Chapter 476
"Very well, you go out first, and I will see you again after I find Grant." Santos said, Witt's eyes were so hot, how could he not notice it, the important thing now is Grant, Witt's matter, talk about it later.

"Yes, Patriarch, I'll take my leave first." Witt said, with a faint joy in his heart, his efforts were finally not in vain, and Santos finally appreciated him.

After Witt left, Santos picked up the phone and dialed Jones' number, but the other party said that Jones was not there. Santos was sure that Grant's matter was related to Jones, so he decided to go there in person.

"Do you need to avoid it first?" Jones' butler Moxi asked Jones after answering the phone.

"He will definitely come to the door immediately, and we can't avoid it." Jones said that his current strength cannot compete with the Cleveland family at all, and the fact that Santos called means that he has the news.

Recently, Sean secretly annexed his business. He was already annoying enough. He originally wanted to use Grant to speed up his pace and deal with Lan Zexi first. Unexpectedly, Grant disappeared, and he was fighting with mercenaries. Only he knew, those The mercenary was recruited by Grant, but he absolutely cannot admit it now.

Once the matter was told, Santos would never let him go, and he didn't know what happened. Sean seemed to have suddenly become smarter, and everything was very planned.

"Then what should we do now?" Moxie asked. He knew that Jones had always had his own strategy. Moxie was a person with strong execution ability, but he was weak in other aspects, and Jones just took a fancy to him. a little.

"When Santos comes, just say that I just came back and let all the servants pay attention. I don't want any mistakes. Also, send bodyguards to find Grant secretly." Jones said.

He has no other choice. All he can do now is to suppress the matter completely. As for diverting the trouble, he can't do it now. If he does, he will be suspected.

"Yes." Moxi said, and immediately exited the room after speaking.

After arranging everything, Jones can only wait for Santos to come to the door. Everything has just been prepared, and Santos has already arrived at the door of Jones' villa.

"Santos, why did you come here in person, please come in." Jones said, with a look of welcome, but in his heart he wanted to drive Santos out.

"Jones, I don't have time to tell you where. Let me ask you, did Grant look for you yesterday, and do you know Grant's whereabouts?" Santos asked gloomily.

"Let's go in and talk," Jones said.

Santos didn't speak, and strode into the house thinking about it. Grant's disappearance is already well known in country M. If it continues like this, it will definitely have an impact on the Cleveland family.

For a family, a scandal is a big impression. If it is not handled properly, it may affect the foundation. Although the Cleveland family is the king, it is not the only king.

How many people in country M covet the Cleveland family and want to replace them, there are too many.

"Now you can say no, the last person Grant contacted was you, don't say you don't know that Grant contacted you." Santos said coldly.

At this moment, Jones regretted it very much. He originally wanted to choose a strong family to cooperate with, which would help him more in the future, but now it seems that he doesn't take it seriously. One wrong step put him in danger.

"Grant did contact me yesterday, saying that he would come to New York to deal with Rockefeller Zexi together, but I haven't waited for him." Jones said, his tone was very sincere, as if it was true.

"How do you prove it?" Santos said. He did not hesitate to believe Jones' words. Jones could cooperate with Cleveland and sell out Rockefeller's interests. Such a person is not of much use value at all.

"What I said is true. I have sent people to look for Grant all day today, but there has been no news yet." Jones said, he did send people out, but it was to erase the traces related to Grant. .

"You didn't see Grant yesterday." Santos said suspiciously.

"I was at home all day yesterday. We talked on the phone. We wanted to make an appointment to meet up, but this morning I heard the news that Grant was missing." Jones said with a look of regret.

"I will find someone to verify. If I find that Grant's disappearance is related to you, don't blame me for being rude." Santos said.

For Santos, Jones is just a person who has severed ties with the Rockefeller family. According to the current owner of the Rockefeller family, even if he kills Jones, the Rockefeller family will not have the slightest influence, and will even agree with him, so he can do whatever he wants. threatened Jones.

"Of course, I was at home all day yesterday, and you can find all the surveillance videos here," Jones said.

Fortunately, he didn't go out yesterday and handed everything over to Grant. What he did was that if something happened to Lan Zexi, he wanted to clear the relationship, but he didn't expect to use it now.

"I hope what you said is true." Santos said coldly, he would not believe Jones, he would find someone to verify the situation.

"Of course," Jones said.

After Santos learned about the situation, he left directly. He will find someone to verify Jones' situation. Jones mentioned Lan Zexi just now, and he will find someone to check Lan Zexi's whereabouts.

At this moment, he really wanted to hope that Grant's disappearance had nothing to do with Lan Zexi. If it really had something to do, perhaps Grant would never be found, but he still had a glimmer of hope.

He didn't know that Lan Zexi had cast a huge net on all the companies and people in Cleveland, and was waiting to receive the results.

There are infinite pursuits in a person's life, and the pursuits are often different at different stages, from simple to complex, from individuals to families, etc. Some are for survival, some are for pleasure.

People are always changing. Some people change everything due to time. In fact, it is only the person who changes everything. A person’s life is long or short. How many people can stick to their hearts? Different pursuits, Make different people.

Santos spent his whole life seeking benefits from the Cleveland family, but in the end he lost his only son, Grant. No one can be blamed for all of this. If he hadn't acquiesced in Grant's actions back then, there would be no such result today. People They have to pay the price for stimulating the previous decision, just like the Cleveland family, they first chose to stand in opposition to Lan Zexi, so the current result cannot be stopped just by whoever says stop.

(End of this chapter)

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