Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 504: Eternal Happiness

Chapter 504: Eternal Happiness (4)
"Invite the bride to come in." The priest presiding over the wedding said these words.

Yan Xi also officially appeared in everyone's eyes. The handmade wedding dress in Paris was designed by top designers in the world, and it is the only one in this world.

Zhou Jing also considered Yan Xi's wedding dress, but considering Lan Zexi's situation, Zhou Jing gave up, but prepared a lot of dresses for Yan Xi.

She was dressed in a white long gauze that mopped the floor. The V-neck design set off her sexy and fair neck. The cut was just right to outline the soft lines. The skirt was dotted with a few small white flowers against the spiral gauze folds. There are a few silver diamonds on the sleeves of the skirt, which sparkle in the sunlight. The white long arm gloves make her slender and well-proportioned arms a bit more sexy. There are only two white lilies inserted in the bun, and the white sand cover in front of the head covers the beautiful face, which is faintly visible, giving people a hazy and mysterious feeling.She is as beautiful as a fairy who does not eat fireworks in the world, attracting everyone's attention.

Lan Zexi is also dressed in white, with a white tuxedo, white trousers, white leather shoes, a white shirt with a white bow tie, and a pair of white gloves. It looks noble and elegant but also slightly uninhibited. The eyes, the expression of struggle inside, and the handsome facial features, filled with a hint of happiness.

As the piano piece "Dream Wedding" played slowly, it slowly passed through the crowd. Although there was no church, the wedding was extraordinarily solemn under the witness of the heavens.

Under the reflection of the sun, the light of the oasis shone on Yan Xi's neck, as if blessing the two of them, and giving Yan Xi Zeng's family a bit of mystery.

Walking slowly, in front of Lan Zexi, Zheng Ran handed Yan Xi's hand to Lan Zexi, then sat down in the first row, and the priest swore words of blessing.

"Mr. Rockefeller, Mr. Zexi, would you like to marry Miss Yan Xi? From now on, I will love you, cherish you, and be loyal to him until the end of my life, regardless of misfortune, wealth, poverty, disease or health , until death do us part." The priest said, every word was so solemn.

"I am willing, from now on, regardless of misfortune, wealth, poverty, disease or health, I will love you, cherish you, and be loyal to him forever until the end of my life, until death separates us." Lan Zexi said, this It is his promise and his happiness.

"Miss Yan Xi, you are willing to marry Mr. Lan Zexi as his wife. From now on, regardless of misfortune, wealth, poverty, disease or health, I will love you, cherish you, and be loyal to him forever until the end of my life, until the end of my life." Death will separate us." The priest asked, his voice penetrated the hearts of everyone present, and everyone looked at the two with blessings.

"I am willing, from today on, regardless of misfortune, wealth, poverty, disease or health, I will love you, cherish you, and be loyal to him forever until the end of my life, until death separates us." Yan Xi said, faintly There was a hint of sweetness in the voice.

The two solemnly swore the oath, and the wedding reached a climax. This century's wedding was full of infinite happiness.

"Please the bride and groom to exchange rings," said the priest.

After speaking, the bridesmaids and bridesmaids on the side handed the rings to the past. Today's best man is Daniel. Although he felt a little sad in his heart, seeing Yan Xi happy was his greatest comfort.

The bridesmaid is Yun Qianqian, the girl who gave Yan Xi warmth for the first time, today, she has a smile on her face, Yan Xi's happiness is her happiest thing.

The two put on their wedding rings and made a lifetime promise.

"Okay, in the name of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Father, and the Holy Son, I declare: Rockefeller. Mr. Zexi and Ms. Yan Xi are married. Now, the groom can kiss the bride." The priest said with a smile, this is the first time he hosted Hundreds of weddings, and the last wedding he presided over.

At this wedding, he witnessed the beginning of their happiness and felt the blessings of everyone.

Lan Zexi lifted Yan Xi's veil and kissed Yan Xi's red lips. Between the lips and teeth, there was the happiness of the two of them. The kiss was shallow, but the affection was deep. The applause below was full of blessings.

From the initial mutual attraction, to the subsequent mutual support, and the final joint hand in hand, they have experienced a lot, and their relationship is constantly deepening. At this moment, under the witness of everyone, they made a promise for a lifetime.

Recalling the first two people, they both matured a lot.

Seeing the two hugging each other, Zheng Ran burst into tears unknowingly. The lonely little girl at the beginning now has her own family. Before she knew it, she had grown up and had a family.

Seeing the two of them, Lan Rui couldn't help but think that maybe Zi Fei should rest in peace. Lan Zexi finally stopped being cold-blooded and learned to smile and love. To the two of them, he offered slow blessings.

Steve looked at the two of them. Lan Zexi's past tragedy was caused by him alone. Seeing that Lan Zexi is happy now, he felt relieved. As for his past mistakes, he will confess to Moen and Zifei after he dies. Bar.

The hug between Daniel and Ivey was more of a blessing than sadness, maybe it was Yan Xi who was matched by Lan Zexi, but they were also destined to be friends for life.

James looked at Yan Xi, his most proud disciple. The release of the new book gave him the greatest pride in his life. Although he couldn't inherit his will, seeing Yan Xi's happiness, he offered his best wishes.

Susan and Mike held hands, there is more to be touched.

Qiao Yuhan, Lan Lan, Wang Lei, Wang Jin, Wang Kui, Zhou Jing, Lin Yiyang and others who accompanied Yan Xi's growth are all here today, witnessing a moment of peace and happiness.

The heads of several of the top ten families were also present in person, for Rockefeller.Zexi, the head of the family, has always been too mysterious. I saw them today, but I also witnessed their happiness. Lan Zexi's methods surprised and frightened them, but they didn't expect to see Lan Zexi today. One, but only for the woman in his arms.

They all understand that the relationship between these two people is destined to be a legend, and the most important thing in their lives is the person in their arms.

The last scene of the wedding is to throw bouquets. After the applause, the girls all hope to receive this bouquet of lucky flowers and get a perfect love.

"Xiao Xi, quickly throw me the bouquet." Yun Qianqian looked at Yan Xi and said, grabbing a good seat right away.

"Ellen, throw it to me quickly." Susan said, she also graduated this year and can finally get married with his idiot, but it seems that Mike hasn't proposed yet.

"Ellen, you must give it to me." At this time, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes said to Yan Xi, Yan Xi has no influence on her, it should be the person invited by Lan Zexi.

(End of this chapter)

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