Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 448 Love Follows

Chapter 448 Love Follows (1)
"It's okay, it doesn't hurt at all." Lan Zexi said slowly.

When Yan Xi came, the joy in his heart had covered up the pain in his body. In order not to distract Yan Xi, Lan Zexi would not speak out what was in his heart. Moreover, if he said it, Yan Xi would definitely be angry and annoyed.

Yan Xi slowly used medical cotton to disinfect Lan Zexi over and over again. In order to heal the wound better, Yan Xi knew that disinfection is the most painful, and fortunately, he carefully cleaned up the residue on the wound. Now there is no Anesthesia, and there is no way to relieve the pain, Lan Zexi can only endure it by himself, Yan Xi feels very painful while disinfecting, but Lan Zexi has been enduring it, his right arm has not moved, Yan Xi's every movement is very light , also very carefully.

After disinfecting it over and over again, Yan Xi applied the medicine to Lan Zexi, and then wrapped several layers of gauze lightly, not too thick, too thick would not benefit the healing of the wound.

"Xi'er, it's good to have you." Lan Zexi looked at Yan Xi and said.

"I also know that it's good to have you in this life, so I'll go and remake some clothes for you." Yan Xi said.

Fortunately, I met Lan Zexi in this life. If I didn't know Lan Zexi, maybe Yan Xi would choose to find a place to live in seclusion after taking revenge, and spend his life heartlessly.

Lan Zexi just looked at Yan Xi without saying a word. This place used to be the warmest place for him, but since the death of his parents, Lan Zexi has also been here several times quietly, but he just felt cold. The Buddha here has returned to the warmth of the past.

Yan Xi took a looser home clothes from the room, and slowly put them on for Lan Zexi. The two cooperated very well. Although it was the first time, everything was so natural.

"Xi'er, you haven't eaten yet. I've prepared your favorite food. Let's eat something first." Lan Zexi looked at Yan Xi and said, only to remember that he had guessed that Yan Xi was coming early in the morning, so he prepared it Porridge and side dishes.

"Okay." Yan Xi said.

After re-bandaging Lan Zexi's wound, Yan Xi was also a little relieved. Fortunately, Yan Xi had seen the injuries of Qiao Yuhan and Wang Lei before, otherwise she would have been absolutely terrified.

The two ate and ate in a leisurely manner. Perhaps Yan Xi hadn't eaten since boarding the plane. Until now, Yan Xi felt very hungry, and unknowingly ate more. Lan Zexi He didn't eat much, and kept looking at Yan Xi dotingly, thinking that it would be good to live like this for the rest of his life.

After eating, after Yan Xi cleaned up, the two snuggled up on the sofa, holding Lan Zexi's hand, it was great to be able to do this, afraid of experiencing the feeling of being about to lose on the plane again, Yan Xi was afraid .

"Xi'er, it's okay, it's just a little scratch." Lan Zexi said feeling Yan Xi's fear.

"Zexi, do you know, I just got on the plane yesterday and I suddenly felt very scared, I..." Yan Xi originally wanted to say that I had been silently reciting the mantra of pure heart for more than ten hours in my heart, but when it came to my lips, I didn't say She didn't want Lan Zexi to blame herself for it.

"Xi'er, I will never get hurt again." Lan Zexi said, a gleam flashed in his eyes, although it was a minor injury, but if it made Yan Xi sad, he would never allow it, and he would never indulge again.

"Okay, it's a deal." Yan Xi said, this is the most important agreement in the world.

"Okay, Xi'er, let's take a rest." Lan Zexi said, Yan Xi probably hasn't rested since getting on the plane yesterday.

"How about we go together?" Yan Xi said.

Yan Xi knew that Lan Zexi didn't rest very much during this period, and Lan Zexi probably didn't take much rest after getting injured. As for the injury, I'll ask after I rested.

"Okay." Lan Zexi smiled. Lan Zexi only smiled occasionally when she was with Yan Xi, but Lan Zexi never smiled when facing Lan Rui. At this moment, Lan Zexi felt It's great to be around people.

The two walked into the room slowly. Yan Xi went to the cloakroom to change into home clothes. The two of them lay on the bed with their clothes on. Lan Zexi put Yan Xi's head on his arm. Such a movement, the two of them had done it before. I tried it countless times, but I didn't reach the final step after all.

"Zexi, it will overwhelm your wound." Yan Xi said.

"No, it's okay, go to sleep." Lan Zexi said softly, the voice seemed to have a hypnotic effect, and Yan Xi slowly fell asleep.

Perhaps it was because the worries in his heart were suddenly let go, Yan Xi fell asleep very quickly, Lan Zexi looked at Yan Xi's sleeping face, it must have been that Yan Xi hadn't slept since yesterday, he felt very distressed, if it wasn't for his carelessness , Yan Xi will definitely not do this.

Looking at Yan Xi's closed eyes, although not as agile as his eyes, but with delicate and delicate facial features, Lan Zexi looked at Yan Xi, swallowed deeply, closed the Yan family, and smelled the faint smell on Yan Xi's body. Xinxiang also slowly fell asleep.

After returning from Huaxia, although Lan Zexi will rest at night, it can only be called to relieve the fatigue of the body, and now it can be regarded as real sleep.

In their sleep, the two of them had the same dream, and slowly fell asleep, with the same smile on their mouths, their hearts were at ease, and they were also happy in the dream.

It turned out that the most precious thing in their lives was sleeping in each other's arms.

The happiest moment in life is when you wake up from sleep and see your lover lying beside you for the first time, and you still have the warmth of your lover on your body.

I don't know how much time has passed, Yan Xi woke up from her sleep and found that she was still lying in Lan Zexi's arms, but luckily she didn't touch Lan Zexi's injured arm.

Opening his eyes, Lan Zexi didn't wake up, but was still asleep, with a faint smile on his mouth, a smooth and fair face, with sharp edges and corners; eyelashes like butterflies, glowing with charming luster; Thick eyebrows, a high nose, and beautiful lips all exude nobility and elegance.

Yan Xi looked at Lan Zexi's arm, the gauze was very thin, but no blood was flowing from the wound, she felt relieved a lot, when she saw Lan Zexi was injured, her heart ached so much, it was only herself Knowing that, she didn't want to have that feeling of suffocation again in this life.

This is not the first time that the two have slept in the same bed together. It is the first time to see Lan Zexi sleeping with a smile on her face. She is still slightly bruised. She wants to go back and forth to country M these days , Lan Zexi did not rest well.

In a person's life, it is so easy for some people to find a resting place that makes them feel at ease, but for a few people, it is so difficult.

Yan Xi was stunned unconsciously, Lan Zexi's eyelashes were very long, Yan Xi slowly stretched out his hand, gently fluctuated the eyelashes, and then touched Lan Zexi's skin, Yan Xi was the first I touched Lan Zexi's face so unscrupulously for the first time, and found that Lan Zexi's skin is really good. Since Yan Xi thought she was reborn, she has always paid great attention to maintaining her skin. Lan Zexi's skin has not undergone any special changes. Maintenance, but it is really good, fair skin, as if you can't see a trace of spots.

(End of this chapter)

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