Chapter 347
Looking at the information returned from the investigation, Yuan Zhijie couldn't help frowning. These days, Yuan Zhijie found someone to follow Huanhuan 24 hours a day, just to find a reason to reject Huanhuan, and Huanhuan's attitude was tough. Not seeking money or fame, Yuan Zhijie has been in the mall for many years, the natural way of human greed, but all these seem to be not reflected in Huanhuan.

Huanhuan's performance is perfect, and Yuan Zhijie's investigation shows that Huanhuan has really followed Yuan Hao for many years. Looking at Huanhuan's recent daily life records, Yuan Zhijie touched his forehead with his hand. If there is no child, Yuan Hao Zhijie doesn't care, but now Yuan Zhijie's three sons, Yuan Bin and Yuan Wei have been married for two years, and they have no heirs. The most important thing in a big family is the issue of heirs. The heirs of the Yuan family will be allowed to stay outside.

Now there is no way for Huanhuan to be soft or hard. One of the only ways is for Yuan Hao to marry Huanhuan. Pushed to the top of the storm.

But in the current situation of the Yuan family, even if Yuan Hao is married, he will not be accused of crimes. Fortunately, when he was engaged to Yan Xin before, Yan Xin was young, and the affairs of the wealthy son had always been the object of gossip. Marriage is just a new topic for the media.

"Dad, why did you ask me to come here?" Yuan Hao looked at Yuan Zhijie anxiously and said.

Ever since that happened, Yuan Zhijie asked Yuan Hao to think behind closed doors at home. These days, Yuan Hao's will has gradually been worn down a lot. For Huanhuan, Yuan Hao has never given his sincerity. Perhaps for the one who only pursues power For Yuan Hao, Huanhuan is just a temporary stimulus for him. Yuan Hao will not give his sincerity to anyone. What he wants to pursue most is rights and interests. There are many others to develop this character.

A general family is inherited by the eldest son. If the eldest son is incapable, he will be the second son. If the third son wants to inherit the family business, he can only overcome difficulties all the way. But how can anyone who seizes the family business be a hero? If he has the ability, he can choose to start his own business.

"Look for Zhao Tingrui (Huanhuan) tomorrow." Yuan Zhijie said.

Yuan Zhijie thought about Yuan Hao's marriage a long time ago to bring the Yuan family to a higher level, but he never imagined that things would develop into this way. There are no absolutes in the world, and plans can never keep up with changes. real.

"Dad, what did you say and what did you do when you saw her?" Yuan Hao said puzzled.

Because of Huanhuan, Yuan Hao became like this. How could he want to see Huanhuan again, but he thought that his mistakes should be blamed on others instead of finding mistakes on himself. Sad for him.

"The child in the girl's belly is yours, right? Are you going to drag it on forever?" Yuan Zhijie said sternly.

Seeing Yuan Hao's appearance, Yuan Zhijie felt that he was the one who made the most mistakes in this matter. He didn't teach his son well and became what he is now. Can't have both?

"Dad, didn't she say that she doesn't need to be responsible? Why should I be responsible?" Yuan Hao said.

Yuan Hao and Huanhuan have been together for many years, how can they not understand each other, Yuan Hao thinks that Yuan Zhijie must have been deceived by Huanhuan, although Huanhuan has never found anyone else during his time with him, how could Yuan Hao be willing to be with someone Children of ordinary families get married.

"If you say you're not responsible, you won't be responsible. Let me tell you, she's pregnant with your child now, so you have to marry her." Yuan Zhijie said.

"I don't want it, Dad, can you let me talk to her?" Yuan Hao said, he just hoped that Yuan Zhijie could compromise.

"Don't you shouldn't have made her belly bigger at the beginning. Since you did it, you will be responsible. You can't pick her up tomorrow. If something happens to her, I won't have your son." Yuan Zhijie said.

I have to say, it really is father and son, Yuan Zhijie can guess what Yuan Hao wants to do.

"What are you doing, don't go out yet." Yuan Zhijie said.

For Yuan Hao, Yuan Zhijie was already disappointed. He thought that Yuan Bin and Yuan Wei had taught him very well. He never thought that such an accident as Yuan Hao would happen to the Yuan family, but when something happened, he had to face it.

Yuan Hao stayed up all night last night. The next day, he dragged his panda eyes and came to Huanhuan's apartment. His face was extremely embarrassing. Yuan Hao pressed the doorbell reluctantly. He really didn't want to come. Once he married Huanhuan , his career is doomed to have no helper, he is unwilling, but now he has no other choice, if he breaks away from the Yuan family, then he is nothing.

"Hao, why are you here?" Huanhuan said as she opened the door and saw Yuan Hao at the door.

Huanhuan has taken off her make-up since she was pregnant, but the woman Yuan Hao likes, even without makeup, must be naturally beautiful. When the rich second generation are together, they only show off cars and women.

"Clean up, my dad wants to see you." Yuan Hao said.

"Hao, come in first." Huanhuan said.

Hearing Yuan Hao's words, Huanhuan was very happy, but she still tried her best to suppress her excitement. She didn't expect that what the strange phone told her to do was really effective, so she would continue to do what was said above. Originally, she had been shaken , but seeing the result now, she believed it.

"Huanhuan, stop pretending, isn't this what you want." Yuan Hao said.

Yuan Hao doesn't like anyone now, but Huanhuan will only feel that Huanhuan is extraordinarily hypocritical.

"Hao, don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble. I'll make it clear to my uncle when I go today." Huanhuan said.

"Really?" Yuan Hao said suspiciously.

Yuan Hao knew that Huanhuan followed him at first because he was interested in his identity and money. He didn't believe that Huanhuan really didn't care. When he heard what Huanhuan said, he was happy but also disappointed. It seems that Huanhuan should desperately use the child to tie him up.

What Yuan Hao didn't know was that the best policy is to retreat.

"Well, just wait for me." Huanhuan said.

After talking about Huanhuan, he exchanged for some light-colored clothes, which were different from the usual heavy makeup. Yuan Hao was surprised for a moment. He didn't expect Huanhuan to be so talkative. After changing clothes, Huanhuan followed Yuan Hao to Yuan's house.

This is the second time for Huanhuan to set foot in Yuanjia, and she is still very surprised, thinking that according to the above plan, this will be the place where she will live in the future, how unhappy is she, but now she is trying to suppress the happy emotions in her heart And desire, it seems that there is no desire and no desire.

Huanhuan's arrival did not attract the attention of Yuan's family, Yuan Hao directly took Huanhuan to the study, where Yuan Zhijie had been waiting for a long time, although there were no omissions in the information, but Yuan Zhijie always had to confirm it himself. believe.

(End of this chapter)

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