Rebirth of the rich lady

Chapter 76 Lan Zexi's Life Experience

Chapter 76 Lan Zexi's Life Experience (3)
"Didn't Uncle Wang guess it a long time ago?" After being together for half a year, Yan Xi and Wang Lei are now able to get along well. When Yan Xi has time, he will ask Wang Lei to teach him how to cook. At first, he was curious, but now he falls in love with him. Gave the feeling of cooking.

"Uncle Wang won't even prepare the puff pastry for me." Based on what Uncle Wang knows about the two old men, he should also know that he will come over. Wang Lei usually helps make the puff pastry for his egg tarts, and Yan Xi created it himself. The egg tart meringue is special and needs to be kneaded hard, and Yan Xi is not strong enough on his own.

"Ready." Wang Lei said.

"Thank you, Uncle Wang. By the way, Uncle Cheng." Cheng Lin was not in the living room, and he hadn't met him all the way just now.

"He said to tidy up the room. He is probably in the study now." Cheng Lin is also a smart person, only he almost became cannon fodder just now. Thinking of the dark-bellied man facing the two old people alone, Yan Xi smiled unconsciously .

"Well, I'll prepare the egg liquid." Yan Xi said, and started to prepare the egg liquid. Yan Xi uses pure milk for making egg tarts, which is skimmed and sugar-free. Sugarcane juice is used to enhance the sweetness without adding sugar. I never use powdered sugar or white sugar, the sucrose contained in sugar cane has always been Yan Xi's choice for making egg tarts.

Half an hour passed, and Yan Xi's egg tart was officially released. Yan Xi put the egg tart on a plate, and Yan Xi tasted one by himself. It was not bad, and the taste was slightly lighter than usual, mainly because he was afraid of Zheng Ran and others. Eat more sugar and exceed the standard.

Wang Lei's snacks were also finished, Yan Xi poured a few more cups of fresh juice squeezed out during the baking time of egg tarts, and carried them to the living room with Wang Lei.

In the living room, there were only two old men left in the living room, and Lan Zexi was nowhere to be seen. Thinking that he had escaped too, imagining his distressed appearance, Yan Xi couldn't help laughing, the two old men are very interesting, I like to compete with each other, and the more I compete for feelings, the better.

When Zheng Ran saw Yan Xi coming, he immediately put the chessboard back on the grid to make room for Yan Xi to put some snacks on. Yan Xi just put the snacks on the table when he heard Zheng Ran say, "Old man Lan, try it!" , the girl’s egg tart is a must.”

"I'll call them." Yan Xi said.

"Girl, I think it's better not to go, there are only a few egg tarts." Zheng Ran said, and Lan Rui also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, girl, that kid doesn't eat dessert." Asked about the aroma of the egg tart, Lan Rui agreed.

"Don't worry, the kitchen is still there." New Year Yan Xi did a little more.

"That's fine." Lan Rui and Zheng Ran said at the same time, since there were two old people who also agreed.

"I'll go." Wang Lei said immediately, Yan Xi had just come here and was not familiar with this family, so it was more convenient for him.

"Okay." Yan Xi didn't reject Wang Lei's kindness, and he was indeed not familiar with him yet. He wanted to get acquainted with him when he went out first, but Lan Zexi followed behind to make him go back to his original intention.

Soon Wang Lei called Lan Zexi and Cheng Lin over, and everyone ate dim sum together. The egg tarts were the least eaten, but Yan Xi was the only one who ate several pieces of dim sum made by Wang Lei.

"Girl, the egg tarts you make are the same as Fei'er's. It's been a long time since I tasted this." Lan Rui said with nostalgia after taking a bite.

"Grandpa Lan likes me to do it tomorrow." Yan Xi said, everyone has their own story, Yan Xi didn't want to ask too much, but when he talked about Fei'er, there was a strange expression on Lan Zexi's expression, Yan Xi knew There must be some connection.

"Stinky boy, don't you don't eat sweets? You've already eaten several." Lan Rui said, looking at the last egg tart left on the plate.

"This is not sweet." Lan Zexi replied, Yan Xi couldn't help but smile, just now Lan Rui said that Lan Zexi didn't eat sweets and thought it was an excuse, but it turned out to be true, and it is also the fact that very few men like sweets. When Lan Zexi replied, Lan Rui had already taken the last egg tart into his hands, and Lan Zexi felt helpless looking at his empty hands.

"Drink some juice, just squeezed." Yan Xi said to relieve Lan Zexi's embarrassment.

In the end, none of the egg tarts baked by Yan Xi were left. Almost everyone didn’t eat much of the dim sum made by Wang Lei. Only Yan Xi ate two pieces of sugar cakes, and asked if they were very good, but a little sweet. There were more men in the room, and most of them didn’t eat them. I love food that is too sweet. Wang Lei's cooking is top-notch. He only started making dim sum when he was in Beijing, but the dim sum was decided to be in the elegant hall. This made Yan Xi admire his culinary talent. Whether it's art or not, I don't know when to find Aunt Wang.

At dinner, Yan Xi made the braised pork ribs for Zheng Ran. When Zheng Ran saw the braised pork ribs, he knew that Yan Xi made them for him, so he sat down there, and told Lan Rui after the meal that it was Yan Xi's cooking. All he could do was blow his beard and stare.

The whole day was spent happily, and Yan Xi didn't feel tired at all. After dinner, Wang Lei took Yan Xi to the practice room. Ever since Wang Lei accompanied Yan Xi to practice duel, Yan Xi could only do a few tricks in front of Wang Lei. Now Being able to practice for 10 minutes without falling behind, Yan Xi also knew that Wang Lei did not play hard, and has always been merciful. Cheng Lin and Lan Zexi stayed in the study directly, and there may be only two old people left fighting chess , Yan Xi occasionally went to make tea for the two old men, but never got involved in their bickering.

After a few days of getting along, the relationship between Yan Xi and Lan Zexi became much more harmonious. Yan Xi never knew that there was such a perfect person in the world. Not only did he dabble in every aspect, but he also had his own unique insights, especially In terms of Yan Xi's German learning, Lan Zexi directly taught Yan Xi with a book in hand. From the pronunciation to the dialogue between the two, Lan Zexi always taught Yan Xi patiently. Yan Xi's memory is very good and he can see clearly Forget it, I will remember Lan Zexi's teaching once.

At this time in the courtyard, Zheng Ran and Lan Rui were still fighting chess and bickering, and still couldn't decide the winner every day. In the afternoon, I will prepare desserts. For several days in a row, Wang Lei made egg tarts. It seems that only Yan Xi eats the unique snacks in the capital. Although the sweetness is a bit strong, most women prefer sweets.

Wang Lei and Cheng Lin were not at home when they went shopping. Yan Xi and Lan Zexi were usually in the study. Yan Xi was impressed by Lan Zexi's talent. He was reborn and still lived for more than 30 years. Lan Zexi was only 30 years old at most. When I met him at the age of [-], Yan Xi felt that he had spent more than [-] years in waste.

"I really doubt that you are a goblin." Yan Xi said holding a French book. Most of the books in the study were still moved to Beijing, and the rest of the collection is also very rich. Yan Xi's book was brought over, as if it had been planned that Yan Xi would live there.

"You're calling me a monster." Lan Zexi lived abroad for a long time. Although he can speak Chinese, he doesn't know much about Chinese myths and stories.

(End of this chapter)

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