Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 399 The situation decision

Chapter 399 The situation decision (3)
Seeing that Lan Rui and Zheng Ran both like it, Yan Xi also showed a smile. In order not to damage the natural environment here, Yan Xi spent a lot of effort during the construction. It took nearly two years, and later it was renovated and maintained. It took a year, and now everything inside is ready and just right.

I parked the car directly in front of the dedicated holiday villa. There are about [-] steps of stairs to go up. After going up, there is a larger open-air hot spring. The villa is made of wood, and it is all solid wood. The wood was felled when the hot spring was built, and Yan Xi made the best use of it later.

"Master, do you still like Grandpa Lan here?" Yan Xi asked.

The natural green was used here before, and the osmanthus flowers are fragrant in August. There is an osmanthus tree next to it, and the whole yard exudes a natural fragrance. It turns out that there are no colorful flowers in the garden, but only a piece of natural green.

"Girl, you built such a wonderful place without making any noise, and you didn't tell us." Lan Rui said.

"No way, Grandpa Lan, the house is built of wood with a layer of natural paint on it. It has been placed for a year, and now it is just ready to move in." Yan Xi said with a smile, thinking that Lan Rui really looked like an old man. Child.

"Master, this is the room of you and Grandpa Lan. They are all decorated according to your preferences. Each room has a small bathtub, and the water is directly imported hot spring water. You go to the room first to have a look." Xi said.

While the few people were talking, the waiter had already put the luggage in their respective rooms. Lan Rui and Zheng Ran went to their own rooms, planning to soak in the hot spring for a while after changing clothes. There is a small hot spring for everyone here, which can accommodate about four people. Up to five people, and they are all relatively close, and you can also choose to soak in the hot spring directly in the room.

"Zexi, this room is yours, see if you like it, next to it is the study." Yan Xi said.

"Xi'er, where is your room?" Lan Zexi asked.

"Next to the study, if you want to work, there is also internet here. Vincent's room is on the other side, and there is a special guest room over there." Yan Xi said.

"Thank you." Vincent said, and walked to his room. He still doesn't want to stay as a light bulb. The environment here is good, and it's perfect for vacation.

Lan Zexi and Yan Xi went back to their rooms, changed their clothes, and started to soak in the hot springs. After noon, they ate the lunch prepared by the resort. The ingredients here were the same as Tianyu, so they were very fresh.

"Grandpa Lan, when will Mr. Jun come over? Do you need me to pick him up?" Yan Xi asked.

People from the Jun family are not worthy of being here. Although it is a membership system, most of them are people who have a cooperative relationship with Genesis and Huangchao, and they have a good relationship. It can be said to be an internal holiday center.

"Boy Ze and you go to pick him up somewhere at the foot of Fragrant Hills. He probably hasn't arrived yet, so you can just walk there." Lan Rui said calculatingly.

That way, looking at Lan Zexi, let me let you go, boy, I gave you a chance, you give me a good grasp.

Lan Zexi gave Lan Rui a look, the old man is meddling again.

"Okay, it just so happens that we can go for a walk." Yan Xi readily agreed, completely ignoring Zheng Ran's fiery eyes.

"Let's go." Lan Zexi said.

Holding hands, the two walked in the mountains, breathing the fresh air, and walked to the end of the trail without knowing it. The place where the trail came out was not closed, and people who came and went to Xiangshan could be seen clearly.

The two stood there, Lan Zexi's profound beauty, Yan Xi's indifferent and elegant, they were so harmonious, setting Buddha became another scenery of Fragrant Mountain, attracting many people's attention.

About 10 minutes later, a customized commercial vehicle drove into the parking lot. Yan Xi looked at the license plate number and knew that it was Mr. Jun. Yan Xi and Lan Zexi walked over slowly, although it was very slow , but without being obtrusive.

"Mr. Jun, hello, I'm Yan Xi, and he's Lan Zexi." Yan Xi greeted.

"Mr. Jun, hello." Lan Zexi said lightly, but he had the domineering aura of a king.

"Old man Lan asked you to pick me up, that's right." Mr. Jun said when he saw the two of them.

I feel that the temperament of the two is much better than that of the children of the Jun family. No wonder Lan Rui is so fond of the two of them. Mr. Jun looked at Yan Xi, with an indifferent temperament, as if he was a fairy wandering in the world. It's not so beautiful that it overwhelms the country, but the temperament is absolutely natural.

"Yes, shall we drive in directly?" Yan Xi asked.

"Do as the Romans do, let's go in by tram, Xiao Li, you drive back first, and come pick me up tomorrow." Mr. Jun said to the accompanying driver.

"Master, but..." Xiao Li said.

Yan Xi guessed that Xiao Li should be Mr. Jun's driver and bodyguard or something. Although Mr. Jun had quit politics a long time ago, the Jun family is still standing. This Mr. Jun should not be underestimated.

"Go back, just to meet an old friend." Mr. Jun said, although his tone seemed softer, but it made people dare not refute.

Jun Muxuan, the name of the old man Jun, was the leader of the Chinese political circle when he was young. Later, in order to support the younger generation of the family, he was willing to live in seclusion behind the scenes, but it did not reduce the influence of the Jun family at all. A sense of admiration.

Yan Xi saw Jun Muxuan for the first time, and felt Jun Muxuan's aura. Yan Xi had seen this kind of aura in Lan Rui before. sword.

"Yes, master." Xiao Li said, saluted Jun Muxuan and drove away.

"This way please." Yan Xi said to Jun Muxuan.

"Okay." Jun Muxuan nodded and said.

Jun Muxuan did not expect that Yan Xi was so young, she looked only in her twenties, and she was not afraid of herself at all. The basis was to keep calm and indifferent. She looked at Lan Zexi and found that Lan Zexi was full of dignity Naturally formed, with deep eyes, like a sleeping dragon, he suddenly discovered that these two people were masters, and he couldn't see through them.

At the same time, he also became curious about Yan Xi and Lan Zexi. He directly felt that Yan Xi and Lan Zexi were the filial girls that Lan Rui always praised. The other one should be the grandson that Lan Rui mentioned.

The Jun family and the Lan family have an inevitable connection, but this relationship cannot be exposed to the public. He was a little worried at first, but now he sees Lan Zexi and Yan Xi, but he is suddenly relieved.

Lan Zexi drives the electric car himself. The electric car is open and the speed is relatively slow. You can clearly see the scenery on both sides of the road. There are birds chirping in the forest from time to time.

(End of this chapter)

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