Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 359 Infinite Repulsion

Chapter 359 Infinite Repulsion (5)
Although Lan Zexi was also reluctant, she was much calmer than Yan Xi.

"Okay, Zexi, is it okay for you to leave Country M for so long?" Yan Xi said.

"It's okay, let them move as much as they want." Lan Zexi said, if they don't move, if they don't quarrel, he really doesn't want to make a move?

"Well, let's go in." Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi knew that Lan Zexi wanted to stop with silence now, if the enemy doesn't move, I won't move.

Engagement dinner.

Soon two days have passed, and Lan Rui and Zheng Ran have also left for two days. Yan Xi knows that Lan Rui and Zheng Ran are still living in Zheng Ran's courtyard, so he is relieved. Yan Xi doesn't need to worry too much about Wang Lei's care.

Fortunately, it was Lan Rui's intelligence. Qiao Yuhan was commanded by the intelligence, and his attack on the Yi family gradually became secretive, and his actions were not as big as before. After all, the water of the Yi family is still very deep, and it takes a little bit of disintegration. OK.

Ke Yi's family had revenge on Qiao Yuhan for killing his father, and Qiao Yuhan had no choice but to avenge it. Thanks to Yan Xi's timely information, otherwise Qiao Yuhan would really suffer a great loss. This is another story.

"Xi'er, let me untangle your hair for you." Lan Zexi said standing behind Yan Xi.

"Zexi, are you sure you really know how to put your hair up, do you really want to go with me?" Yan Xi asked, Lan Zexi had already shown up in Xiangdu, so it's hard to guarantee that you won't run into acquaintances when you go today.

"Xi'er, of course we have to go together, you should trust me, I promise to comb your hair well." Lan Zexi said, took the comb, and began to comb Yan Xi's hair.

Lan Zexi stroked Yan Xi's silky hair, and deeply imprinted this scene in his heart. Yan Xi's head dish was very simple, but it was slightly fixed behind his head with loose diamond hairpins. Lan Zexi finished the dish Afterwards, she suddenly regretted it. Lan Zexi knew that Yan Xi had always been dazzling, but looking at Yan Xi in the mirror, Lan Zexi suddenly wanted to hide Yan Xi.

"What's wrong?" Yan Xi asked after seeing Lan Zexi in a daze.

"No, I was fascinated by Xi'er's beauty." Lan Zexi said, he would not tell Yan Xi what he just thought, for fear of frightening Yan Xi, in fact, Lan Zexi was worrying too much, Yan Xi's little heart suffered Ability is very strong.

"Really, don't you too." Yan Xi said, in fact, Lan Zexi is the real evildoer, sometimes Yan Xi feels ashamed, but in the eyes of outsiders, both of them are golden boys and jade girls ,match made in heaven.

"Fortunately, Xi'er is just right." Lan Zexi said.

"Let's go, or it will be too late." Yan Xi looked at the time and said.

Lan Zexi suddenly conjured up a necklace like magic and put it on Yan Xi's neck. The light of the oasis is too dazzling. I went to the meeting today to steal the limelight from the trust. Yan Xi didn't have any special requirements for jewelry, and he didn't pay special attention to it. , Yan Xi did not expect that Lan Zexi was already ready.

"Zexi, aren't you afraid of spoiling me?" Yan Xi said, thinking of Lan Rui's occasional expression of grief.

"In the world, Xi'er is enough for me to love Xi'er alone." Lan Zexi said with an expression, he hoped that every day he could improve his sense of existence in front of Yan Xi, so that Yan Xi could love him more. Seeing Zheng Ran's appearance, he also Knowing that he still has a long way to go in chasing his wife, but he has to tie Yan Xi by his side first (black belly).

"Let's go." Yan Xi said with a happy smile. Originally, love was already a luxury for her, but she saw the truth in Lan Zexi.

Now, as the president of Genesis, he should have attended various social events more, but because Yan Xi is too special, and now that the Yan family has stabilized in Yan Xi's hands, there is a vague upward trend, and he is out of the three major families in Shangjing. One of the Yuan family, probably no one has the guts to send an invitation to Yan Xi, even if someone wants to win over Yan Xi, there is still a chance. Yan Xi arrives at the Yan family very regularly, but Yan's employees can't even see Yan Xi. Xi, let alone matchmaking.

Lan Zexi was dressed in a black dress, with purple eyes, and a handsome face, which seemed noble and inviolable. Yan Xi wore a long lavender dress, and her hair was combed slightly behind her head. Violation, as soon as the two appeared, they attracted everyone's attention. Lan Zexi saw that most of the men present were looking at Yan Xi, so he put his hand on Yan Xi's waist. His people did not allow these people to peep, Yan Xi was helpless for Lan Zexi's small move, but she also acquiesced.

"President Yan, welcome." Yuan Zhijie saw Yan Xi walking over and said.

When Yuan Zhijie saw Yan Xi, he didn't expect that Yan Xi hadn't paid much attention to her, even separated from the Yan family's daughter, and now she would be so outstanding. If Yan Xi hadn't left the Yan family at the beginning, it wouldn't be Yan Xi who married the Yan family. Xin, seeing Yan Xi, Yuan Zhijie felt that his son would definitely not be able to control Yan Xi, Yan Xi was destined to be a soaring existence in the Nine Heavens.

Yuan Zhijie had also met the person standing beside Yan Xi. Yuan Zhijie wanted to say hello, but he didn't know who Lan Zexi was.

"President Yuan, congratulations, this is Lan Zexi, I won't disturb you if I bring an extra person here today." Yan Xi looked at Yuan Zhijie and Lan Zexi, so he said.

"No, Mr. Lan, hello." Yuan Zhijie said.

"Congratulations." Lan Zexi said lightly.

Lan Zexi is full of dignity, Yuan Zhijie has seen the world, how can he not know that Lan Zexi is not simple, when facing Lan Zexi, Yuan Zhijie feels a faint pressure, Yuan Zhijie I feel that Lan Zexi is very difficult. If such a person can make friends, it is fine, but if not, he must not become an enemy.

"You're welcome, please come in." Yuan Zhijie said.

The two walked directly into the banquet hall. Yan Xi looked around. Many people present had impressions of Yan Xi, but they didn't know that Yan Xi was paying attention. Lan Zexi saw that Yan Xi was taken away by these people. With an idea, he and Yan Xi came to a relatively remote corner and offered to pour a glass of water for Yan Xi.

As for wine, Lan Zexi didn't like it, and Yan Xi didn't like it either.

Yan Xi saw from the corner, and soon after, Yan Zhenglin also brought Yan Xin over. As for Yan Nuo, Yan Zhenglin did not bring over. After all, Yan Nuo is the most sensitive existence now, and it is not suitable to appear in public.

There were very few people who knew Yan Xi. Yuan Zhijie was worried at first, but he was relieved when he found that Yan Zhenglin didn't recognize Yan Xi. The reason for inviting Yan Zhenglin and Yan Xin to Yuan Hao's engagement ceremony was nothing more than to dispel the rumors.

Soon, everyone gradually arrived, and it took a long time for the newcomers to enter the arena. Many people present felt that Huanhuan had good luck, flying up the branches and turning into a phoenix. Of course, there were also some women who knew Yuan Hao and couldn't help but Living in sour water, I didn't expect Yuan Hao to be regarded as a girl from an ordinary family.

Yuan Hao is wearing a white suit today, with a gentleman's smile, very handsome, but in Yan Xi's view, it is very hypocritical, soon, Huanhuan walked in with his father's support, and handed Yuan Hao Huanhuan looked much more beautiful than many of the women present after specially dressing up.

(End of this chapter)

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