Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 395 Family and Complicated Situation

Chapter 395 Family and Complicated Situation (4)
"It was indeed framed by someone. Fortunately, no one realized it, and I was washed away in the sewer." Qiao Yuhan said, thinking about it, I feel scared, but fortunately, Yan Xi didn't pay attention before, and then I paid attention.

"Did you find out who brought it in? Luo City is the territory of the Bai family and the Jun family. I didn't expect to do it, but it's more difficult." Yan Xi thought for a while and said, a strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, Yan Xi understands this truth , Qiao Yuhan also understands.

"I'm an ordinary member, but I have been expelled from the club level, but there is only certification and no physical evidence." Qiao Yuhan said.

"Can we find out his contact with the Bai family?" Yan Xi thought for a while and said.

Yan Xi never thinks that he is a good person. Since he has been bullied to the top of his head, if he doesn't return it, he feels sorry for himself and others for their painstaking efforts. But knowing yourself and the enemy is the only way to win every battle. This has always been Yan Xi's style. .

"It is true that I have contacted the Bai family, but there are too many people who have dealt with it, and it is difficult to find evidence, but now all the evidence points to the Bai family." Qiao Yuhan said.

"The Bai family, who's from the Bai family?" Yan Xi asked.

"Bai Wenxuan." Qiao Yuhan said.

"Bai Wenxuan, the son of the head of the Yi family." Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi didn't expect that the Yi family would let Bai Wenxuan do it himself. It seems that the Yi family has also started to be serious. The game has started and everyone is serious to have fun. Yan Xi laughed, but Qiao Yuhan stood beside him, but felt that the air was suddenly cold a lot.

"Yes, Xiaoxi, look at what we do now." Qiao Yuhan said.

"Is Jun Shaochen doing anything now?" Yan Xi said.

The Jun family can sit firmly in the first family, and the family rules have always been strict. It is reasonable to say that it should not be involved in personal grievances, but now there is a marriage relationship between the Jun family and the Bai family, that is to say, there is a marriage relationship with the Yi family. , things are complicated, far more complicated than imagined.

The Jun family is the top leader in the political world, and Yan Xi doesn't want to fight against the Jun family. What he thinks he can do now is to find a way to prevent the Jun family from intervening, otherwise it will really be out of control by then, although Yan Xi of the Lan family does not want to fight against the Jun family. I'm worried, but I don't want to involve the Lan family. It seems that I can only use a deal in exchange for the Jun family to stand by and watch.

"Jun Shaochen didn't do anything, but he is now a senior city official in Los Angeles." Qiao Yuhan said.

The people don't fight with the officials, only the reason since ancient times, even if the Huang Dynasty is powerful, it is not as powerful as the government.

"Have you been in contact with Jun Sanshao recently?" Yan Xi asked after thinking about it.

"Contacted, but he..." Qiao Yuhan said.

Qiao Yuhan's drug research and development materials once helped Junzimo's career to a higher level, but it was a transaction after all, and he didn't have much contact with him afterwards. It is naturally reasonable to be wise and protect himself. No one is willing to marry his family for a former transaction partner. of.

"Have you declined? I'll take care of the Jun family's affairs." Yan Xi said.

"Even if you contact the third master of the Jun family now, it may not be able to solve the problems of the Jun family." Qiao Yuhan said, after all, Jun Zimo and Jun Shaochen are just brothers, one is in business and the other is in politics, and the two do not interfere with each other.

"It's okay, don't worry about the Jun's family, I plan to make another deal, I believe the Jun's family will be interested in the part of the information we left behind." Yan Xi said.

However, Yan Xi did not intend to trade with Junzimo this time. He is not qualified enough to influence the Jun family. If the Jun family really offends Yan Xi, Yan Xi is not afraid, but just afraid of trouble. Qiao Yuhan and the Yi family At first, Yan Xi didn't want to intervene too much, what he can do now is to let all the related people choose to stand by and watch.

"I see, Xiaoxi of the Bai family thinks how to deal with it." Qiao Yuhan asked.

"Leave the Bai family to Uncle Qiao, and treat him in his own way. I think Uncle Qiao should know how to do it." Yan Xi said.

"But Bai Wenxuan is more difficult to deal with..." Qiao Yuhan said.

"Isn't there still Bai Xuyang, Bai Wenxuan's precious son, I want Bai Wenxuan to jump out, but I miss his precious son. I remember you have Bai Xuyang's information." Yan Xi said.

Bai Xuyang is a typical second-generation official. He bears the name of a small section chief in Los Angeles. He only knows how to eat, drink and play all day. A typical scum. .

When Qiao Yuhan heard Yan Xi's words, he suddenly felt enlightened, why didn't he think of it, sometimes the effect is better from the side.

"One more word to Uncle Qiao, the pressure of public opinion is enormous." Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi was able to solve the problem so quickly in Shangjing because he made full use of the pressure of public opinion. Yan Xi didn't want things to get his hands dirty, so he liked to make full use of the strength of all parties.

"I know what to do." Qiao Yuhan said, all previous worries have been put down.

"Uncle Qiao, are you going to deal with the entire Yi family or the enemies from back then." Yan Xi asked.

Yan Xi has never asked about Qiao Yuhan's plans. Although the Yi family has made great progress in medicine, it was only the eldest brother of the Yi family who directly took action back then, not the entire Yi family. Dealing with a person is different from a family. No matter what Qiao Yuhan chooses, Yan Xi will support him.

"If it doesn't have anything to do with the rest of the Yi family, I don't want to hurt the innocent, but I will never let go of anyone who is related." Qiao Yuhan said, there are a few people in the Yi family who can really break away from the relationship. Woolen cloth.

Qiao Yuhan is an only son, and he has had a deep relationship with his father since he was a child. Seeing his father tend to be like that, and he himself has been hunted down by people, gangsters, Yan Xi has never had contact with him, and he doesn't want to contact him, but sometimes it's okay if he doesn't have to. Get things done.

"Okay, then let's concentrate our firepower, and it's better to cast a bigger net." Yan Xi said.

But now that the Bai family has intervened, it must have a lot to do with the entire Yi family. Now that the net has been cast, Yan Xi thinks that it is better to cast the net a little wider, preferably as dense as drizzle, so that no one will be let go. up.

"Thank you, Xiaoxi." Qiao Yuhan said, if he hadn't met Yan Xi at the beginning, he really couldn't imagine what he looks like now.

"They're all from my own family, so what are you doing politely? By the way, Uncle Qiao, when will Lan Lan come over?" Yan Xi asked.

"It should be two days. Xiangdu also has a lot of things to deal with recently." Qiao Yuhan said, recently is the peak season for transactions. Genesis's business has been greatly improved every year in this season. It's autumn harvest.

"Let Lan Lan pay attention when she comes here recently," Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi used to be part of the Yan family, knowing that the four major families are much more complicated than imagined, so Genesis can only exist as a trump card, and it is not time to appear in the eyes of everyone, and Yan Xi himself is also, if Yan Xi appears in Yi In the eyes of the family, the Yi family will soon be able to find out her relationship with the Lan family and the Yan family.

(End of this chapter)

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