Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 343 Love and Family Breakdown

Chapter 343 Love and Family Breakdown (3)
Yan Xin will never forget how Yan Zhenglin was when he refused to seek justice for herself. At that moment, she understood that her love from childhood was not worth the company, nor was it worth the face.

That kind of effect is exactly what Yan Xi wanted. Yan Xi used to live in hell and was betrayed by all the relatives she believed in. She also wanted to let Yan Xin experience the pain she had suffered. She would not take it easy for anyone in the Yan family. Forget it, after Zhao Dahu left Huayang Villa, Yan Xi received a call from Lin Yiyang.

"Xiao Xi, be careful, did something good happen?" Lan Zexi asked Yan Xi with a smile when he saw the call.

It's getting late now, Zheng Ran and Lan Rui have a companion who went to the riverside for a long walk today, both of them felt tired, so they went to rest early, while Yan Xi stayed with Lan Zexi In the study room, Lan Zexi calls it reading, but actually sits on a chair with Yan Xi in his arms. When Yan Xi wants to read, Lan Zexi always makes troubles to increase his sense of existence.

"Guess, if you guess correctly, you will be rewarded, but you will be punished if you guess wrong." Yan Xi looked at Lan Zexi with a mysterious smile and said, also for the "revenge" of Lan Zexi who disturbed her reading just now.

"Xi'er first tell me what the reward is, so that I can be motivated." Lan Zexi said confidently.

"Don't you want to know what the punishment is?" Yan Xi asked back, feeling that Lan Zexi was too confident.

"I don't want to know, I will definitely win." Lan Zexi said.

"The reward is that I will personally make you a cup of handmade coffee, and the punishment is that you don't want to disturb my reading tomorrow." Yan Xi said.

"Xi'er, it's not fair. Let's do this. The reward is up to me, and the punishment is up to you." Lan Zexi still didn't forget to find more benefits for himself at this time. Since Lan Rui and Zheng Ran came, he and The opportunities for Yan Xi to get in touch with him are much less, and now he can only spend the night after the two old men have a rest.

"Okay." Yan Xi said.

"Yan Zhenglin paid off the gambling debt for Song Yi." Lan Zexi said with a smile on his face, but what he wanted in his heart was to quickly find more benefits for himself.

But Yan Xi was surprised. Yan Xi, who has always been stable, showed a very surprised expression. Yan Xi has always known that Lan Zexi is very powerful, but he has never really seen it. Now Yan Xi finally understands, even if he is himself Even if he was reborn once, he would not be able to catch up with this evildoer.

"How do you know?" Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi thought that she had done everything seamlessly, Lan Zexi could not possibly find proof of his life, but now that Lan Zexi said it straight to the point, how can Yan Xi not be curious, anyway, Lan Zexi There was no malice towards her, Lan Zexi already knew everything before rebirth, and Yan Xi didn't intend to hide it, after all, the two of them had to live their lives to get to know each other, some secrets could be hidden, some couldn't.

"The people behind the casino." Lan Zexi pointed out with a mysterious face.

"You're the one behind the casino who doesn't know how, but why, Rockefeller still has to manage these things." Yan Xi couldn't help but said curiously.

"You should know that the family was originally divided into two parts, the dark department and the external department. Although I am the leader of both sides now, I don't plan to integrate the two departments. One is bright and the other is dark." Lan Zexi said, he believed that Yan Xi had already understood him. the meaning of.

"So that's the case. It seems that there are still many things I don't know." Yan Xi said.

"I want to know and I'll tell you everything." Lan Zexi said, Lan Zexi never planned to hide anything from Yan Xi.

The Rockefeller family is open and dark. On the bright side, it is to develop business, but secretly, it is to collect information and protect the business on the bright side of the family. Especially Anbu, only the leaders in control know all the situation.

"No, tell me who you arranged for someone to collect the debt." Yan Xi said, since Lan Zexi knew everything, then today's debt collection must be very exciting.

"A little bastard." Lan Zexi said simply, he didn't want irrelevant people to distract Yan Xi too much attention, and the current attention should be on the reward.

"Oh, I'm going to make coffee." Yan Xi said, saying that she had escaped from Lan Zexi's arms before.

Lan Zexi suddenly felt empty in his arms, and showed a malicious smile.

"Let's go together." Lan Zexi said.

Yan Xi did not refuse. For convenience, the villa set up a rest room on the second floor. Cheng Bo knew that Lan Zexi was more used to coffee than tea. Everything on the second floor was well prepared. Due to the age of Lan Rui and Zheng Ran The older one lived directly on the first floor, while Cheng Lin had a habit of being a housekeeper, so only Lan Zexi and Yan Xi were left on the second floor.

When the two came to the break room, Yan Xi took out the specially purchased Brazilian coffee beans and put them in the coffee machine. After setting the temperature, the rest of the time was to wait slowly. After putting them in, the faint aroma of coffee filled the air. It filled the entire room, making both of them feel very awake.

"Xi'er, we'll have to wait for a while, shouldn't we talk about rewards?" Lan Zexi said, hugging Yan Xi from behind, not letting Yan Xi escape.

"Reward, I'm preparing." Yan Xi said, but the heartbeat betrayed Yan Xi.

"Really, but I remember that the reward is decided by whoever wins." Lan Zexi said in Yan Xi's ear.

Lan Zexi made a low voice next to his ear, Yan Xi suddenly lifted his whole body numb and a little soft, and leaned the weight of his whole body on Lan Zexi, Lan Zexi still did not forget Blowing on Yan Xi's ear, Yan Xi's body softened even more.

"Xi'er, I'm here to get my reward back." Lan Zexi said.

Turning Yan Xi's body around, he kissed Yan Xi's delicate red lips. The room was filled with the aroma of coffee and the tenderness of the two of them. Yan Xi leaned powerlessly in Lan Zexi's arms. Zexi was very satisfied with the performance of the person in his arms, so he picked up Yan Xi and placed him on the double sofa.

The aroma of coffee is getting stronger and stronger, and the love between the two is getting deeper and deeper. As a woman of the new generation, Yan Xi can accept premarital sex, let alone the man she loves. Although Yan Xi never said it, but Unknowingly penetrated deep into the bone marrow.

Yan Xi was wearing a shirt. Lan Zexi unbuttoned Yan Xi's button and slowly lowered it. Lan Zexi's inner voice called out to him, don't hurt her, she is the one who has been cherished all her life, no Yes, but he couldn't stop his actions, Lan Zexi's thinking became more and more blurred, completely occupied by Yan Xi.

When Lan Zexi was about to lose control, he told himself that he must not hurt the person he loved the most in his life, a person he regarded as more important than his own life. Lan Zexi braked in time, but was out of breath. Hush, hugged Yan Xi in his arms, and slowly buttoned it up.

(End of this chapter)

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