Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 378 The Final Chapter of Revenge

Chapter 378 The Final Chapter of Revenge (5)
"What else do you want, even if you let Ning Xuan go, don't forget that Yan Nuo is the blood of the Yan family after all, even if Ning Xuan took it away, I have no choice, the Yan family will not let the blood go outside Life." Yan Zhenglin asked, he suddenly felt so powerless when facing Yan Xi, as if everything had been out of his control, and he was powerless to bring it back.

"I didn't think about it. You should thank me. Is Yan Nuo your son? Don't forget, you gave birth to three daughters and suddenly you have a son. Congratulations." Yan Xi said, implying very well , but deliberately did not explain clearly.

"What do you mean? Are you saying that Yan Nuo is not my son?" Yan Zhenglin hesitated for a while, he didn't know, if what Yan Xi said was true, could it be that the son he loved for many years was someone else's? For his son, Was it wrong for him to shut out everyone in the family?

"I don't know, this seems to be Mr. Yan's own business, and has nothing to do with me, Zexi, are you right?" Yan Xi said.

"Xi'er says what she says," Lan Zexi said.

However, the actions of the two of them made Yan Zhenglin's teeth itch with anger. Even if they didn't say anything, Yan Zhenglin had no choice but to stare at Yan Xi angrily.

The conversation between the two has always been driven by Yan Xi. Yan Zhenglin has completely forgotten that the original intention of coming here was to indict the teacher, and now he has followed Yan Xi's footsteps, as if he has lost the ability to think.

"You have evidence, right? How can you give it to me?" Yan Zhenglin said.

He must accept the reality, if Yan Nuo is really not his son, he will not let Ning Xuan live freely outside, he must find a way, but for Yan Xi, he is almost certain that Yan Nuo is not his Son, then whose son is Yan Nuo?

"Zexi, is that DNA report still there?" Yan Xi asked.

"I burned yesterday, and I'm gone." Lan Zexi said cooperatively. Together, the two of them have a face that is too angry to pay for their lives. They are a perfect match.

"Mr. Yan, the report has been burned, and it's gone. You can investigate it yourself." Yan Xi said, even if there was, Yan Xi would not give it to Yan Zhenglin. All of this was asked by Yan Zhenglin himself. If you want it, you can find a way by yourself.

"You..." Yan Zhenglin was stuck for a long time without saying anything.

"I'm fine. Thank you Mr. Yan for your concern. It's almost time for lunch. If Mr. Yan has nothing else to do, please walk slowly." Yan Xi said, and she didn't want to continue talking with Yan Zhenglin, anyway, Yan Zhenglin replied to Yan There are also big plays at home.

Yan Xi didn't want Yan Zhenglin to stay and continue to entangle, and affect his appetite for lunch. Yan Xi found that he was becoming more and more like a foodie recently. What Yan Xi said made Lan Zexi couldn't help touching Yan Xi long hair.

"You wait for me." Yan Zhenglin walked out angrily after finishing speaking.

At the door, the butler helped Yan Zhenglin into the car. Yan Zhenglin remembered his original intention to go, but he could only instruct the butler to drive. Yan Zhenglin returned to the Yan family with a bad feeling. It seemed that nothing had changed in the Yan family. , but Yan Zhenglin still believed Yan Xi's words.

"Did anything happen this morning?" Yan Zhenglin asked the servant Xiao Cui.

"Nothing special happened, only the lady went out with her bag." Xiaocui thought for a while and said, it might not be strange if it was changed before, but now it is different, Yan Xin hardly goes out now, suddenly going out during the day, Something unusual must have happened.

Yan Zhenglin immediately dialed Yan Xin's number and found that the call was already connected, so he rushed to the second floor and found that everything in the room was tidy. Yan Zhenglin immediately went back to the study, opened the drawer and saw that the All the documents are there, but Yan Xin's passport and ID card are missing.

In order to make Yan Xin more scandalous, Yan Zhenglin asked someone to apply for Yan Xin's passport long after the incident with Li Hao. The reason was to send Yan Xin away. These days, he has been ignoring Yan Xin, thinking that Yan Xin would let go slowly, but she never thought that Yan Xin would leave.

Yan Zhenglin immediately turned on the computer and checked his personal account, but found a series of zeros. He didn't expect that now he was really alone and had nothing. Because of Song Yi's betrayal, the relationship between the two disappeared. In the end, they divorced. Yan Zhenglin thought that Ning Xuan would be different, but when Ning Xuan left, he took away his remaining stocks. Yan Zhenglin always thought that Yan Xin didn't choose to leave Song Yi because of his father, but he didn't. Thinking that it was for money, now that Yan Xin took away his only remaining assets, Yan Zhenglin didn't know how to proceed with his future life.

Thinking of all this, Yan Zhenglin slid down from the chair and immediately passed out. The butler was just about to bring Yan Zhenglin a cup of hot tea, but when he saw Yan Zhenglin slipped to the ground in a coma, he rushed in immediately.

"Master, wake up..." the housekeeper picked up Yan Zhenglin and said, but Yan Zhenglin didn't respond, so the housekeeper immediately sent Yan Zhenglin to the hospital.

Fortunately, it was a private hospital, and Yan Zhenglin was an acquaintance, so the doctor immediately began to force, and two hours later, the ward was opened. The doctor told the housekeeper that the situation was not ideal, and he would not know until the patient woke up.

When the nurse asked the housekeeper to pay the fee, the housekeeper realized that it was the beginning of the month, and Yan Zhenglin hadn't given him this month's money at all.

As time passed, Yan Zhenglin also slowly woke up. After examining Yan Zhenglin, the doctor said that Yan Zhenglin's brain was congested and he would have to wait a few days before he could speak. The housekeeper didn't know what to do for a while. Decided to go to Song Yi. After all, Song Yi and Yan Zhenglin had been married for many years, so they should have a basic relationship, and Song Yi also took a large sum of money with her when she divorced.

"Ma'am." The housekeeper bit the bullet and walked into Song Yi's villa. It was not as luxurious as the Yan family, but it was much better than Ning Xuan's before.

"This is not the butler of the Yan family. What's the matter?" Song Yi said, these days Song Yi was obsessed with the gambling table, today the butler came just in time, Song Yi came back to get the money.

"Ma'am, the master is sick and is in the hospital now, go and see the master." The butler said, he had no way to ask Song Yi for money directly, so he could only say this.

"It's none of my business. Don't forget that we are already divorced. Whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with me. I have other things to do. You should leave quickly." Song Yi said, ignoring the butler, and immediately walked out of the door. She wanted to keep Song Yi, but before she could speak, Song Yi left.

"Uncle Butler, what's wrong with my father?" Yan Yu asked the butler after seeing Song Yi leave.

(End of this chapter)

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