Yi and Yan Zhenglin for more than ten years. Most of the time, her mind is relatively simple, and she does not think things too complicated. She is the kind of person who has no brains. Everything in her is isolated from her, not to be touched.

For everything now, Yan Xin deliberately avoids, she is afraid, afraid that one day she will have nothing, lose all blessings, isolate herself, do not contact the outside world, do not touch the outside world, maybe when she can no longer suppress When you live by yourself, you fall into madness.

Yan Zhenglin was not satisfied with Yan Xin's answer, but was there any reason to deny that what Yan Xin said was correct.

Seeing that everyone was silent at the dining table, Yan Zhenglin didn't know when the family had become like this, thinking about their own concerns, everyone ate very little, and soon put down the bowls and chopsticks, Yan Xin Then she went back to her own room directly. No matter what happened, it had nothing to do with her. Her current world was limited to her own room. As for everything outside, she didn't care, and she didn't want to care.

After the meal, the debt collectors walked into the Yan family's mansion again. The security guards at the door saw a few big men, but they didn't dare to stop them abruptly. After all, these people are not easy to provoke. Now, for the sake of their own future life, no one is willing to touch people who can't be offended, let alone some unscrupulous punks.

"Mr. Yan, are you ready for the money? I, Zhao Dahu, have already given you enough face. I have already given you a day." Zhao Dahu walked into the room and said to Yan Zhenglin who was sitting on the sofa.

"It's not that I owe you the money, whoever you ask for the IOUs." Yan Zhenglin said coldly.Yan Zhenglin didn't expect that once he was frustrated, even the debt collectors wouldn't give him face. How could Yan Zhenglin let it go?
Over the years, what Yan Zhenglin cared most about was his face. No matter what happened, he always put his own face first. He would absolutely not allow even a small gangster to disrespect him.

(End of this chapter)

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