Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 497 The Promise Under the Starry Sky

Chapter 497 The Promise Under the Starry Sky (2)
"Xiao Xi, marry him." Qiao Yuhan and Lan Lan held hands and said, their fingers interlaced, and their rings intertwined. Please, the matter of the Yi family has finally been completely resolved, and they will accompany each other in the future.

"Xiaoxi, marry him." Wang Lei and Wang Jin said, also just holding each other's hand.

"Xiao Xi, you will be happy if you marry him." Zhou Jing took Wang Kui's hand and said at the same time, the years passed, and the two finally came together after experiencing the time in Paris.

"Marry him," Ivy said.

Maybe he was a little unwilling, but he had to admit that Lan Zexi could give Yan Xi everything she wanted.

"Girl, marry him." Zheng Ran and Lan Rui said at the same time, their eyes were slightly red, they had been paying attention to everything about them, and they offered their most sincere blessings to them.

"Xiaoxi, marry him, and he will give you the happiness you want." Cheng Lin said, he is the clearest about Lan Zexi's changes, and he remembers every scene in his heart. He believes that when the two are together, is the happiest.

"You must be happy to marry him." Lin Yiyang said. For him, Yan Xi is the most mysterious existence in his heart. He knows that Yan Xi may be just a friend to him in his heart, but he will still cherish it and keep it. He hid his thoughts in his heart, the first time he saw Lan Zexi, he knew that maybe only Lan Zexi could give Yan Xi the richness he wanted, so he sincerely wished the two of them.

"Ellen, marry him." Steve said. As for Yan Xi, he has known her from the beginning. Now that he has gotten to know this calm girl, he feels that Yan Xi is the most suitable for Lan Zexi. With Yan Xi's existence, Lan Zexi's heart will have a ray of light.

"Ellen, marry him." Daniel said. He didn't know when Yan Xi had become the most important existence in her life, but he knew that Lan Zexi would make Yan Xi happy. Bless them in my heart.

"Ellen, marry him," said Susan.

Marry him, the three words came out of Yan Xi's familiar mouth, tears welled up in her eyes before she knew it, how much Yan Xi attaches importance to these people, only Yan Xi knows, each of them used to be Light up a lamp in the darkness in Yan Xi's heart.

Zheng Ran gave him family affection like a father, Yun Qianqian made Yan Xi feel the first friendship, and Cheng Lin let Yan Xi know what family is.

Zheng Ran, Lan Rui, Yun Qianqian, Crawford, Ivy...Everyone who has appeared in Yan Xi's life is gathered here at this moment, in the northern corner of Norway, Yan Xi never thought that everyone would meet All come together in such a way.

Yan Xi wanted to say something, but his voice suddenly choked up, unable to utter a single sound, and nodded solemnly, as everyone said, perhaps there were many people who didn't know Lan Zexi very well, but for this For the second marriage proposal, Lan Zexi gathered all the people in North Point, especially Zheng Ran and Lan Rui. These two people, perhaps never thought that one day, they would cross the border of China.

Yan Xi nodded, and Lan Zexi immediately put the ring in Yan Xi's hand, announcing his ownership. Seeing the ring shining like a star in his hand, it was not an ordinary diamond. Compared with the diamond, it seemed to have a little more shine.

"Hold your hand, and grow old with you." Lan Zexi just held Yan Xi's hand and said.

Seeing that Yan Xi agreed to his marriage proposal, Lan Zexi suddenly felt that he owned the whole world. It turned out that the happiness he wanted was actually the people around him.

Thinking of everything the two have experienced, these years, the two may have missed a lot of time together, but every day in the future, they will spend together hand in hand, Lan Zexi's mouth is filled with a happy smile.

"Hold your hand, and grow old with you." Yan Xi responded softly.

Yan Xi never thought that Lan Zexi would propose marriage on such an occasion, and also gathered the people he cared about in his life, looking at the familiar figure around him, everyone gathered together.

Gathering these people together, I am afraid that there is only Yan Xi. Any one of the people here can affect someone on one side. Maybe they have never met each other before, but today, they gathered together for the same purpose. It is a blessing to Yan Xi and Lan Zexi.

Here, this place known as the end of the world is also the place where they made a promise. Their life will start from here. Isn't the end and the beginning?

This marriage proposal may not be luxurious, but it is the most touching. They have received everyone's blessing. This scene will always be in everyone's heart.

Lan Zexi just hugged Yan Xi and kissed Yan Xi's lips. At this moment, fireworks appeared on the surface of the sea, and a wisp of fireworks appeared on every small boat, converging into a pattern, two hearts Just leaning together, for this, Lan Zexi didn't want to do a lot.

"Xi'er, I love you." Lan Zexi said softly, wiping the tears of happiness from the corners of Yan Xi's eyes with her hands.

"I love you too." Yan Xi said in a low voice. She never thought that she would say this sentence, but here, it is so natural to put Buddha together.

Everyone looked at the two of them, but they didn't bother them.

This scene in North Point will carry the memory of everyone today and become an eternal existence.

The two hold hands and walk towards happiness together.

At night, facing the light of the stars, it is dyed with a hint of happiness. The marriage proposal of this century is the most romantic existence, and the two blending hearts are always connected.

On the sea, the two hearts of fireworks and cars shine against the waves, attracting many stargazers and local residents in North Point. This kind of romance may not be realized by everyone, but those who pass by will offer their heartfelt love bless.

The fireworks lasted until twelve o'clock, no more, no less, everyone witnessed this miracle.

Tonight, everyone spent in happiness.

The next day, everyone got up very late, maybe it was because they slept too late last night. Of course, there were also people who got up very early, such as Yun Qianqian, who walked around the North Point early in the morning.

"Qianqian." Yan Xi said when he saw Yun Qianqian.

This manor was specially purchased by Lan Zexi, but before the two came, Lan Zexi said that he was not ready, and instead took Yan Xi to every corner of the North Point. There was a ray of shyness on Xi's beautiful face.

"Xiao Xi, I finally saw you. I didn't see you when you returned to Huaxia last time." Seeing that Yan Xi was alone, Yun Qianqian immediately gave Yan Xi a hug.

For Yan Xi, Yun Qianqian was her initial warmth. This friendship penetrated deep into his heart at that moment. Yun Qianqian is a special existence. It's getting tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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