Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 423 The crisis from country M

Chapter 423 The crisis from country M (4)
"Xi'er, it won't happen in the future, I will take good care of myself, don't worry, okay." Lan Zexi said softly.

"Zexi, the current situation is so complicated, why don't you go back to country M first, I'll go to country M right away after Uncle Qiao's matter is over, okay?" Yan Xi thought for a long time, and finally couldn't help but said.

Due to the time difference, Lan Zexi basically had to deal with things until early in the morning, and if it involved the Cleveland family, it would be better for Lan Zexi to handle them in person. In country M, Rockefeller also has a backbone, and the internal situation will be more stable.

"Xi'er, it's okay. I can control the current situation. Don't worry." Lan Zexi hugged Yan Xi and said in Yan Xi's ear. Fortunately, today is not the weekend, and there is no one here, otherwise the two of them would be like this. The action will definitely attract the attention of many people.

"I don't want to wait for me to fall asleep without you and wake up quietly. If you want to do this, then I will accompany you every night." Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi knew that he would not tire himself out, so there was no way to persuade him now, so Yan Xi just wanted to stay with him.

"Xi'er, don't be like this, okay?" Lan Zexi said helplessly. I have to say that Yan Xi is really able to grasp Lan Zexi's weakness.

"Zexi, I have been in country M for seven years. I am not completely ignorant of the situation in country M. Five of the top ten most powerful families in the world are in country M, and the others are located in various parts of the world. , Cleveland and the Rockefeller family regard wealth as a civilization. The Rockefeller industry is relatively complicated, and finance should not be underestimated. But since you became the head of the family, Rockefeller has vaguely surpassed Cleveland in terms of finance, but after all, Cleveland has been the leader for many years , if you really want to face off against the Cleveland family, the success rate must be much higher if you take the helm yourself, and this time it involves the internal struggle of the big family, I don't want you to work too hard every day, and worry about the family situation, personally Going back and dealing with it is your best choice now." Yan Xi directly stated the importance of the matter and her own hidden worries, in order to make Lan Zexi unable to refute.

"Xi'er, you know don't worry, I can take care of it." Lan Zexi said slowly, but his heart was already hesitating, she didn't want to leave, and she also didn't want Yan Xi to stay up late with him every day.

At this moment, Lan Zexi can only hate the Cleveland family, Sean and Jones in his heart. If it weren't for them, he could have stayed. In fact, in Lan Zexi's life, what he cares most about is Yan Xi. I can't live without it, it would be great if time could stay, Lan Zexi thought.

"Zexi, I will speed up China's progress, okay?" Yan Xi said while looking at Lan Zexi.

"Xi'er, it would be great if you could be a little more selfish." Lan Zexi said, it would be great if you could be a little more selfish and keep me selfishly...

"Actually, I'm selfish. After everything is resolved, I want to occupy you for the rest of my life." Yan Xi said, how much she hoped that Lan Zexi would not leave, but for the sake of her future life and for Lan Zexi not to be so tired, so she could only Make the best choice now.

"Okay, Xi'er, I'll wait for you in country M, and I will give you a lifetime of stability." Lan Zexi promised.

"Okay, I'll wait. The situation in Country M is complicated. You have to take good care of yourself and take a rest." Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi knew that although this decision was not what Lan Zexi wanted, it was the best choice. For the sake of the future and the hidden hatred in Lan Zexi's heart, this time, Sean and Jones must pay the price.

"Okay, Xi'er, just deal with Huaxia's affairs slowly, don't be in a hurry." Lan Zexi said.

He didn't want Yan Xi to face this danger with him, so he hoped that Yan Xi could stay in China, at least until the situation stabilized.

"Okay, I promise you." Yan Xi said, but she didn't think so in her heart. In fact, Lan Zexi and Yan Xi had similar personalities, they were both extremely stubborn. They both worried about each other, but neither wanted to let the other know their own worry.

The two reached an agreement, and suddenly felt a lot more relaxed. Since Lan Zexi had decided to return to country M, he would never look back. Lan Zexi put down his work and stayed with Yan Xi for the whole afternoon. This morning, Lan Zexi boarded the earliest flight to country M.

With Lan Zexi's departure, Lan Rui had some worries in his heart. Yan Xi and Lan Zexi had reached a consensus long ago and decided to hide Lan Rui from it, so Lan Rui didn't know about it and sent Lan Zexi away. She looked at Yan Xi suspiciously.

"Grandpa Lan, what's the matter." Yan Xi asked. It has to be said that Lan Rui was very keen. Although he didn't notice any flaws, he felt that something was about to happen.

"Girl, did something happen in Country M? Why did Kid Ze leave in such a hurry? Now that he's gone, you can tell me." Lan Rui stared at Yan Xi and said, hoping to see something strange from it.

"It's nothing. Grandpa Lan thought too much. Now is the time for the stock market to fluctuate, and Zexi has something to do with Rockefeller's head. He went back because of business. What can he do?" Yan Xi said, feeling a little flustered, but there was nothing. Show any flaws.

"Really, why do I think you guys are in collusion?" Lan Rui said suspiciously.

"How could it be, Grandpa Lan, you think too much." Yan Xi said.

"Okay, old man Lan, don't listen to the wind and the rain. Didn't the girl say it's okay? Your grandson is now the head of a big family. After staying in China for such a long time, there must be some things to deal with. You are so old, what do you want to do so much, leave the young people's affairs to the young people." Zheng Ran said.

Zheng Ran also had doubts in his heart, but since Yan Xi and Lan Zexi decided not to accept them, there must be a reason for not saying anything, probably because the bystanders are clear. Zheng Ran knows Lan Zexi's ability, so he will definitely be fine. , and he liked Yan Xi so much, he felt that nothing would happen to him.

"Okay, old man Zheng, if the girl leaves, I'll see if you can stay so calm." Lan Rui said.

Lan Rui explained the worries in Yan Xi's heart in one sentence. After the Yi family's matter is resolved, it is time for her to leave. These days, Fangfo has gotten used to the current life. I hope Zheng Ran will not say anything by then.

"Girls will leave, and many of them won't come. You, you are old and sentimental." Zheng Ran said, in fact, when Lan Zexi left, Zheng Ran vaguely felt that Yan Xi would also be coming soon. Leave, but, he knows that Yan Xi will still come, he is still Yan Xi's master, he went outside more often when he was young, Zheng Ran would be worried, but he would support Yan Xi's decision and ideas.

(End of this chapter)

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