The Republic is so violent

192 Chapter 4 The Resurrection of Chaos

192 Chapter 4 The Resurrection of Chaos ([-])
However, Chen Huan proposed to sever his personal friendship with Yuan Shikai, which Yuan Shikai could not accept.Because here, what Chen Huan denied was not Yuan Shikai's political views, let alone specific actions, but a complete denial of Yuan Shikai as a person.Also, Chen Huan was originally the person Yuan Shikai relied on most, so Yuan Shikai couldn't accept it even more.

Afterwards, Beiyang mobilized a large number of people to trace the drafter of this telegram, and it turned out that it was written by Deng Wenyuan, Chen Huan's aide.But Deng Wenyuan explained that this sentence was not included in the telegram he originally drafted, and that this hurtful sentence was added by Chen Huan himself.And why Chen Huan insisted on adding this sentence, deliberately stabbing Yuan Shikai's weakness, no one can explain the reason.

The second half of Chen Huan's life was completely ruined because of this sentence.From then on, Beiyang refused to give him another chance, and he was forced to withdraw from any occasion where he might get a chance to eat, and finally he was poor and destitute, and the rest of his life.

13 cheating children

Chen Huan's ruthless judgment caused Yuan Shikai to faint on the spot. When he woke up, his face was as red as a charcoal brazier.Holding this life-threatening telegram in hand, I finally shed the old tears of the hero's end, and just repeated in a murmur: People's hearts have changed, people's hearts have changed ah!

At this juncture, the news of Chen Shufan's independence in Shaanxi became another straw that crushed Yuan Shikai.Speaking of Chen Shufan, he was also extremely surprised. He was born in a merchant family, and he changed his career to become a scholar in his generation. As a result, just as the Qing Empire abolished the imperial examination, Chen Shufan changed to Baoding Army Crash School Artillery.After graduation, he was assigned back to Shaanxi and became an ordnance officer guarding the arsenal.

The gunshots of [-], the party members want to start an uprising in Shaanxi, and Chen Shufan must open the arsenal for everyone if they want to start an uprising.After serious thinking, Chen Shufan decided to jump on the new warship of the Revolutionary Party.His choice proved to be correct, so after the Republic of China, he was already the brigade commander.

After that, Yuan Shikai sent Lu Jianzhang, who was in charge of the Beiyang Criminal Hall, into Shaanxi to abolish the Shaanxi army.At the critical moment, Chen Shufan uttered his most famous words:

To be an official, you must first have the spirit of a cow and a horse, second, you must have the heart of a bandit, and third, you must have the attitude of a prostitute.

This time, Chen Shufan chose the attitude of a prostitute.

He was right again.All the troops in Shaanxi were laid off, except for his brigade.Because he and Lu Jianzhang's precious son Lu Shaowen worshiped brothers and called Lu Jianzhang his father.The father who laid off his son's army, shouldn't this happen?
But this guy is a cheating child. This time the party members went to Shaanxi to overthrow Yuan. Chen Shufan immediately arrested his brother Lu Shaowen and became the commander-in-chief of the Shaanxi National Defense Army, ordering Lu Jianzhang to leave as soon as possible.This is not the first case in which a son drives his father away, but it is the second case in which local forces expelled Beiyang. The previous case was the expelling of Duan Zhigui by Zhang Zuolin, king of the Northeast.From this, we know Lu Jianzhang's actual ability. Like Duan Zhigui, Beiyang has made them, but they have not benefited Beiyang at all.

But Lu Jianzhang went out with tears of remorse, came back not long after, and said to Chen Shufan: Shufan, why don't you just kill me.I don't mind if you drive me away, and I can't say a fart if you kill me, but don't starve me to death, I'm not guilty of starving to death.

Chen Shufan was very surprised: What's the matter, this is you, no one is hungry for you?After asking around again, I found out that Lu Jianzhang was ransacked by Chen Shufan's followers as soon as he left Xi'an.Lu Jianzhang really didn't have confidence, and brought his whole family back to Beijing to beg for food, so he begged his godson to shoot him.

This Chen Shufan, he dared to drive away Lu Zhangjian, but he didn't dare to kill Lu Jianzhang, or starve to death Lu Jianzhang.Lu Jianzhang has been entrenched in Beiyang for many years, and he will inevitably have some relatives. If these people come to Shaanxi to talk to him, he will not be able to bear it.

So Chen Shufan ordered his subordinates to return the robbed Lu Jianzhang's private property, but in this world, how can there be a wolf who is willing to spit out the meat?In desperation, Chen Shufan had no choice but to go deep into the grassroots and do the work of the soldiers patiently and meticulously. At least he found a small part of Lu Jianzhang's private property, and quickly gave it to Lu Jianzhang, and sent his own personal guards to send Lu Jianzhang away.

To be honest, Chen Shufan's expulsion of Lu Jianzhang had little influence on Yuan Shikai, but had a great influence on Lu Jianzhang. This incident eventually led to the expulsion of Lu Jianzhang, the director of Beiyang Criminal Hall.But when it comes to Chen Shufan, at most he is Tang Tianxi, so Yuan Shikai heard about this, so he shouted: Tang Tianxi has reversed!Tang Tianxi turned his back on it!People thought Yuan Shikai was insane, but they didn't know that he was just evaluating Chen Shufan fairly.

Just like Tang Tianxi, without the protection of the powerful Beiyang, Chen Shufan immediately became the key target of the party's plot.The next year, Wen Dan Yu Youren, an old member of the Tongmenghui, led his party members into Shanxi and seized Chen Shufan's position. Chen Shufan bit the bullet and supported it for a while, but finally found that he was really not used to this cruel political game, so he fled to Tianjin and transferred to Shanghai. Hang, officially retired from the rivers and lakes, died in 1949.

14 died at the hands of the Japanese

On this day, a local newspaper in Wuchang reported a strange incident. It said that in Zhaoxian Town, Dongxiang, someone saw a dragon with his own eyes, weak and falling into the lake. Angry eyes and strong claws.The next day, nothing was seen, except that the water of the lake was dark black.

Yuan Shikai's life had entered a countdown and he was unable to get out of bed.The third daughter-in-law cut a piece of meat from her own thigh, made soup, and served it to her husband.It is also a relatively long historical tradition in China to cut meat and make soup, but Yuan Shikai clearly noticed it, pushed the bowl of soup away, and said repeatedly: "Don't drink, don't drink."

Then he sat up and sighed: I don't feel sorry for the emperor, I feel sorry for the hearts of the people in this world.

Knowing that his life was not long, Yuan Shikai summoned the person who took care of his property, picked up a list of property on his desk, and said: "All my property is here."

Yuan Shikai's deposits and stocks totaled about 200 million. If he had a little bit of corruption, he would definitely not only have this little money.Besides, Yuan Shikai has more than 200 children. If the [-] million yuan is distributed, within ten years at most, some unlucky child will starve.

On June 6, Xu Shichang arrived in Beijing to see Yuan Shikai for the last time.

On that day, Yuan Shikai's condition deteriorated, and after he regained consciousness, he handed over the presidential seal to Xu Shichang, saying: "The president should belong to Li Yuanhong. I'm fine, and I'm ready to go back to Zhangde."

At about 45:[-] am the next day, Yuan Shikai died.

After his death, his secretary Zhang Yiling found Yuan Shikai's own elegiac couplet in his drawer:
Going to be a big enemy for Japan, and watching China rebuild the republic.

Mr. Wang Zhonghe said: Before his death, Yuan Shikai babbled that he would turn into a ghost after his death and cause trouble for Japan.

Yuan Shikai, he knows better than anyone else that he did not die from Cai E's National Defense Army, Sun Wen's Chinese Revolutionary Party, the betrayal of those around him, or even the monarchy.

He died at the hands of the Japanese.

As early as his boyhood expedition to North Korea, Yuan Shikai had feuded with the Japanese.Since then, he has become a thorn in the side of the Japanese vowed to get rid of.Leaving aside, let’s just say that since the founding of the Republic of China, first the Japanese Mitsui consortium urged Sun Wen to set off a second revolution, then the Japanese supported Cai E’s National Defense Army, and then Japanese soldiers rushed out of Qingdao, pretending to be the Chinese Revolutionary Party During the bombing of Jinan City, in this series of events, Yuan Shikai confronted only the Japanese desire to establish hegemony in China.

He blocked the way of the Japanese, and paid the price of ruin.

Yuan Shikai, he is the most likely candidate to become China's Washington, but the Japanese will not allow this to happen. A China that enjoys normative and open social rules and is therefore powerful is not in the interest of the Japanese.

Yuan Shikai has always been committed to maintaining an effective and standardized social law, and he has achieved it within Beiyang.In the eighth year after his death, Beiyang Qi Xieyuan and Lu Yongxiang competed for Shanghai, and both sides dug trenches to defend themselves.Every day at dawn, as usual, one side first fires a row of artillery, and then the other side fires back. You come and go. The artillery battle lasted until about ten o'clock, and then the flags died down. .When it was dark, the morning rhythm was repeated. The artillery battle continued until eight or nine o'clock at night, and then both sides blew out the lights and went to sleep.

This is a war situation unfamiliar to the Chinese since then, but it was the normal state of war in China before the Spring and Autumn Period. It was called watching soldiers in history, and it was also a war model respected by Western developed countries.In this kind of war, there is no exaggeration of hatred, no cruelty of violence, and no evil and insidiousness that involves innocent people in it.Such wars do not aim at the killing of innocent lives, but are only an extreme form of political settlement.

But the Japanese cannot tolerate this concept being accepted by the Chinese.

Once this humanistic concept is accepted, people are not filled with hatred or bloody slaughter, but seek common ground while reserving differences, accept each other, and everyone respects the opponent's political stance and life value, as well as their own personality and dignity.The result of continuing is that every Chinese will treat themselves with a serious attitude, paying more attention to the process than to the result, and to the means and even the purpose.Unscrupulousness will be rejected as demeaning.

Dignity, what is dignity?Dignity is a norm that cannot lose its principle, and it is a value choice of means.Unscrupulous means loss of dignity.

Yuan Shikai didn't know these theories, he only knew that it had to be done.

But the Japanese will never allow him to do this. As I said, a China that values ​​its own personality and dignity is not what the Japanese expect.

Yuan Shikai's crime is not the fault of the monarchy.

As early as 1748, Montesquieu's "On the Spirit of Law" mentioned that there are three types of regimes in the world, namely republic, monarchy and autocracy.The educational law of a monarchy should be honor, the educational law of a republic should be morality, and the educational law of a despotism should be terror.

(End of this chapter)

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