Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 397 The situation decision

Chapter 397 The situation decision (1)
Lan Zexi didn't refute. He knew that if he refuted, he would have to bear Lan Rui's more violent attack later.

"We'll have a seafood feast tonight," Yan Xi said.

Everyone was chatting happily, and Lan Zexi realized that there were two old men there, and he didn't even have a chance to get close to Yan Xi. He looked at the sky, and then went back to the study to start working. He secretly decided to occupy Yan Xi. During Yan Xi's night time, during the day he would give in first.

It has to be said that Lan Zexi has a black belly. He obviously has a lot of work to do, but he can find excuses in his heart, but Yan Xi is the only one who is worthy of Yan Xi's excuses. For love, everything is secondary factors.

The depth of water is difficult to measure, and people's hearts are unpredictable. The depth of water may be measured by various means in the current 21st century, but people's hearts are still unpredictable. Hatred will corrupt this person's mind. For the Yi family, Yan Xi is relatively Reasonable, but Qiao Yuhan is different. What Yan Xi can do now is to help Qiao Yuhan, so that he can take revenge without falling into a deeper abyss. Lan Lan is Qiao Yuhan's current weakness, and Yan Xi can only find a way to make him The two see each other less now.

People's weaknesses are easy to be grasped by others. Although Genesis is a leading company and has branches in the capital, no matter how powerful Genesis is, it cannot be compared with the deep-rooted Yi family. Yan Xi wonders whether Qiao Yuhan will do it for Lan Lan Losing my mind, but it's better to be prepared than to do nothing at all.

The flickering light is like telling people that life has its ups and downs. No one's life is smooth sailing. Good and evil are always with everyone. The Buddha said that one thought becomes a Buddha, and one thought becomes a demon , as well.

No one can really grasp the future situation, whether it is Yan Xi or Yi Jia, it is impossible to win people, it depends on who is more calm, Yan Xi is not in a hurry, Qiao Yuhan is not in a hurry, after many years The wait is over, don't be in a hurry, what Yan Xi likes is to catch people's weaknesses and hit them with a single blow.

The situation of the Yi family is not clear now. The Yi family has always been a giant in the manufacture of Huaxia Pharmaceuticals, but now that Jun Zimo has taken a share of the pie, I don’t want to come to the Yi family. After all, the influence of the Jun family in the political world will be huge. If it surpasses the Yi family in medicine manufacturing, then the future Yi family will be in jeopardy.

Yan Xi once thought about using the Jun family to deal with the Yi family, but it is absolutely impossible to drive the Jun family, so the only way left is to cooperate, and the partner of cooperation must be the person with the most say in the Jun family.

"Girl, what are you thinking of writing?" Lan Rui saw Yan Xi standing in the yard in a daze for a long time, so he walked over and said.

"Grandpa Lan, haven't you rested yet?" Yan Xi asked.

Yan Xi wanted to meet the old man of the Jun family through Lan Rui, but he couldn't open his mouth. Yan Xi didn't want Qiao Yuhan's matter to involve too many people around him. When talking to Lan Zexi, Yan Xi could be very direct, but he had to really No matter what the reason is, Yan Xi doesn't want to have a profit factor in the middle, but now this is the best choice.

"Girl, since this afternoon you've felt that you wanted to say something, but you hesitated to speak. Do you have something to say to Grandpa Lan?" Lan Rui looked at Yan Xi and said.

In the afternoon, Lan Rui felt what Yan Xi wanted to say, but Yan Xi didn't say it a few times. Lan Rui knew Yan Xi, it was not important, and Yan Xi would not look for him, so He had been waiting all this time, but Yan Xi still didn't say anything at night, and he was itchy in his heart, not knowing what Yan Xi was doing for.

"Grandpa Lan, I want your help with something, but..." Yan Xi glanced at Lan Rui, hesitating, is he really going to pull the Lan family out? If this matter succeeds, it has nothing to do with the Lan family If it fails, the Jun family will definitely think that the Lan family and her are on the united front.

"Tell me, it's not like you to be hesitant." Lan Rui said meaningfully and seriously.

Lan Rui has already got a general idea, and it will inevitably involve the current situation. He knows that Huang Chao is Yan Xi's property, and he also knows the hatred between Qiao Yuhan and the Yi family. If he doesn't know that Yan Xi has no other better way, he won't be like He spoke, no matter what the reason was, he wanted to help Yan Xi.

"Grandpa Lan, I want to meet the old man of the Jun family and ask Grandpa Lan for help." Yan Xi took a deep breath and said with determination.

"Have you decided, girl? The old man of the Jun family is a fox." Lan Rui said.

Lan Rui reminded Yan Xi that the old man of the Jun family was cunning, and at the same time told Yan Xi that he could indeed make arrangements, so Yan Xi should pay attention.

"Well, the current situation is originally a personal grievance, and I don't want to get involved too much." Yan Xi said looking at the sky, the sky was foggy, and I couldn't see the stars anymore. Society has really developed, but development comes at a great price. When can I see it.

"Okay, as long as you have the heart, I will make arrangements tomorrow." Lan Rui said.

Lan Rui directly agreed to Yan Xi's request. The military and political circles are inseparable. The two families, one bright and the other dark, guard the peace of China. Yan Xi knows that for this peace, the people of the two families have paid a lot , and perhaps pay more in the future.

"Grandpa Lan, I'm sorry for dragging you into the water." Yan Xi said apologetically.

It was not Yan Xi's intention to use Lan Rui's relationship to meet the old man of the Jun family, but he had to do so, just to reduce the losses of several families better, and not to affect the economic and political situation because of personal grievances.

"What are you talking about? We're all one family." Lan Rui said, feeling overjoyed, he knew that Yan Xi didn't want this family matter to involve the Lan family, and he also knew that Yan Xi must have a better solution to do so of.

As for the matter of Yan's family in Shangjing, Lan Rui also knew about the whole incident. Although he knew that there was Yan Xi's method in the middle, Yan Xi was still kind-hearted after all. As a family member of a military family, Lan Rui also knew that sometimes it was appropriate to kill Resoluteness is necessary, and what happened to the Qiao family was indeed the reason for the Yi family's robbery.

"Then I won't say thank you." Yan Xi said with a smile.

In fact, Lan Rui is a very interesting person, perhaps because as the head of the Lan family, he had to maintain his demeanor, and he had some deterrent power in the Lan family, so the younger generations of the Lan family were more afraid of him, and the immediate relatives also There was only Lan Zexi alone, Lan Zexi was relatively indifferent to everyone except Yan Xi.

Although Lan Zexi cared about Lan Rui very much in his heart, he didn't show it. How could Lan Rui not see it after all the trials and hardships he had gone through?

"Okay, let's go in and look serious outside." Lan Rui said.

Yan Xi nodded, and walked into the house together...

Life is like a new game of chess, the same chess pieces, the same people, but the results are ever-changing. Even though Zheng Ran and Lan Rui have been playing chess for many years, they still haven't got bored, instead they can't leave the chessboard even more.

(End of this chapter)

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