Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 372 Defense

Chapter 372 Defense (4)
"The children's amusement park in your century square, I think Yan Nuo will like it very much. When the time comes, let the housekeeper watch over it, and find an excuse to buy some clothes for Yan Nuo. After that, you go directly to the top floor, and I will get someone ready. As for the clothes to buy, I will let someone prepare them together." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, I got it." Ning Xuan said, she has no other choice now but to choose to believe, and since she got close to Yan Zhenglin, it proved that the person on the other end of the phone is a very powerful person, as if everything was expected among.

"Hurry up, don't arouse his suspicion." Yan Xi said.

After hanging up the phone, Ning Xuan washed his hands and walked out of the bathroom. He found that Yan Nuo had been staring reassuringly at the door in the bathroom. Ning Xuan suddenly raised his hand to comfort him, saying that his son is his own after all.

"Housekeeper, let's go to the Children's Paradise. I want to buy some clothes for Xiao Nuo." Ning Xuan said directly, without hiding anything.

Seeing Ning Xuan's generosity, the housekeeper nodded accordingly. When it came to the Children's Paradise, Ning Xuan asked the housekeeper to take care of Xiao Nuo, while she left. Taking advantage of the time when she was shopping for clothes for Yan Nuo, she directly When they reached the top floor, the group went directly to Century Square.

At this moment, Yan Xi is sitting in Yan's office with Cheng Lin. In fact, Yan Xi can handle affairs in Ruyuan, but in order to let Yan's have a backbone, Yan Xi still insists on coming to Yan's every day, so he can take the opportunity to see what's going on. There is no one who can take over the Yan family.

"Xiao Xi, the DNA report I was asked to do just came out, look." Cheng Lin said, printed out the report and handed it to Yan Xi.

"Not blood relatives, how is this possible." Yan Xi said in surprise after reading the report.

This report was made by Yan Xi after she asked about Yan Nuo's birth and felt Ning Xuan's hesitation. Huaxia can only do DNA testing through normal channels. If you don't go through normal channels, the test results are not authoritative. Sex, all Yan Xi directly mailed the DNA sample to country M, and spent money to find an authoritative organization to test it. This sample was officially the DNA sample of Yan Zhenglin and Yan Nuo.

Yan Xi had suspected it before. After all, Yan Zhenglin had three daughters in a row, and suddenly had a son. It was originally a very happy thing, but when Yan Xi saw Ning Xuan's escape, he had a different idea, and remembered When Ning Xuan was told that if she had a son, Yan Zhenglin would not ignore her. The more she talked to Ning Xuan, the more she understood Ning Xuan. Yan Xi couldn't help being suspicious.

"Xiao Xi, whose DNA sample is this?" Cheng Lin looked at Yan Xi in surprise and asked.

"Yan Zhenglin and Yan Nuo." Yan Xi replied directly.

"How is this possible." Cheng Lin was also surprised. After all, Yan Nuo had been by Yan Zhenglin's side for seven years. Could it be that nothing wrong with Yan Zhenglin had never happened.

"I thought it was impossible at first, but it's true. The next one is samples of Ning Xuan and Yan Nuo. Look." Yan Xi said.

At the beginning, Yan Xi deliberately found Ning Xuan's sample in order to prevent mistakes in the sample. Anyway, it is just a hair, and others can't find anything. Yan Xi didn't expect that Yan Zhenglin loved Ning Xuan, but directly gave Yan Zhenglin a green hat.

"Cheng Bo, ask the lawyer to change the contract. I want Ning Xuan to take over the [-]% of the shares." Yan Xi said, since Yan Nuo is not from Yan's family, there is no need for Yan Xi to show any sympathy. It is the Yan family, which can be regarded as a guarantee for him. If Yan Nuo is already a white-eyed wolf in the future, it will not be too late for Yan Xi to take it back.

"This is easy to handle, but do you still want to give Ning Xuan the [-] million?" Cheng Lin asked.

"Yes, why not, as her reward." Yan Xi said with a smile.

"Okay, I know what to do." Cheng Lin said.

Yan Xi thought to herself, she needs this report to come in time. If she sends Yan Nuo and Ning Xuan to open today, she will have to go to country X to get it back in the future. Yan Xi can give the shares of the Yan family to anyone , but not in vain.

As for the [-] million for Ning Xuan, with Ning Xuan's personality, how long will it take? Besides, Ning Xuan doesn't know how to invest, and he is not familiar with country X, so there is no way to invest even if he wants to. As for Ning Xuan's fate One can imagine.

Century Plaza is a famous shopping plaza in Shanghai. Ning Xuan came to the top floor according to the appointment. There are also a lot of children's clothing here, and many of them are big brands. Of course, there is also a special counter for Sissy Fashion here. Taking advantage of the gap, Cheng Lin invaded the security guard The system erased the image of Ning Xuan going to the top floor.

After reaching the top floor, Ning Xuan came to the private room of the coffee shop on the top floor according to the instructions. The environment here is very good, but it is only provided for VIP guests to rest. Ning Xuan has never been here before. The eyes reveal a strong desire.

"Hello." A foreigner with yellow hair and blue eyes greeted Ning Xuan.

"I went to the wrong place, sorry." Ning Xuan said, the other party only mentioned the private room, and did not say that the lawyer was a foreigner.

"Ms. Ning, you didn't get out of the way. I'm Helen, hello." Helen said.

"Are you the one who came to trade with me?" Ning Xuan asked.

"Yes, please sit down." Helen said, and poured Ning Xuan a cup of top-quality Earl Gray tea in a gentlemanly manner.

"Ms. Ning, please take a look at the contract." Helen said, there are two versions of the contract prepared, the Chinese version and the English version, there is no problem with the Chinese version, the key is the English version.

Ning Xuan's English has been useless over the years, so he directly chose the Chinese version and read it. After reading it, he browsed it roughly and found that there was nothing wrong with it.

"How to trade?" Ning Xuan asked.

"After you sign the contract, the money will be remitted directly to your account in Country X." Helen said.

"Okay." Ning Xuan said, and signed the four contracts. Since Helen is a foreigner, Ning Xuan didn't go into any details.

"Okay, I'll remit money to Ms. Ning now." Helen said, turned on the laptop, and directly used the electronic bank to remit money to Ning Xuan. The remittance was completed in 5 minutes, and then Helen said to Ning Xuan: "Ms. Ning, you can check one time."

Ning Xuan immediately called to check, and found that the account had just been received.

"It's already in the account, where is what I want?" Ning Xuan asked.

"These are passports and air tickets. Yan Nuo cannot use his real name. I hope you will pay more attention when the time comes." Helen said.

"Okay, I see." Ning Xuan said.

"Happy cooperation." Helen said with a smile.

"Happy cooperation." Ning Xuan said, and Ning Xuan left the room after finishing speaking. She could not leave for too long. Before leaving, Ning Xuan took away the two bags of clothes that had been prepared in advance. Sweating profusely while playing, the housekeeper watched from the side.

Ning Xuan walked over to wipe Yan Nuo's sweat, and then played various games with Yan Nuo as if his clothes were about to be parted. Time passed by, and it was almost four o'clock. Ten minutes later, and he had to board the plane early, Ning Xuan smiled when he saw Yan Nuo's drenched clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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