The Republic is so violent

Chapter 10 The art of saving the country in the red light district

Chapter 10 The art of saving the country in the red light district (5)
The scorpions in the Central Plains captured the Chinese people,
The Han Family Cultural Relics Commission is dusty.

What's more, the loyal minister Yan Shi died tragically,
Empress Wu was as vicious as a tiger and jackal.

The children of Huxiang were indignant,

Dongting drums run like thunder.

I'm slow to stop,
Artemisia is so sad in East Asia.

Thank you for giving me a farewell,
The hometown flavor is like a cup.

Heaven and earth will be clarified,
Dadong is united and wandering.

The short song expresses the meaning of the king,
Looking at the jade silk in an instant, it is time to start again.

The meaning of this poem is very simple. It is nothing more than scolding the Empress Dowager Cixi for being greedy for power and wronging the country. However, the words "Dadong Hebang" in the last two sentences hide a history that is almost obliterated.

The Dadong Hebang was an agreement between Kang Youwei and Japanese Minister Fumio Yano before he conspired to kill the Empress Dowager Cixi. The two parties agreed to abolish the titles of Japan and the Qing Dynasty, and merge the two countries into one country, collectively known as The Great Eastern Union, since then the two countries have been unified without distinction.From this plan, it seems that Fumio Yano, the Japanese ambassador to China, is a little unclear. The two countries merged into one. What a big deal. He even dared to think about it. It really makes people wonder how to evaluate it. .

Shi Cheng, the ambitious Lao Bi and Kang Youwei joined forces to lead 12 Gelaohui brothers to revolt in Hunan and Guangdong provinces.There is no clue about this matter, but under the leadership of a mysterious figure Li Wencheng, the Qing Dynasty embarked on a revolutionary road against imperialism and feudalism.

When the last rationality is lost, it must be group madness.

What should come will always come.

This is called the law of history.

(20) The red light photo of the birth of Tianlong
Speaking of Li Wencheng, he should be famous. Even if you don’t know him, you must know the mass organization he created:
—— Boxers!

In other words, Li Wenben was the first head of the Boxer Regiment, the originator of the Boxer Regiment, and the pioneer of the Chinese people's fight against imperialism and feudalism.But the strange thing is that no one knows the name of the originator and pioneer of the sect. Isn't this a strange thing?

In fact, the origin of the Boxer Rebellion is full of mystery. As early as Yuan Shikai fled North Korea, when the Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-] caused the entire Beiyang navy to be annihilated, the people who built rivers in Tianjin dug up an ancient monument from the ground. The stele has been buried underground for thousands of years, and the handwriting on it has long been blurred, but there are [-] characters, which are clear and shocking:

This suffering is not bitter,
Two four plus one five,
Red lights lit up the streets,
That's when I complained.


No one knew what the prophecy meant, but this strange prophecy strongly stimulated Li Wencheng's brain, and the final result was that the name Li Wencheng completely disappeared from the world.

Li Wencheng changed his name.

Speaking of which, this Li Wencheng was originally from Jianghu, nicknamed Tianlong, who used to wear a pair of red underpants and a red hood, and led a group of monks, a group of Taoist priests, and countless social idlers every day. Just eat, grab money when you see it... After being so happy for a while, Li Wencheng pondered: no, this kind of short-term business practice is bad, and it will ruin the market... So Li Wencheng thought, he can no longer be called Li Wencheng, first Change the name, change it to something louder and have a brand effect...

When it comes to brands, the one farther away is the Zhu family of the former Ming Dynasty, and the one closer is the red lights shining all over the street, so Li Wencheng put these two brands together and changed the name to Zhu Hongdeng.

The inspiration for the name Zhu Hongdeng mainly came from the pair of fat red pants he wore. The pants were made of at least one foot of red cloth. When walking, the air flow was smooth, but it was very cool... Looking at it from a distance Go up, run around like a big red lantern...

What Li Wencheng meant was that he was not Li Wencheng, he was a member of the Zhu family in the former Ming Dynasty who was qualified to wear big red underpants...

Even scarlet pants are eligible to wear, so it is only reasonable to dominate the world and order the world.

So he created Yihequan and killed Ermaozi in the wilderness.

It should be said that Zhu Hongdeng still has a very strategic vision. He knows that foreign devils are something Chinese people can't afford to provoke, so he doesn't provoke them. Be polite with them, men kill women, no matter how many bastards are slaughtered, this is the internal affairs of the Chinese themselves, you can't control foreign devils...

But then again, Zhu Hongdeng couldn't blame Zhu Hongdeng for beheading Ermaozi. Some Ermaozi's quality was indeed a little bit worse.

(21) The Queen Mother Fights God
On December 21, the 21st year of Guangxu, a large-scale "religious war" broke out in the border area between Shan County and other counties in Shandong.

The fuse of this war was a Shanxi native named Hao Hesheng. Without knowing why, he ran to Shan County, Shandong Province and opened a Chinese medicine shop. A villager Lu Dengshi came to pick up medicine. Just grab the medicine, but this old man Lu didn't have any money, so he had to leave the account.

After that, Lu Dengshi came to Hao Hesheng's pharmacy every once in a while to make a surplus account, and there were only a bunch of white stripes on Hao Hesheng's account. Ask Ludense to pay the bill.

Ludenshi flatly refused!
Why did Ludence refuse to pay the arrears?
It's very simple, Lao Lu believes in foreign religions and is a devout Christian - God bless you.God is here to save your soul. How dare you, old Hao, ask a devout Christian for debts? Are you not afraid that the devil will arrest you?
Lu Dengshi was blessed by God and refused to pay the bill. Hao Hesheng was furious and quarreled with Lu Dengshi. This incident made another devout Christian Lu Cai feel heartbroken, so he stood up bravely to defend Lu Dengshi. Persuade Hao Hesheng to resist the temptation of the devil, money is the root of all evil, and don't make trouble with God.

The more the two sides quarreled, the more excited they became. At the end of the quarrel, Lu Cai scolded He and Sheng as demons of the White Lotus Sect, while Hao Hesheng scolded Lu Cai as a bandit protected by Yang Zaozi.

This old Hao dared to insult God, which made Lu Cai very sad. He went back to the church and told the brothers in the church. When the brothers heard about it, they became angry. will pass.But the old Hao was not empty-handed either. He flew to the main altar of the local White Lotus Sect, and cried to the head teacher Cao Deli about Ermaozi's insult to the White Lotus Sect. Cao Deli was furious when he heard the words, and immediately called all the brothers to gather, so the two sides Gather people and horses to fight in Shan County.

The White Lotus Sect fought against the Christians. This incident caused a lot of trouble. The local gentry and elders all ran out to persuade the quarrel, and the magistrates were exhausted. , so this fight will sooner or later be a big fight.

Sure enough, the teaching plan in Shandong became bigger and bigger, and the trouble became more and more serious. At the end of the matter, extreme situations appeared in some places. I think that anyone who does not enter the foreign religion is a servant of the devil. It is a trivial matter to take your things without paying. It is only your luck not to hang you, the devil...

But the members of the Bailian sect regard all brothers who are not from this sect as dummies who believe in foreign sects, they will kill them when they see them, and chop them if they catch them.So the local people, if they believe in the foreign religion, they can cut down the White Lotus religion, and if they believe in the White Lotus religion, they can kill the foreign religion, but you don’t believe in the foreign religion, and neither do the White Lotus religion, the two of them will definitely kill you together...

Ordinarily, religious belief is originally the spiritual sustenance of the individual believer, and has nothing to do with others.However, the situation of the teaching case in Shandong is different. Along with the vigorous development of foreign religions in China, Yihequan opened the altar and recited mantras more and more frequently. All the gods, from Monkey King to the Queen Mother, were almost invited to come down to earth.The fact that the Queen Mother and the God fight each other in Shandong with a hoe and dung fork every day is really unbearable.

So the imperial court issued an order, ordering Yuan Shikai to lead a team to Shandong to have a look. It is best to resolve the matter smoothly under the premise that "all friends are not surprised".

At this time, Yuan Shikai was different from before. Now he has strong soldiers and horses, and a lot of talents.

(22) Settle the Russians to the old lady
Yuan Shikai's subordinate ranked first, Wang Shizhen, but this Wang Shizhen was not Wang Shizhen. No one knew his name, but he was definitely not Wang Shizhen.

He is obviously not Wang Shizhen, so why is he called Wang Shizhen?
This is because, as early as the beginning of Yuan Shikai's military training, he recruited soldiers everywhere and got a person named Wang Shizhen, but the real Wang Shizhen was unwilling to serve as a soldier and felt tired, so this fake came under the name of Wang Shizhen ...and the real Wang Shizhen was carrying water and doing long-term work in the landlord's house at this time. He didn't have enough to eat and clothe himself, sweating beads fell to the ground, and he was exploited by the landlord's old money, and his life was dark... ...But this fake Wang Shizhen has taken over her name since then, and never gave it back to others... I just feel sorry for that unlucky Wang Shizhen, even his name was taken away by the landlord Lao Cai, darkness, darkness...

The second place under Yuan Shikai's subordinates is Duan Qirui from Hefei. This person will contribute to the republic in the future. He is the most representative and key figure in the Beiyang Department. The Japanese fought bloody battles in Weihaiwei Fortress, and the only enemy in life is Japan, so the Japanese are most interested in him. Later, when the Japanese invaded China, they wanted to arrest him as a traitor. Fortunately, the old Duan cultivated a student who strives for success. — Chiang Kai-shek.

Lao Jiang snatched Lao Duan away, avoiding him being humiliated by the Japanese, and finally spent his old age peacefully.

Yuan Shikai's subordinates ranked third, Feng Guozhang.This is also a legendary hero. He has sneaked into the fierce battle between Japan and Russia many times to spy on the situation and observe the battle situation. He even went to Japan to inspect the Japanese military system. Nie Shicheng, Nie Shicheng thought that a big soldier who wrote so many characters was probably mentally ill, so he suggested that Lao Feng see a doctor.Disappointed, Feng Guozhang dedicated his book of war to Yuan Shikai. Yuan Daxi immediately entrusted him with an important task, and it was Feng Guozhang who stood out.

Yuan Shikai's subordinates ranked fourth, named Liang Huadian. This man's military ability is not inferior to Wang Shizhen, Duan Qirui and Feng Guozhang. However, brother Liang was out of luck. During a camping training, he fell into the water and drowned. The future is beckoning to him, but this old man has drowned himself, and he will die if he dies, but this position on the ranking list must be reserved for him.

Yuan Shikai's subordinates ranked fifth. His name was Cao Kun. He started as a cloth dealer. He once sold cloth in the market. Thinking about it, I thought that this guy might be right, so he left the fortune teller and went to join the army. After that, he went to worship under Yuan Shikai's door and became a powerful person in the small station.

However, Cao Kun has a shortcoming. He treats people too sincerely and kindly, and he is a sincere believer in the belief of the Republic of China. What he believes in is that I disagree with your point of view, but I swear to protect your right to speak... Everyone saw that this person was so foolish, so they yelled at him, swearing back and forth, after a long time, three people became tigers, thousands of people blamed him, black and white were turned upside down, and Lao Cao was finally scolded for a long time... , must be very surprising.

Although there are many talents, among Yuan Shikai's subordinates, Zhang Xun is the most unusual.

Zhang Xun was recommended to Su Yuanchun, the admiral of Guangxi, to seek food when he was a teenager. Su Yuanchun gave him 2 yuan to order military uniforms in Shanghai. When he arrived in Shanghai, he was so fascinated by the beauties in Shanghai that he spent all his money. clean light.If he went back like this, he would definitely be beheaded, so others persuaded him to run away, but he said: Spend all the money, because I am a man, but if I run away, then I am not a man, so I will go back to die swaggeringly.Su Yuanchun was astonished to see this strange guy who couldn't even escape, but came back to die, so he was arrested and sentenced to death, but secretly sent someone to release him, and wrote a letter of recommendation to Yuan Shikai, but Yuan Shikai was very special. I like this kind of fool, so I accept it under the flag.

In addition to these people, Yuan Shikai also has a powerful assistant in the court-Xu Shichang!

Regarding Xu Shichang, Empress Dowager Cixi had a fair evaluation:

Without Xu Shichang, it is not enough to replace Li Hongzhang.

This comment is that after the Sino-Japanese War, the Russians harmed the three eastern provinces of China, and the imperial court sent ministers to reason with the Russians. They didn’t want the Russians to ignore anyone except Li Hongzhang, and even raised a boxer named Piedlov. , All the ministers who went to reason with the Russians were all beaten by Pyedlov with bleeding from the nose and mouth, and returned in a state of embarrassment.

So the Empress Dowager Cixi sent Xu Shichang an urgent message, and ordered: "Little Xu, go to the Northeast quickly and settle the Russians with my old lady..."

Xu Shichang went to the northeast excitedly, and when he got there, he heard a roar. The Russian Hercules Pyedlov jumped out and rushed towards Xu Shichang. One punch, one right kick, and two slaps in the face made Piedlov scurry all over the floor, blood was pouring from his nose and mouth, tears were streaming down his face, and he could only call Mommy... Then look at the man who flashed out from behind Xu Shichang who is it?

But it turned out to be the famous Chinese martial arts master Sun Lutang!
Xu Shichang, together with Yuan Shikai, one civil and one military, one internal and one external, constituted the basic framework for the stability of the Qing Dynasty.

Training troops at the small station is like opening the vegetable cellar of Zhang Tianshi's house and releasing all the evil stars of Tiangang and Earth. In addition to these evil stars, there are also a group of Japanese spies in the Beiyang Army.

(23) The spy is forced to be an interpreter
As early as the Sino-Japanese War of [-]-[-], the Japanese invaded Northeast China, and the Qing court was powerless to resist, so they brought in the Russians to fight against the Japanese. As a result, the Japanese were in great trouble.In order to solve this problem, the Japanese non-governmental organizations Xuanyangsha and Black Dragon Society started from the grassroots level to urge the Chinese people to oppose Russian interference and to establish a Great Eastern Union with China, merging the two countries into one country...

However, the Japanese military knew that the so-called Dadong Hebang was pure nonsense and unreliable, so the Japanese army headquarters sent General Aoki, Assistant Officer Yasunosuke Sato, Major Bannishi and Major General Xianba to set up a special intelligence center to fight against the Russians. .

The Russians also have an intelligence center stationed in Shanghai. The person in charge is Caseroni. This old card has a strong relationship with the imperial court—according to the provisions of the Sino-Russian secret treaty, the Qing court is obliged to fully support Caseroni’s espionage work , This led to the poor development of Japanese espionage work.

So the Japanese thought that they must find a supporter in China.

The reformer Kang Youwei was the initiator of the "Dadong Hebang", and Yuan Shikai called Kang Youwei the eldest brother. Considering this, Yuan Shikai should support the coexistence and co-prosperity of China and Japan and the Dadong Hebang.

So Aoki tried to explore the relationship with Yuan Shikai, and as expected, he received an invitation letter from Yuan Shikai, inviting Aoki Dazuo to participate in a small party of the Beiyang Army.

After Aoki arrived, he found that the people who attended the party included Duan Qirui, Duan Zhigui, Wang Shizhen and Cao Kun from Beiyang. Most of these Beiyang military officers fought against the Japanese in the Sino-Japanese War. A few pairs of angry eyes fixed on Aoki, making Aoki terrified.

At the moment of embarrassment, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps, and saw Yuan Shikai striding in.

As soon as Yuan Shikai came in, he immediately held Aoki's hand and said in a loud voice:
I have heard of your name for a long time, but today I saw you for the first time.

Aoki was at a loss, wondering when Yuan Shikai had heard of him.But Duan Qirui and the others were stunned and couldn't believe it.

Just listen to Yuan Shikai continue to say loudly:

I remember that three years ago, as an envoy of the Japanese army, you attempted to advance north from Anshan Station.At that time, I was in charge of transporting military supplies in Goubangzi.Suddenly I received an urgent telegram from Beiyang, asking me to go to Liaoyang to meet the Japanese special envoy and treat them generously.

Therefore, I hurriedly prepared foreign wine, canned food and other delicious treats, took a Chinese-style carriage, and after two days and nights of hard work, I hurried to Liaoyang.I will write to you at once, urging you to come to me.You did not respond.Therefore, we did not meet until today. The newly-built army officers and soldiers attending the party here include Duan Qirui, Duan Zhigui, Wang Shizhen, and Cao Kun. Let's have a drink together.

Hearing what Yuan Shikai said, Aoki remembered that what Yuan Shikai said happened in 1895. During the Russo-Japanese War, Aoki was ordered to wave the white flag and play the horn to negotiate peace with the Qing soldiers. The Qing soldiers shot and killed the interpreter, and Aoki had no choice but to go back.But he didn't know that Yuan Shikai had come to greet him, which made Aoki overjoyed.

In this way, isn't this Yuan Shikai a pro-Japanese faction?

Aoki thought.

Sure enough, Yuan Shikai asked Aoki twice in a row to go to Beiyang as a military adviser. At first, Aoki was still driving, but later he accidentally fell into Yuan Shikai's plan and went to Beiyang as a military adviser, intending to influence Yuan Shikai and urge Yuan Shikai to turn pro-Japanese.

But Aoki never expected that as soon as he arrived in Beiyang, Yuan Shikai locked him in a small dark room and forced him to translate a large number of Western military books every day. At the end of the translation, Aoki couldn't stand it anymore and ran away.

How could such a good translator let him escape?

Yuan Shikai was very unhappy, so he negotiated with Japan, strongly urging Aoki to return to Beiyang to continue his translation work.The Japanese military was also very angry, and ordered Aoki Dazuo to go back and do a good job. He must influence Yuan Shikai and make him have a friendly attitude towards Japan, but Aoki knew that this old Yuan was too difficult to deal with, so he would not let a Japanese influence him. He realizes that he is just exploiting the poor Japanese, oppressing the Japanese... But he can't do it if he doesn't go, so Aoki resorts to a tricky trick to get out of his shell, and deceives a Major Ogawa who just came back from Europe.

(End of this chapter)

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