The Republic is so violent

Chapter 14 The Secret Marriage of Cixi and Li Hongzhang

Chapter 14 The Secret Marriage of Cixi and Li Hongzhang (2)
In fact, these people wanted to leave a long time ago. In front of the well-behaved boss, they are all very respectable chief rudders, the owner of the mountain, and they are all gone just because they cooperated with Sun Wen once. Who can bear this?

At this time, they parted ways, and several halls were restored in Jianghu, and no one mentioned Xinghanhui since then.

Bi Yongnian couldn't accept this reality, chased after him and persuaded him to no avail. In grief and indignation, he resolutely shaved off his hair and became a monk. Since then, he has traveled around the world without asking about world affairs.

(6) Daqin King of the Jianghu Congress
Kang Youwei threw money at the boss of the rivers and lakes, but it was not because he wanted to vomit with Chen Shaobai, but because he was eager to raise troops to rescue Emperor Guangxu.Now that the money is available, and there are all those who are willing to sacrifice their lives for the money, it is time for Kang Youwei to do something big.

At this time, the Eight-Power Allied Forces were rumbling into Beijing. In the Shanghai Concession, Cai Yuanpei, editor of the Imperial Academy, took the lead in contacting many celebrities in Zhangyuan to discuss state affairs. The participants had Ma Xiangbo, who would establish Fudan University in the future. , there is Yan Fu, the deskmate of Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi, Zhang Binglin, the decisive figure who led the Chinese republican revolution, Lin Gui, Tang Caichang, an excellent student of Kang Youwei...the latter two are also excellent students of Zhang Zhidong, the governor of the two lakes. Dong's self-reliant army, we must mention...

There was also an eminent monk in attendance, Master Wuxuan.

What is the origin of Master Wuxuan?

He is Bi Yongnian!

Bi Yongnian really couldn't bear to be lonely, and more importantly, he had a lot of friends and was well-known in the world, and things like Zhang Yuan's gathering would never be possible without him.

More than 80 social sages, monks and nuns, discussed the current situation and future of the Qing Empire enthusiastically at the meeting. The participants all believed that the Eight-Power Allied Forces had entered Beijing, and the Qing Empire was finished. Freedom, democracy, republic!

Whether it is freedom, democracy, or republic, there must be a president, right?
No one can compare to Li Hongzhang in terms of ability and qualifications for this great president.

So everyone knows well, let's put the president's affairs here first, it's rare for so many social celebrities and monks to get together... just set up a congress and forget it.

Thus, the Congress of the Qing Empire was born.

All participants have become members of Congress.

After freedom and democracy were established in the Congress, member Tang Caichang began to think about it. If you want freedom and democracy, you must have an emperor first... Without the emperor, freedom will not be guaranteed, and without the emperor, democracy will be out of the question.

Still have to raise troops to serve the king.

Here in Kang Caichang, there is no shortage of manpower to raise troops and serve the king. He is in charge of the self-reliant army of Zhang Zhidong, the governor of the two lakes, and he also has two powerful generals under his banner-Wu Zhenlu and Lin Gui.

From now on, Wu Zhenlu will become Yuan Shikai's most dangerous opponent. This person has the deepest mind, calm temperament, and is a rare general.But because this person is very low-key, he is not as eye-catching as Lin Gui. Lin Gui is known as the head of a leopard, but I have never heard of Wu Zhenlu's prestigious nickname.

There are soldiers and generals, what is lacking is money!
But Kang Youwei is not short of money.

So Tang Caichang established the Zhengqi Association for the purpose of rescuing Emperor Guangxu, and the monk Bi Yongnian served as the deputy leader. But it is strange that after the establishment of this Jianghu combination, it was named Fushantang. I don’t know what the allusion is.

Kang Youwei's money, plus Kang Caichang's generals, plus the congregation of Brother Wang Xiufang of the Gelaohui, let's do it!
It wasn't until they started working that everyone realized that the plan for this operation was unprecedentedly thorough. Except for one small factor that was ignored by everyone, all the issues that should be considered were considered.

This neglected small factor is the weapon!

It seems that no one thought of buying weapons before fighting a war. All the brothers who participated in King Qin all went into battle with hoes.

(7) Ladies and gentlemen go to the execution ground
Tang Caichang’s King Qin’s army was beaten to pieces by the Qing soldiers. Historians have always blamed Kang Youwei for being too slow in paying for this guy. He might even have not paid for it at all.

But in fact, what Tang Caichang's soldiers lacked was not money. They couldn't carry 100 million silver dollars to charge the enemy, could they?What they lack are weapons!

This time, King Qin's uprising was planned to be on August 8, but because Kang Youwei's appropriation did not arrive, Tang Caichang decided to postpone it to August 9.Since it's postponed, you have to tell your brothers, right?But Old Tang didn't, the postponement was postponed, and he didn't tell anyone, so on August 8th, Tang Cai often went back to Jiangxi with his Japanese friend Tachibana Tachibana to see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.

When Tang Cai often returned from traveling all over the country, he realized that his brothers had been hacked to pieces.The most unlucky one is Wang Xiufang, the chief rudder of the elder brother's association, this silly fellow, he happily took his brothers with hoes and wooden sticks, and went to help the charitable deeds. When they arrived at the designated Nanling area, all the brothers were loosening their crotches When he was relieved, he saw countless Qing soldiers pouring out in front of him, guns were raised, and gunpowder suddenly rose, and the brothers of the Gelaohui were immediately beaten to the ground.

Chief rudder Wang Xiufang was captured on the spot.

When Wu Zhenlu heard the news, he fled in a hurry and fled into Shanghai.

Lin Gui, the leopard head, waited foolishly in Hankou. Tang Caichang, who was even more stupid than him, also returned. When the two brothers met, Lin Gui asked Tang Caichang if he had brought any military pay or weapons.

Tang Cai often said with a smile: I have millions of food resources, and it is in your hands.

Lin Gui looked at his empty hands: Where are they?

Tang Cai often said with a smile: We first make some fake money, distribute it to the soldiers, and then capture the Hankou Arsenal, then the whole world of Qing Dynasty will fall into my hands.

Lin Gui was overjoyed when he heard this, so the two of them started working overnight and wrote many compositions such as "Letter to the People of the Country", "Letter to Allies", "Essay on Calling for Justice and Reunion". They were very tired after writing so many words overnight. , fell asleep and fell asleep. When I woke up, I saw Qing soldiers crowded around me.

Tang Cai was often arrested.

The person in charge of this arrest was Zhang Zhidong, the governor of the two lakes. He was as famous as Li Hongzhang. He was keen on foreign affairs and took the task of strengthening the country. Li Hongzhang was a minister, and Zhang Zhidong was a Confucian official. Love is like life.So this Tang Cai must be arrested often, but Zhang Zhidong will not make things difficult for him.

Zhang Zhidong, with his beard crossed, was promoted to the court with Yu Yinlin, governor of Hubei, and watched as Tang Caichang was brought up.

Pointing at Tang Caichang, Zhang Zhidong was good at a lock of beard: Tang Caichang is a Confucian scholar, the best student under my school, why did the arresters also arrest him?Let him go quickly.

Tang Caichang didn't want to, but said loudly: If things fail, there is only death. Tang Caichang can't get rid of it!
Zhang Zhidong's face sank and he remained silent.Watching Tang Caichang write down the confession:
Hunan Dingyou paid tribute to Tang Caichang. In order to save the emperor and restore power, he asked to die if the matter was not secret.

After the confession, Zhang Zhidong made another effort to save Tang Caichang's life, but Tang Caichang flatly refused.

Zhang Zhidong sighed helplessly, and retreated into the back hall.

On August 1900, 8, Tang Caichang was beheaded at Ziyang Lake in Wuchang.

In the previous four days, the Eight-Power Allied Forces had broken through the city of Beijing.

The Boxers were causing trouble in the north, the Kang Party was serving as king in the two lakes, and Sun Wen was staring at Guangzhou. Is it true that no one cares about the Qing Empire?

In the stone alleys of Beijing, a weak woman walked out of the wind and willows.

Sai Jinhua.

The glorious task of fighting against the devils of the Eight Kingdoms fell on the shoulders of this girl.

(8) Saving the country depends on beautiful women
Vadsi led the devils from the Eight Kingdoms into Beijing in a threatening manner.

Here again, history gives way to tradition.

Sai Jinhua, who lives in Shitou Hutong, once again became famous. The people are convinced that it was this weak woman who saved the Qing Dynasty at the last moment, and even saved the lives of Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Guangxu. It was her who stopped the coalition forces The massacre in the city of Beijing; it was she who protected the imperial palace from being burned; it was she who finally persuaded the wife of German Minister Klind who was killed by the Boxers to give up the idea of ​​revenge...

Considering that Sai Jinhua was once the wife of the ministers of the four countries and accompanied Hong Jun on a mission to Germany, then we have to admit that this folk imagination is not without the slightest basis.

Folk people are convinced that Sai Jinhua and Wa Dexi were old acquaintances at first, and now that they reunited in Beijing, of course they want to renew their old friendship, so Sai Jinhua and Wa Dexi lived together in the Yiluan Palace in Zhongnanhai according to the legend. , Chaochao Mumu, Qing Qing me, I am envious of how many idiotic men and women complain...Suddenly one day, a fire broke out in the Yiluan Palace, so the details of the novel were enriched again. Jinhua, using the unworldly movement technique of volleying and stepping, leaped out of the flames in volley.

Interestingly, the story about Sai Jinhua still comes from Su Manshu.

Su Manshu wrote "Fen Jian Ji", which records:
Caiyun is Hong Zhuangyuan's wife, and went to England to take a small photo with the queen. When the champion died, Caiyun also fell to the world.During the Battle of Gengzi, we conducted diplomacy with Marshal Walder of the Allied Forces. The quintessence of Liulichang is preserved...

Su Manshu's testimony is somewhat convincing, right?

Because of this, Sai Jinhua was awarded the title of "Nine Heavens Protecting the Country Empress" by drama writers.

In the age of Chinese mythology, it was men who caused troubles, and Nuwa who repaired the sky.

In traditional Chinese storytelling, when fighting on the battlefield, there are as many heroines as Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying.

Everything depends on women, so what are Chinese men doing?

This topic is a bit boring to talk about. Let's take a look at the diary of a Beijing citizen at that time.

The person who wrote this diary, named Wang Dadian, used to work in the Wucheng Office in Beijing. This job is similar to that of a policeman.When the Eight-Power Allied Forces entered Beijing, Wang Dadian had nothing to do, so he began to write in his diary:
... After sitting for a long time, I walked westward on a flat road and met two big-headed foreigners looking for a brothel at the entrance of Yao'er Hutong.I took the same prostitute to the west of the Sishen Temple Road, and the two of them prostituted one prostitute, and each gave him one foreign dollar. After coaxing him for a long time, he gave me peanuts.After going out of Niu Xue Hutong and returning to Wanfosi Bay, I met three German soldiers on patrol, intending to go to a prostitute.I took both of them with me to the brothel on the east side of Zhumao Hutong Road. There were two foreign soldiers who went to a prostitute each, and I gave them one yuan.

The quality of this Wang Dadian is really high. At that time, there were not many people in the country who could read and write, and he could even write a diary.

It's just that this kind of diary really shows the ugliness of Chinese men.

The appearance of red lights is nothing more than the fact that men are counting on women's "magic" to protect them.

The legend of Sai Jinhua is that men hope that women will use their bodies to protect them.

In the final analysis, it is all about pushing all the social responsibilities that men should bear on women.

Tradition and history come together in this way.

(9) Immortals are for sale
When Sai Jinhua and Wa Dexi launched a suspicious war between the two countries, on a boat on the Xihe River, the founder of Red Lantern, the fairy Huang Lian, was continuing to perform spells to wipe out all the foreign devils.

According to historical records, the Holy Mother of the Yellow Lotus was "a little pretty, but fierce and clever, and was regarded as the leader of the female bandits"... As for the last name of the Holy Mother of the Yellow Lotus, it is said that only Sai Jinhua knew... Because where the ship of Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus is located, there is a red light district behind it.

Give me strength... The Holy Mother of Huang Lian looked up to the sky and screamed. She didn't notice that the Boxers on the bank had already gone down the river at this time, and they were slowly approaching her in a dozen small boats.

The green dragon on the left, the white tiger on the right, the heart of Yunliang Buddha in the front, and the heart of Xuanhuo God in the back, please ask the heavenly king to come down first, and then invite the God of Heisha... The Holy Mother of Huanglian is still busy, and at this time the Boxer boat is approaching her big boat... The Bone Demon, a thousand years old, participated in the Queen Mother's Peach Bread Party... Hearing a cry, all the men on the boat rushed up, and they had already pressed the Holy Mother of Huanglian to lie on the deck, unable to move.

Finally caught this little girl... The boxers were very excited: I didn't expect this little girl to be so beautiful, otherwise we...

You don't want to die, this is an imperial court offender, you dare to attack her ideas, you are really dizzy... A sensible boxer reprimanded: "Hurry up and tie up this bitch hand and foot, and send it to the governor's office. Reward money is definitely indispensable...

Governor's office?Some boxers raised an objection: At present, the officials in the capital are running away without a trace, why not just send this little girl to a foreigner, the foreigner is rich, maybe the reward will be more...

So all the Boxers carried the unlucky Madonna of Yellow Lotus and sent it to Vadsi...

Since then, the whereabouts of Our Lady of Huanglian has become a mystery.

Some people say that the Madonna of Huanglian was chopped off by foreigners on the spot, but there is no record of this claim.

More people believed that the foreign devils were immediately fascinated by the beauty of the Holy Mother of the Yellow Lotus, and they took the Holy Mother of the Yellow Lotus to Europe... But there is no evidence.

This strange woman just disappeared into the black hole of history, as if no one knew her origin, and no one knew her whereabouts ever since.

The whereabouts of the Holy Mother of the Yellow Lotus is a mystery, but the red light shines on all the sisters, but after the devils of the Eight Kingdoms came, they all went back to work in the brothel—their jobs were there before, and they resumed their jobs, and they are still skilled in business , It is said that he also earned a large sum of money from foreign devils...

In this vigorous movement, the one who made a fortune was of course the big brother of the Boxer Regiment. The big brother Zhang Decheng became rich first, and took away an unknown amount of money. He fled to Wangjiakouzi Village, but was caught up by his brothers. Lao Zhang hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.The disciples said: "Old Zhang, you are a senior brother, you are invulnerable, let's try today... I tried it, the senior brother Zhang Decheng was chopped into meat, and the brothers divided the silver and fled in all directions."

Another senior brother, Cao Futian, was kidnapped by his own brothers and sold to foreigners. The foreigners then sold them to the government at a higher price, and the government executed him Ling Chi.

The elder brother was either cut off or sold, and the Virgin of Huanglian was sold cheaply to foreigners by the Boxers, which shows that the Boxers were neither stupid nor xenophobic—do xenophobia still do business with foreigners?They are smarter than anyone.

There has never been any savior, nor can we rely on a fairy emperor.

Be it gods or emperors, they are all for sale!

(10) Cixi married Li Hongzhang
Seeing the Eight-Power Allied Forces enter Beijing.

Seeing the boxers reselling the big brother.

Seeing that the National Congress was established in the Qing Dynasty.

Seeing that the Empress Dowager Cixi disappeared.


The southeastern feudal officials of the Qing Empire held a negative attitude towards all this.

The reason for being negative is that most of these big officials in the borderlands understand.

The Empress Dowager Cixi declared war on eleven powerful countries all over the world in one breath. This is obviously crazy. The ministers do not object to the empress dowager Cixi being crazy, but it’s fine if you lose your nerve, and don’t drag everyone into it.

Then Li Hongzhang sent a secret telegram to the governors all over the country:
"Ten million secrets. Twenty-three documents, restricting all envoys to go out of Beijing, so far there is no letter, and all countries come to ask questions. With one enemy and many, the power is poor. Russia has occupied Yuguan, Japan has left Hiroshima, Britain and France Virtue must also send troops. Disintegration is at present, and there is no way to save it. After the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, the government is controlled by boxers, and there is a possibility that some of the proclamations are not issued by the two palaces. In the future, it will be like the story of the 11th year of Xianfeng. Now it is the plan of the ministers of the frontiers that all provinces and rebel groups will be destroyed together. If you want to protect the clan in the southeast, the generals must respond expediently to fix the hearts of the countries. To protect the territory. Beg for instructions, and quickly determine the method."

What Li Hongzhang meant was that the Qing Dynasty is finished, and everyone has nothing to hope for. Now everyone can only rely on themselves. Be careful not to get involved with the Boxers, let them sell you governors to foreigners, and everyone will work together to keep the southeast. Let's leave a little hope for this nation...

Everyone is aware of this situation, but the imperial decree has already been issued, so it is not appropriate to resist the decree and not obey it?
Li Hongzhang said with a smile: This is a disorderly order—an order issued by the Empress Dowager Cixi when she was in a state of insanity. Even such an order must be carried out.
As a result, governors from all over the country have signed the "Southeast Mutual Protection" agreement made by senior ministers such as Li Hongzhang, Liu Kunyi, Zhang Zhidong, etc., indicating that the local area will not intervene in this chaos, and the Empress Dowager Cixi will accompany the foreigners alone. Let's play.

After Dongnan Mutual Insurance was secured, the foreign devil Vadersi came to his door.

This time, Wadesi did not come here to make Li Hongzhang the emperor, but to trouble Li Hongzhang.

Waldesi ordered Li Hongzhang: Please hand over the Empress Dowager Cixi, she is a war criminal and must be punished!
Governors from all over the country: War criminals... I haven't seen the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Waldesi: I know that Empress Dowager Cixi is with you, on Li Hongzhang's bed!

Governors from all over the country: Oh my god...Lao Wa, is there any evidence, preferably a photo or something...

Vadsey: Of course!
So Vadsi came up with evidence:

"New York Times"!
An old newspaper from two years ago, so Vadsey said that Li Hongzhang and Empress Dowager Cixi had been engaged for two years.

The news is from Vancouver, Canada.

Newspaper: China's young Emperor Guangxu was in a state of extreme depression and anger because his mother, the Empress Dowager of China, married again on the morning of September 1898, 9, in a small temple called "Xinfa" Zhong married Li Hongzhang, China's most prestigious politician.Afterwards, the newly married old couple took the train to Tianjin for their honeymoon. In order to prevent others from following, they also demolished all the railways they passed along the way.

...the newlyweds, who have attracted the attention of the whole world, will spend a happy time in Lushun Port. It is said that the purpose of doing so is not only to avoid the embarrassment of the emperor himself, but also to eliminate another politician Ronglu Even though Empress Dowager Cixi was pregnant with Ronglu's child twice, in the end, this charming empress dowager became Li Hongzhang's personal collection...

The governors from all over the country read the report and were all dumbfounded.

...but...but...there is...this...kind of...thing...

(11) Don’t be a president or a traitor

Vadsi struggled for a long time before everyone figured out what was wrong.

What's wrong?
Nothing is right!
The Empress Dowager Cixi has disappeared!

Could it be that the old lady really let Li Hongzhang hide herself in the bed?

Thinking about it again, it was impossible. No matter how heartless Li Hongzhang was, he would never collect Cixi, an old man. Besides, if he really put Cixi on his bed, Emperor Guangxu would beat the old man to death?
Therefore, the Empress Dowager Cixi must have disappeared, and even foreigners could not find her, so Li Hongzhang was suspected.

(End of this chapter)

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