Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 491 The Last Nightmare

Chapter 491 The Last Nightmare (1)
"Zexi, I left Steve here to stay overnight today, you don't mind." Yan Xi said, maybe at the beginning, Yan Xi cared a little about Steve, but she also knew that Steve cared Lan Zexi, she also let go of the thought in her heart.

"Okay." Lan Zexi said dotingly. It's not that he didn't pay attention to Steve's actions, but the knot in his heart was not so easy to let go.

In Moen's last words, he knew, let him not blame Steve, everything was a last resort, but he still couldn't let it go, maybe at the beginning, he hated himself even more, he didn't have that ability, met After Yan Xi, everything subsided unconsciously.

Seeing that Lan Zexi didn't dare to leave, Steve was relieved a lot. Since Lan Zexi had a lot of business, he stayed with Yan Xi for a while after dinner, and then returned to the study.

"I didn't expect that I could still see Zexi smiling." Steve said silently. He didn't remember when Lan Zexi smiled. Maybe it was too late after Lan Zifei's accident. After a long time, he almost lost his memory.

"Zexi will put it down slowly, give him some more time." Yan Xi couldn't help but say to Steve, who might be a little decadent.

Yan Xi understands Steve's helplessness, but for the parties who have the most say, all Yan Xi can offer is persuasion and respect.

"I hope, thank you, Ellen." Steve said, maybe when he saw Yan Xi for the first time, Steve planned to give Yan Xi a test, but he didn't expect that the result had exceeded his expectations. He himself was persuaded.

"There will be such a day, rest early." In the evening, Yan Xi and Steve chatted a lot, but most of them were about Lan Zexi.

Cheng Lin sat on the side all the time, and occasionally said a few words. He didn't have much say in Lan Zexi's matter. After Yan Xi said, Cheng Lin sent Steve to the room, and Yan Xi then went to the study.

"Xi'er, come here, I'll be fine soon." Lan Zexi said, seeing Yan Xi coming in, she speeded up her handling of the matter, while Yan Xi waited quietly at the side.

"Okay, Xi'er." After Lan Zexi finished handling the matter, he walked to Yan Xi's side and said while holding Yan Xi in his arms.

"Zexi." Yan Xi said softly.

"En." Lan Zexi softly whispered in Yan Xi's ear.

It made Yan Xi's whole body numb, and he completely forgot what he wanted to say, but anyway, it's not important, so it doesn't matter, the night passed slowly in warmth, and a new day slowly came.

Time passed at the fingertips, and before you knew it, a long time had passed. With the passage of time, the Cleveland Group has been completely acquired by the Rockefeller Group, and Santos has also been formally taken into custody.

The original Cleveland family fell apart for a while. For the people of the Cleveland family, with the downfall of the family, they have gradually faded out of the upper class. It's common, and the Cleveland family doesn't have many hearts.

Time passed slowly, and more and more people suppressed the Cleveland family. Not long after, all members of the Cleveland family had completely faded out, and no one cared about their whereabouts.

As the Cleveland family collapsed overnight and completely disappeared, no one pays attention to the Cleveland family anymore. People in the world are all focusing on the Rockefeller family. Such a resolute method can make the Cleveland family, one of the top ten families. Disappearing overnight, no matter in M ​​country or in the whole world, everyone is full of fear of Lan Zexi.

Lan Zexi has also become the most mysterious patriarch in the history of the Rockefeller family. No one dares to offend him easily, otherwise he may become the next Cleveland.Santos.

These actions completely surprised Jones. Jones was completely unsure about the next thing, maybe he was not even sure of self-protection.

In a month's time, Lan Zexi had formally incorporated the Cleveland family under his command. Such a quick move would not have such an effect in any of the top ten families.

At this time, the family that also stands among the top ten families in the world with money only belongs to the Rockefeller family. For other families, there is no conflict of interest with Rockefeller, and of course they will not be on the opposite side.

As time went by, for Jones, it became more and more like an ant on a hot pot. These days, Sean has almost annexed all his properties. Jones has no way to grasp the future. He once thought I was hiring mercenaries once, but now, even mercenaries dare not take over such a task, and even if Jones wants to hire mercenaries, he doesn't have that much money. For Jones, this is a fatal blow.

Lan Zexi doesn't intend to let Jones go, for the future, he doesn't want any hidden dangers.

"What is the situation with Jones now?" Lan Zexi asked Simon. Regarding the affairs of the group, Lan Zexi has always been a good person, so there are not too many things to deal with.

"The net can be collected now." Simon replied. Although he has been busy cleaning up the mess of the Cleveland family recently, he has always been very concerned about Jones' affairs.

"Okay, close the Internet cafe, don't give him any chance." Lan Zexi said, it's not that he didn't give a chance to Jones' matter, since he didn't cherish it himself, he had to stop it thoroughly in the end.

"Yes." Simon said, and when it was finally time to close the net, Simon showed a smile.

For Simon, this period of time can be exhausting. Since following Lan Zexi, it may be the busiest moment for him, but he feels extraordinarily fulfilled.

Light and darkness are just a matter of thought. Now that a decision has been made, it is time to officially start.

Yan Xi didn't pay attention to all this. As for Cleveland's original shares, Yan Xi sold them all to Lan Zexi. Since Lan Zexi bought Cleveland, of course it is necessary to maintain the integrity of a group. It's better to control some.

As for Sun Zhenyao, like Yan Xi, Yaohui is enough for him. As for the money for milk powder, he has already earned back. There are many puzzles and rumors about the actions of Tian Nuo and Yaohui, but there is no It attracted the attention of the two of them. There is no place in the world that doesn't know how sweeping such rumors are, and there is no need to pay special attention to them at all.

Yan Xi promised James that as a graduate student, she must provide enough papers and arguments so that she would not have to go to school. Yan Xi's first book officially started writing, combining what she has learned in this life and the memory of her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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