Chapter 100
Kneeling... Huo Yuanjia murmured: Tell the truth, senior brother, I, Huo Yuanjia, am just a stinking scumbag, how dare I fight against Yihe Shenquan?The reason why I took those two bastards in was because...

for what?Brother Han shouted.

Because... Huo Yuanjia was muttering, walking slowly while speaking, but his voice became smaller and smaller.Brother Han couldn't hear clearly, so he stretched his neck involuntarily, hoping to wait for Huo Yuanjia to approach and hear more clearly.But the closer Huo Yuanjia approached, the lower his voice became. Brother Han was impatient and was about to yell at him, but suddenly there was a sudden sound, Huo Yuanjia's body was as fast as lightning, and he shook a handle from his sleeve. With a whoosh, the short sword had already sunk into Senior Brother Han's chest.

Rao, Senior Brother Han has magical powers to protect his body, and he led thousands of strong boxers himself, but he never dreamed that Huo Yuanjia dared to provoke thousands of people by himself, and stabbed him openly .When Senior Brother Han came to his senses, he heard a whoosh, and Huo Yuanjia had pulled out the sword from his body, and then he heard the sound of splashing, gushing blood, like a fountain from Senior Brother Han's body. It spurted out from the chest and abdomen.Senior Brother Han wanted to say something, but all the strength in his body was gone with the gushing blood, and he fell to his knees and poked his head forward, turning into a dead body.

The incident happened suddenly, Huo Yuanjia drew his sword, stabbed it in, drew it out, Senior Brother Han was dead, it was just a matter of an instant, thousands of boxers stood dumbfounded, not understanding what happened before them.In this deathly silence, a drum sounded, and there was an earth-shattering cry in the Huaiqing medicine store: Kill, the leader of the Boxers is dead, kill the Boxers, don't leave a single one behind! ... Hearing this deafening shout, thousands of boxers didn't hesitate, shouted, turned around suddenly, and ran like flying.

The boxers in front suddenly turned around and ran away, but the boxers behind didn't know what happened. They were pushed vigorously by the sudden crowd in front, and they screamed in shock. They had already fallen to the ground and were trampled by the fleeing boxers. Until the sound of tragic wailing came out, in an instant, more than a dozen little boxers were trampled to death by their own people.

When the boxers trampled on each other, I saw that the hero Huo Yuanjia had turned his head quickly and rushed towards the door of the medicine store. With a bang, he broke through the door and rushed into the medicine store, trembling. He shouted loudly: "Hurry up, hurry up... close the door quickly, and don't let the boxers chase you in...

It is said that the boxers were originally a mob, and they were so vicious and bloody because of the large number of people.Huo Yuanjia's killing of Elder Brother Han was beyond the expectation of all the boxers. In addition, there were more than a dozen porters in the drug store, each holding a Western amplifier, shouting desperately with trembling voices, the shouts were earth-shattering , has already frightened the souls of the boxers away, just trampled on each other and fled, no one dared to look back.

The Yihe Boxers were terrified, but Huo Yuanjia also terrified himself.You must know that although Huo Yuanjia in traditional culture is majestic and majestic, the real Huo Yuanjia in history is just a porter. In vain, once the Yihe boxers gather together, they will be bloodthirsty and wash the Huaiqing medicine store with blood.If you want to survive from death, the only way is to catch him unawares, take the first step and kill Senior Brother Han, who will be the leader, so that the boxers will have no leader, and they will naturally collapse.

The truth is this, and there is really no mistake in doing it.But Huo Yuanjia had never killed anyone after all, the fearful look he had when he went out, others thought he was pretending, only he himself knew that he was really scared in his heart.

So after he killed Senior Brother Han and scared away all the boxers, he himself was scared out of his wits, turned around and fled back to the medicine store.Fortunately, the Boxers were more frightened than him. If the Boxers had stabilized their position at that time, I am afraid that our history will lose Huo Yuanjia, an eternal legend.

After drinking two large bowls of calming wine in one breath, Huo Yuanjia recovered from the panic, walked to the door of the medicine store, quietly opened the door and looked outside: it was dark outside, nothing could be seen, it was dark All he could hear was the faint groans of the little Boxers who were trampled and maimed by his companions, Huo Yuanjia was so frightened that he closed the door again.

It's a horrible thing to kill.

Huo Yuanjia made up his mind, never to cause trouble in the world again in this life, his heart really can't take it...

06Shanghai is the domain of foreigners
The next day, Nong Jinsun, the big boss of the Huaiqing drug store, hurried back to the drug store. When he saw Huo Yuanjia, he said, "Little Jiazi, you have caused a big disaster and killed the leader of the boxers. Definitely won't let it go with you.

Huo Yuanjia said blankly: Boss, you are not going to kidnap me to see the official, are you?
Nong Jinsun said, "What a fart official, now that the court has clearly expressed its support for the Yihe Boxers, the local officials have to kneel down to greet the Boxers, who dares to provoke the Boxers?"That is to say, you don't know what is good or bad, you are a big brother who dares to kill the boxers, you, you, you... You pack my bags right away!
Huo Yuanjia was stunned: Boss, are you going to drive me away?Then let's settle the wages, even a penny less!

Nong Jinsun said: "After listening to me, you pack my luggage for me immediately, disguise yourself as my porter, and follow me to Shanghai."Shanghai is the territory of foreigners, and the boxers dare not provoke them.

Huo Yuanjia was silent for a while, and said: Boss, you don't want me to go to Shanghai to fight with foreigners, do you?

Nong Jinsun stared at him: Pooh!Do you still want to fight with foreigners just like you?Let me tell you, foreigners are not as short-sighted as the boxers. They have muskets, take a look at you with the musket, kick your legs, hum, you still want to fight, it's a good idea!
Huo Yuanjia: ...Since it's not fighting with foreigners, why did you ask me to go to Shanghai?
Nong Jinsun said: Little Jiazi, why do you have so many questions?Let me tell you the truth, your luck has come a long way. A big boss paid for a martial arts gym in Shanghai called Jingwu Gymnastics Club. This club has been established for two years, and I am the teacher in the gym.However, I am busy with my life, and I have never been able to take care of the professor. Since you can kill the big boss of the boxers with one sword, it can be seen that your courage and martial arts are all first-rate. When you arrive in Shanghai, you can replace me in the hall to teach disciples. It is also more profitable than carrying sacks by the river.

It is implied in the book that Huo Yuanjia has become the essence of Chinese martial arts culture, and has long been inseparable from the Jingwu Hall.But in fact, Huo Yuanjia is only one of the founders of Jingwuguan.It is precisely because of this trip to Shanghai that Huo Yuanjia was able to reach the pinnacle of Chinese martial arts culture with the help of the most powerful combination in the world.

So Huo Yuanjia disguised himself as a porter - he was originally a laborer, so he didn't need to make up.But because he killed the leader of the Yihe Boxers and formed a blood feud, he had to disguise himself as a night walk to be safe.

But it said that the Chinese Jingwu Gymnastics Club was located in Wangjiazhai, west of Hanqiao, Zhabei, Shanghai.After Nong Jinsun put Huo Yuanjia and others down, he ordered: "Little Jiazi, wash my dirty face, and I will show you a great hero who is upright and resourceful later."As long as you are obedient in the future, you will be able to hold the job for the rest of your life and eat endlessly...

Huo Yuanjia hurriedly washed his face and changed his clothes, and when he came out, he saw Nong Jinsun in the teahouse, chatting with some guests.There is a man in the middle, not tall, gentle and quiet, wearing a peaked cap, holding a notebook and a pen in his hand, he looks like a reporter, but the few people around him are very respectful to him.Seeing Huo Yuanjia coming out, the man turned his head, glanced at him, and asked Nong Jinsun: Is that him?
Nong Jinsun hurriedly said: That's right, he was the one who, among thousands of boxers, took the life of the bandit leader lightly with a single sword. You can't find many of them in this world.

Seeing that the peaked cap's eyes lit up, he stood up: He really is a hero of the time, a hero of Jinmen, what's his name... Huo Yuanjia, right?It's great that you came here. With your help, the Chinese revolution will surely succeed!
revolution?Huo Yuanjia was taken aback: Could it be that you are... a rebellious party?

The peaked cap in front of me is the leader of the Shanghai Youth Gang and the backbone of the Tongmenghui's business:
Chen Qimei.

07 Crack down on illegal petitions
Chen Qimei recruited the hero Huo Yuanjia in order to let him train manpower for her to prepare for the revolution.But no one expected that in September of the year when the 9 Revolution broke out, Huo Yuanjia died suddenly. It is a pity that he failed to meet the [-] Revolution.There are at least a few different theories as to the cause of his death.

The first theory of the cause of death is that Huo Yuanjia's physical condition was originally not suitable for martial arts, so he died of a heart attack shortly after arriving in Shanghai.

The second theory of the cause of death: similar to the first theory, it is also believed that Huo Yuanjia's body is not suitable for martial arts, but his death was not due to a heart attack, but a lung disease.

The third theory of the cause of death: it came from Pingjiang Buxiaosheng, a student studying in Japan at that time.This Pingjiang unlucky student likes to write. When he was in Japan, he wrote "Liu Dong Wai Shi", which described many scandals about the sneaky things of the students studying in Japan at that time.Many students studying in Japan thought that Pingjiang Unfilial was writing about himself, so during the Republic of China, everyone worked together to exclude Pingjiang Unfiltered, making him unable to find a job, unable to eat, and making you write scribbles, starving you to death!Starve you to death... Pingjiang Buxiaosheng was so hungry that his eyes turned black, so he took up his pen in desperation and wrote "The Legend of Chivalrous Heroes". Jia's death was attributed to the poisoning by the Japanese—why should it be attributed to the Japanese?This is because Nong Jinsun and Chen Qimei are both members of the Tongmenghui, and the Tongmenghui has a deep relationship with the Japanese Black Dragon Association. The Tongmenghui was established at the headquarters of the Japanese Black Dragon Association.The meaning of Pingjiang's unshakable life was to imply that Huo Yuanjia followed the wrong person.But things have changed over time, and this hint has been lost in the smoke and dust of history—Pingjiang Buxiaosheng finally did not starve to death with the manuscript fee of this book, and the death of Huo Yuanjia he designed has since then become a public favour. Consensus, and constitute an integral part of our cultural system.

The fourth theory of the cause of death: On March 2009, 3, the article "Restore the Truth of Huo Yuanjia's Cause of Death--The Secret of Huo's Grandson Revealed Before His Death" stated: According to Huo Yuanjia's son Huo Dongge, Huo Yuanjia was actually He was killed by the Chou family. The Chou family suddenly sprinkled lime on him to blind his eyes while he was washing his face, and then killed Huo Yuanjia.As for who this enemy is, it is unclear in the text.

Regarding the cause of Huo Yuanjia's death, Chen Qimei, the leader of the Youth Gang, must be very clear.

Unfortunately, when Huo Yuanjia died, Chen Qimei was kneeling at the door of Wu Tingfang's house, not getting up to say anything.There is really no time to explain this historical suspense for us.

But who is Wu Tingfang?As a majestic youth gang boss, why did Chen Qimei kneel at his door and refuse to get up?
This matter is a long story.

It is said that in May 1910, constitutionalism enthusiasts from provincial advisory bureaus across the country gathered in Beijing and established the Constitutional Friends Association.But the regent Zaifeng was introverted, his legs trembled with fear when he saw a stranger, so he pushed the job of meeting to Prince Qing, Lao Qing.I never thought that Lao Qing was more introverted than the regent, because he was afraid of meeting strangers.Hearing that there are many strangers out there who want to meet, Lao Qing is extremely timid.

But you, Lao Qing, as an important minister of the country, all the councilors from the provincial advisory bureaus have come to Beijing, and you didn't say anything, so it doesn't make sense, right?

How to do it?

Hey, there is!Suddenly, the introverted Lao Qing came up with a brilliant idea.

Call the police station and say that the counselors who are gathering outside are all petitioning illegally and destroying the harmony of the society. The police should immediately intercept the visits and send all the councilors back to their places of origin.After receiving the call from Lao Qing, the police officers from the police station immediately dispatched to arrest all the counselors who were happily shouting slogans on the street. These constitutionalism enthusiasts all kicked out of the car, and then drove away in a hurry, leaving the stunned and stunned counselors standing barefoot on the wasteland, so shocked that they couldn't even speak.

After a little bit of astonishment, the counselors suddenly yelled: "The court of the gods, I want a constitution, isn't it for you?"But you guys treat Lao Tzu like this, beat him half to death, drag him into the car, drag him to the wilderness and kick him off the car, let us fend for ourselves.Look at these constitutional enthusiasts, all of them are the most influential figures in the country. Look, look, Tan Yankai from Hunan, Tang Hualong from Hubei, Tang Qianshou from Jiangsu and Zhejiang... Which one can you afford?How dare your court treat Lao Tzu like this, aren’t you afraid that Lao Tzu will partner with the Revolutionary Party and kill your court?
(End of this chapter)

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