Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 426 The Beauty Trap

Chapter 426 The Beauty Trap (2)
"Master, what are you going to do? How about Xue'er go and help Master." Bai Xue said.

Bai Xue knew that Yi Tianheng was angry, she said that, it happened that Yi Tianheng would think in the opposite direction, people are like this, they will not listen to other people's suggestions, sometimes when they are in a bad mood, they will choose the opposite suggestion.

"Xiao Xueer, you seem to value my elder brother very much." Yi Tianheng said coldly.

Yi Tianling is indeed more popular than Yi Tianheng. Although he is cruel, he defaults to being the successor of the Yi family. Seeing Bai Xue say so, Yi Tianheng is of course angry.

"Master, what are you talking about? Xue'er is not happy to see it, so she just wants to help you. How can you miss Xue'er so much?" Bai Xue said with tears on the verge of falling, and she was very aggrieved.

"Little Xue'er, don't cry, it's my fault." Yi Tianheng coaxed immediately.

"If you don't like it, you can find someone to take good care of your elder brother in prison." Bai Xue's words were puns, but they achieved the best effect.

"Little Xue'er is really cruel." Yi Tianheng hooked Baixue's chin and said.

"Xue'er doesn't like people who make me unhappy." Bai Xue said while hooking Yi Tianheng's neck.

"Little Xue'er still loves me, but my master is not easy to explain." Yi Tianheng said.

If Yi Zhongtian knew that he was taking care of Yi Tianling like this, he would have to pull his skin off. Although he had refuted Yi Zhongtian before, he really didn't dare to go against Yi Zhongtian's intention.

In recent years, although Yi Tianheng has Yi Tianling's design, it is Yi Tianheng's own reason to develop such a character. Unlike Yi Tianling, Yi Tianheng's character is relatively cowardly. Not much will be achieved.

"Master, keep it secret. When the time comes to return to the old man through someone else, just say that you have taken care of it. The old man won't go and see by himself." Bai Xue said directly.

Yi Tianheng nodded, and found that what Bai said made sense. Yi Zhongtian loved face, and he really would not go to the prison to see Yi Tianling in person. I can't find it.

"Little Xue'er is really smart, but she's also really cruel." Yi Tianheng said.

After being out for so many years, how could Yi Tianheng not know that the women on the scene are just interested in your money, and he is also willing to pay money, but it is just a transaction, and he doesn't believe in feelings.

"Isn't Xue'er doing it for the sake of the master? She also said that Xue'er is cruel." Bai Xue said with a charming look.

"My dear Xue'er, I will make it up to you now." Yi Tianheng said.

Immediately after speaking, she pressed Bai Xue under her body, and began to ask for it. Her charming voice echoed throughout the room, and the room was filled with a blurred atmosphere...

As expected, Yi Tianheng followed Bai Xue's suggestion and made some arrangements. Huaxia's language is extensive and profound, so take good care of these four words. At different times, they have different deep meanings.

Qiao Yuhan also bribed the guards, and got the news immediately. For the guards, it is of course good to serve multiple purposes.

On the third day after Lan Zexi left, Yan Xi felt that something was missing in his life. According to the myth, two souls make a hand, and only when he finds a soul mate can life last forever.

Yan Xi drove directly to Huangchao. Although Yan Xi had been paying close attention to the Yi family's information, he decided to ask Qiao Yuhan about his next move. , although the foundation of the Yi family has been hurt, the Yi family will not go bankrupt in a short time.

Looking at Qiao Yuhan's actions, Yan Xi knew that Qiao Yuhan planned to make the Yi family completely disappear in the capital, but that was also good, so that the Yi family would no longer be able to set foot in the capital.

"Uncle Qiao." Yan Xi drove the car directly into the villa, and said to Qiao Yuhan who was waiting for her.

"Xiao Xi, why are you here today?" Qiao Yuhan asked.

Qiao Yuhan knew that Yan Xi would not interfere with the grievances between the Yi family and the Qiao family, but Yan Xi usually had nothing to do and would not appear here, the only thing was the current situation.

"Uncle Qiao, can't I come if I have nothing to do?" Yan Xi said with a smile.

Why does she have a feeling that her friends know her too well? Is she someone who doesn't show up when nothing happens?

You are, look at you, for so many years, you have founded many companies, but you ended up being a hands-off shopkeeper. The monthly returns are all passed to Yan Xi after Cheng Lin has read them. If you have time, , give a business plan, and let them handle it by themselves every month, hey...

"How come, it's too late to welcome?" Qiao Yuhan said.

"Hehe, don't tell me, I really have something to do when I come today." Yan Xi said with a smile.

"What's the matter." Qiao Yuhan looked at Yan Xi and said as if I knew it.

"How do you plan to deal with the Yi family's affairs next?" Yan Xi said, after all, the Yi family is a century-old family, and it is very difficult to clean up everything.

"Xiaoxi, to be honest, I really want to destroy the Yi family, but..." Qiao Yuhan paused. The Yi family is a century-old family. Although there are only three members in the main family, there are many collateral families. A matter of time, but a long time.

"That's right, the Yi family is indeed intricate and complicated. Although the foundation has been damaged, it is not a short-term effort to deal with it." Yan Xi said.

"That's it. Now that the Yi family is supported by Yi Zhongtian, it is almost impossible to design Yi Zhongtian." Qiao Yuhan said with a hint of distress.

Yi Zhongtian doesn't leave Yi's house very often now. Although Qiao Yuhan can get news about Yi's house, it is difficult to enter Yi's house. Even if he wants to take any measures, it is impossible at all.

"By the way, have you found someone to take care of Yi Tianling?" Yan Xi asked after thinking about it.

Yan Xi didn't think that Qiao Yuhan would let go of this opportunity. In this society, money can turn ghosts around. Yan Xi knows it all too well. Similarly, Yan Xi also knows Qiao Yuhan's character very well.

"Xiao Xi, you guessed it, but I didn't do it directly, I just added fuel to the fire." Qiao Yuhan said, and Qiao Yuhan didn't hide anything from Yan Xi.

"Yi Tianheng made a move, it's also your credit." Yan Xi said.

Qiao Yuhan placed someone beside Yi Tianheng, and Yan Xi knew that it was nothing more than a woman, Yan Xi had used this a few times, and used it very well.

"Hehe, I can't hide anything from you." Qiao Yuhan said, even though he said so, he didn't feel any distress. He was willing to bow down to Yan Xi's reluctance. He had never won before, and it was even more impossible now.

"It's not that you can't hide it from me, it's because you didn't intend to hide it from me." Yan Xi said.

"It's just the Yi family. I can't do anything for a while. If the Yi family is still in the capital, it will be a disaster after all." Qiao Yuhan said.

(End of this chapter)

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