The Republic is so violent

Chapter 22 The Underworld in Japan

Chapter 22 The Underworld in Japan (2)
Yuan Shikai's younger brother has come forward to expose and report, and his wolfish ambition to commit chaos is already known to passers-by. After such reports by the media, if the court does not take immediate action, it will be the most serious to the people. A blow of loyalty and patriotism...

The officials were turbulent and agitated, Yuan Datou lay on his buttocks, his head on the ground, listening to his colleagues' evaluation and summary of their work.

Opinions quickly formed a consensus.

In view of Yuan Shikai's serious political mistakes, the ministers drew up three opinions on how to deal with it.

Opinion [-]: Decapitate now, rather than later, and directly push Yuan Datou out of the Meridian Gate to ask for beheading, and save the high administrative and judicial costs. In troubled times, save as much as you can...

Opinion [-]: Go to prison first. Yuan Shikai has become a negative model for educating the masses. It is a pity to kill him like this. We must first launch a nationwide criticism to expose and criticize Yuan Shikai's crimes as a traitor, so that more people can know Knowing the true face of this national traitor is conducive to uniting the majority of people and isolating a very small number of lawless criminals...

Opinion [-]: Removal of officials, that is, expulsion from public office, the court is not unreasonable, punishing the former and killing the latter, curing the disease and saving the patient, the reason why Yuan Shikai should be dealt with seriously is to save comrades who fell into the water...

Three opinions, each has its own advantages, each has its own role, which one is more suitable?

This depends on the decision of the Empress Dowager Cixi.

Empress Dowager Cixi's face was cold and serious, her cold eyes were cruel and fierce, staring at Yuan Shikai.

deliver an imperial order!

Empress Dowager Cixi ordered:
Supplementary award by Yuan Shikai, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, hereby.

The ministers burst into mourning.

Damn, is this unreasonable?If Yuan Shikai's crimes and conspiracy are exposed a little, he will be promoted once, small exposure, small promotion, big exposure, big promotion, could it be that the head of the Empress Dowager Cixi was poured into shit by this guy Yuan Shikai?

The officials were not angry and risked their lives to play again.

The life and death of Gou Li's country is not because of Yuan's thieves.


Seeing that the objections of the ministers were too strong, the Empress Dowager Cixi blinked and blinked, so she had to make a concession:
deliver an imperial order:

Zhang Zhidong, a scholar of the University, and Yuan Shikai, Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, both wrote supplementary military aircraft ministers.This is it.

The officials immediately shut up.

No more talking, no more objections.The first objection turned Yuan Shikai into a minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the second objection put this guy in the Military Aircraft Department. What should I do?

Seeing the look in the eyes of this old lady looking at Yuan Shikai, maybe she really intends to do this...

No one can figure out what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Empress Dowager Cixi.

In fact, this medicine couldn't be simpler. Kill Yuan Shikai, can you find someone who has the ability to create a constitution for the Qing Dynasty?

If you can't find it, you have to use the bastard Yuan Shikai!

Empress Dowager Cixi really has no choice.

Could it be that no one can subdue Yuan Shikai?
he came!
Coming from far away in the East, he is full of vigor, and with the sea breeze of the Japanese archipelago, he wants to control the Yuan thief to a place where he must die.

Zhang Yipeng!
(6) Little people get rid of the big magistrate

It is said that Zhang Yipeng was born with handsome features, a well-rounded appearance, and a pair of eyes, clear and pure, free from dust, looking like spring water to the end, making people feel ashamed of themselves immediately after seeing him, and he is an excellent young man.

Seeing that it is popular to go abroad nowadays, promising young people are sent abroad by the public, go to the East and the West, study for a year or so, and come back, the net worth is extraordinary. Whenever the governors of various places see foreign students, they will love them so much. In the past, Zhang Yipeng also considered whether to go abroad.

So he went to the magistrate Li Bingji to borrow money. Li Bingji praised the young Zhang Yipeng's ambition and gave 30 yuan. Compared with the 20 yuan that Tang Hualong, the leader of the constitutionalists in Hubei, supported the revolutionaries, Li Bingji should be considered a big deal. .

But how can 30 yuan be enough to go abroad?

Zhang Yipeng was very angry, so he took the 30 yuan as travel expenses, and went to Zhili Governor's Yamen to find his brother Zhang Yixie. Second secretary.That Ruan Zhongshu fell in love with the famous prostitute Zhao Xiguan, and Yuan Shikai ransomed her to match her up, and Zhang Yixie was also a person who received Yuan Shikai's favor.

Zhang Yixuan got a public-funded quota for his younger brother Zhang Yipeng, and Zhang Yipeng embarked on the road of studying and strengthening the country in high spirits. When he arrived in Japan, as soon as he got off the boat, he saw "The Great Revolutionary Sun Yat-sen" written by Tozo Miyazaki himself among the students It is widely circulated that students eat and sleep, discussing this matter.Seeing this situation, Zhang Yipeng had a thought, and imitated and wrote "The Great Revolutionary Li Bingji", and then spent his own money to print it and distribute it everywhere.

Soon, besides Sun Yat-sen, the revolutionary leader admired by the students was Li Bingji.

Then some party members who were active in the country came to the door one after another. Some asked Li Bingji to provide weapons, some asked Li Bingji to sponsor funds, and some suggested that Li Bingji be a human bomber, asking him to use the Golden Palace to pay homage to the Empress Dowager Cixi. , come to the death of the fish, the net, the jade and the jade...

Li Bingji was inexplicably astonished, not knowing why he was being labeled as the same kind by the Revolutionary Party when he stayed at home so well.It wasn't until a Japanese student returned to China and talked about the newspaper that Li Bingji suddenly realized:

Someone plotted against him!
But who is this person?

Even if he beat Li Bingji to death, he didn't know that this was a trick played by the innocent young Zhang Yipeng.

The matter was troublesome, and Li Bingji hurriedly wrote to the court to explain the matter. His memorial arrived outside Beiyang Minister Yuan Shikai, and Zhang Yixiu, Zhang Yipeng's brother, happened to see it, and took it to the bathroom to wipe his buttocks.

After that, Li Bingji wrote to explain several times, but Zhang Yixie wiped his ass in all of them.

In fact, the imperial court didn't care about this nosy business at all. You must know that in the eyes of the Qing Dynasty dignitaries, the Revolutionary Party is nothing more than a constitutional party with no official position, and the constitutional party is nothing more than a revolutionary party with officials and positions. It is under the banner of a powerful country, and it is nothing more than wanting to carve up the property of the Aixinjueluo family. This is what the Empress Dowager Cixi knows best, so she has no choice but to establish a constitution.

Let's divide it up, as long as we leave some food for Aixinjueluo's family.

This is the bottom line of Empress Dowager Cixi.

With this mentality, how could the Empress Dowager Cixi have the heart to find trouble with the great revolutionary Li Bingji?

But Li Bingji didn't think so. Although everyone called for constitutionalism, if the Empress Dowager Cixi gritted her teeth and insisted on killing Li Bingji, those constitutionalists would still obey.Therefore, the smartest move for Li Bingji right now is to run away.

Li Bingji fled to the northeast and was taken in by General Zhao Erxun of Shengjing.

Escape is escape, but who framed him?Li Bingji was very confused about this matter.

He thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more it seemed that Yuan Shikai did it. Although he had no grudges against Yuan Shikai, the whole world knew that Yuan Shikai was a wolf. It is simply a nonsensical thing.

Therefore, this matter must have been done by Yuan Shikai!
Hearing Li Bingji crying about how he was brutally framed by Beiyang Yuan Shikai, Zhao Erxun was furious and refused the New Deal ever since.Lord Qing, Lao Qing asked why, Zhao Erxun replied loudly:
Although I am not good at handling the New Deal, fortunately the three eastern provinces are not as dark as Beiyang.

(7) Yuan Shikai was mishandled
Easy to get rid of Li Bingji, the magistrate, Zhang Yipeng was in a happy mood, so he responded to the imperial court's call and returned to China to serve.

He first went to his elder brother Zhang Yixie to see if he could get a job with Yuan Shikai. Zhang Yixie persuaded him, "Mr. male.

Zhang Yipeng was overjoyed, so he rented an apartment, closed the door and began to write. Since this person can easily overthrow a magistrate and make him die inexplicably, it is because he is indeed talented and not a mediocre person.In a short time, Tiao Chen had already taken it away, and took it to his brother Zhang Yixie.

Zhang Yixuan saw Chen Daxi, and asked his younger brother to wait for the news in the apartment.

Then Zhang Yixie took his younger brother's statement, went back to the study, copied a few from it, took it to Yuan Shikai, and presented the statement respectfully.

Yuan Shikai opened it and was overjoyed: Yes, I knew you had an idea... Work hard, I can't treat you badly...

Then Yuan Shikai hurriedly went to look for Prince Qing, Lao Qing, and took out Zhang Yixie's note, and showed it to Lao Qing. Lao Qing was overjoyed after reading it: "Old Yuan, you are really amazing. The Qing Dynasty is counting on you..." Hurry up and see the Queen Mother.

A few days later, Zhang Yixiu copied a few more notes from his younger brother and gave them to Yuan Shikai. Yuan Shikai was overjoyed to see him, and ran to Lao Qing, who then took him to see the Empress Dowager Cixi.

After a few rounds of tossing like this, Yuan Shikai played. Zhang Yijiu was proficient in the New Deal, and all the ministers' discussions before were played by this person, and the court should reuse it.

The Empress Dowager Cixi was overjoyed when she heard that, there is such a talent, so don't delay, let him go out to hone and hone immediately...

Zhang Yijiu made up for Tongzhi in Tianjin.

Never bury the achievements of his subordinates, this is what Yuan Shikai learned from Li Hongzhang.

Yuan Shikai would soon know that it was this lenient treatment of his subordinates that saved his life.

Before taking office, Zhang Yixuan called his younger brother Zhang Yipeng, and sighed: Brother, we are unlucky. I will give you 1000 yuan a month for living expenses. If there is something to do here, brother, you must definitely come here...

How could Zhang Yipeng, who is a ghost and a ghost, not know that his brother is playing with him?Without saying anything, he replied respectfully: my younger brother will rely on my elder brother from now on.

In this way, when Yuan Shikai encounters an accident in the future, he will immediately find his right-hand assistant Zhang Yixuan to draft the first draft. As for Zhang Yixuan, he is very worry-free. He only needs a phone call to call his younger brother Zhang Yipeng, and all the work will be handed over to Zhang Yipeng. To finish... After such a peaceful period of time, the three of them cooperated very tacitly.

On the eve of the five ministers going abroad, the court quarreled again over constitutional matters. One side of the quarrel was the old minister Lu Chuanlin, and the other was Lu Chuanlin's brother-in-law Zhang Wenxiang.

Lu Chuanlin believes that the preparatory period for the establishment of a constitution will take seven years.

My brother-in-law Zhang Wenxiang believes that seven years is not enough, and the preparatory period for the establishment of a constitution will take at least ten years.

So the brother-in-law and brother-in-law quarreled.

Zhang Wenxiang scolded Lu Chuanlin: Stupid deer is insensible, not good enough to talk about people.

Lu Chuanlin scolded Zhang Wenxiang back: Deer cannibalism is really killing people!
After the scolding, I respectfully ask the Empress Dowager Cixi to die, and the Empress Dowager Cixi can't be killed, so the two went home arguing and continued to swear in front of their family members. Lu Chuanlin's wife and Zhang Wenxiang's sister were not happy. up.

She said: You two bastards, if you just swear around like this, then I won’t be the wife of the deer, or the sister of the deer?Our whole family has become a beast.

Lu Chuanlin and Zhang Wenxiang came to their senses now, and they went to Yuan Shikai and asked Yuan Shikai whether the constitutional period was seven years or ten years.

Yuan Shikai said: Gou can seek truth from facts, for three years, what can't be prepared?
He insisted on the three-year preparatory period for the establishment of the constitution, and immediately ordered Zhang Yixuan to draft a memorial.

Zhang Yixuan immediately ordered Zhang Yipeng to draft a memorial.

Soon, Zhang Yipeng's manuscript was brought. Zhang Yixuan copied it once and handed it to Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikai was reading in an orderly manner, but the Empress Dowager Cixi interrupted him suddenly, and asked Li Lianying to bring a memorial to Yuan Shikai that had been presented by another minister a few days ago, and handed it to Yuan Shikai so that he could see it clearly for himself.

When Yuan Shikai opened the memorial, his expression changed immediately.

This memorial is exactly the same as the one provided by Zhang Yixie, and there is no difference in every sentence.

It was Zhang Yipeng who did it.

This little guy, he took over the work of two families by himself, and contributed twice to one manuscript. The unlucky Yuan Shikai was played by him.

And played terribly.

(8) The big straw bag on the sedan chair
Fortunately, Yuan Shikai learned the art of controlling people without burying his subordinates, and he took the initiative to say to the Empress Dowager Cixi, "Zhang Yijiu is proficient in the New Deal, and all the ministers' previous discussions were performed by this person. Please use it by the court." Therefore, the Empress Dowager Cixi knew that the problem with this matter did not lie with Yuan Shikai, so she did not pursue it.

But the fact that Yuan Shikai was toyed with by the Zhang brothers became a major news item in Beijing's "Beijing News".

People have expressed great concern about this matter because this news has finally confirmed a judgment of the people for a long time:
——Yuan Shikai is ignorant, he doesn't know shit!
Because of this, everyone scolded him for being unlearned and incompetent, just scolded because of anger, everyone behaved well, but he was different from everyone, built schools, opened factories, repaired railways, and made laws...Who would not be angry watching him do this? ?But being angry, being angry, scolding him for being ignorant is at best a "consensus" among everyone, but everyone thinks that he is ignorant, but there is no evidence.

But now, finally, there is proof.

It turned out that what Yuan Shikai did was all ideas given by others.

Zhang Yixiu is Yuan Shikai's second-level advisor, while Zhang Yipeng is Yuan Shikai's third-level advisor. He is a dignified minister of Beiyang and governor of Zhili. It really makes the world laugh at him for being such a fool.

Get out of class and stop playing.

The ministers set off another round of vigorous impeachment climax. If the Empress Dowager Cixi is promoted to Yuan Shikai's official again this time, then everyone should stop messing around...

Sure enough, this time the Empress Dowager Cixi complied with the will of the people and did not fight with the big guys anymore, nor was she promoted to Yuan Shikai's official position.

Under the decree:
Yuan Shikai wrote Jia En to appreciate the two-man shoulder car inside the Xiyuan Gate.This is it.

No promotion.It's just that, from now on, everyone walks, but Yuan Shikai sits in a sedan chair in the Forbidden City with a big face.

There is nothing more unfair in the world than this.

Yuan Shikai's broken sedan chair passed through the hatred-filled eyes of all the officials. Only he himself knew the fear in his heart.

He is basically doomed. If he can't think of a way, more and more people will hate him. Regardless of whether the constitution is successful or not, bad luck is his fate.

How to solve this problem?
Yuan Shikai's eyes lit up: Send a few guys abroad!
Going abroad and seeing the constitutional government of other countries will naturally be affected. In this way, Yuan Shikai's supporters will increase...

It was against this background that the five ministers got on the train at Beijing East Railway Station.

(9) The Zhuang Song of the Era of Assassination

However, Wu Yue, a member of the assassination group, also boarded the train at the same time as the five ministers.

Wu Yue doesn't care what difficulties you Yuan Shikai has, what he thinks is that the Qing court's constitutional government must not be successful. Once the Qing court implements constitutional government, what will the brothers of the assassination group do?
So these five ministers, regardless of what they think, must be killed!
When the train started, Wu Yue stood up and walked towards the carriage where the five ministers were.

The bomb was in his arms, cold and hard.

This bomb was made by two female students from the girls' school that Cai Yuanpei found. Speaking of which, the girls' school was also a new thing that Yuan Shikai first launched in China, but the female students he trained made bombs and bombed his five ministers. This is probably what Yuan Shikai did not expect.

Officials in the constitutional era were relatively careless. The five ministers didn’t even have their own boxes, so they just sat in the car with the common people so stupidly, so Wu Yue easily saw them and walked towards them unhurriedly. past.

He was about to go to the side of the five ministers, and suddenly took out the bomb from his arms and threw it at the five ministers, but he probably couldn't escape, there was no escape in the closed carriage, and he would definitely be caught by the five ministers , but what are you afraid of if you catch him?
He has already swallowed the dumb medicine, and he can no longer speak. Even if the Qing court tortured him, even if he developed a shameful desire to survive at the last moment, he can guarantee that he will never confess.

He finally walked up to the five ministers and was about to pull out the bomb.

However, at this moment, the hidden bomb suddenly exploded on its own.

With a loud bang, Zhen Guogong Zaize was the first among them, and his face was blown up. Another minister, Shaoying, was also affected. However, Xu Shichang, who was not affected at all, was the one who was most injured. How did this idiot do it, he hurt himself in a moment of panic.

The train stopped immediately, and all the detectives from the police station were dispatched to conduct on-site investigations around the body of Wu Yue, a man of lofty ideals.

The results of the investigation showed that when the man carrying the bomb walked to the side of the five ministers and was about to take out the bomb, unexpectedly the train vibrated too violently when the train was moving, causing the striker of the bomb in the assassin's arms to hit the gunpowder heavily. So the bomb went off immediately.

Wu Yue died, and Zhang Rong, another man of lofty ideals, escaped. It is said that the detectives of the Qing court had no chance of cracking this suspicious case. However, these detectives were so powerful that they did not know which clues led them to Tongcheng, Beijing. In the guild hall, a revolutionary named Wang Xin was arrested on the spot.

Wang Xin did not take the drug of dumbness, so the detectives of the Qing court finally knew the name of the assassin. The newspapers exaggerated the case so much that the overseas students in Tokyo, Japan knew that Wu Yue had died for the revolution. .

When this news spread to the archipelago, it was at the time when Sun Wen of the Xingzhong Association and Huang Xing of the Huaxing Association were fighting each other. In the end, Sun Wen won the title of Prime Minister of the Tongmenghui.

(10) The Phantom Menace

After Huang Xing arrived in Japan in the summer of 1905, Sun Wen rushed from Brussels to Japan after receiving news from Miyazaki Tozo.He came here intending to subdue Huang Xing so that this practical man could replace Bi Yongnian.

When the ship arrived in Kobe, Zhang Ji led a group of foreign students to welcome him at the pier.This Zhang Jiyi held several positions. He was on the list of the assassination group, and he was also on the list of the Huaxing Society. After that, he took root in the Tongmenghui, and suffered a lot. This is a later story.

After arriving in Kobe, Sun Wen took the road to Tokyo to find the Japanese Chinese Miyazaki Tozo.

Sun Wen: Brother Miyazaki, among the overseas students, are there any outstanding talents?

(End of this chapter)

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