The Republic is so violent

Chapter 28 The Glorious Generation of the Green Forest

Chapter 28 The Glorious Generation of the Green Forest (1)
(1) The most mysterious gang in the world

One person seems to be forgotten by us.

Yi Benxi.

Yi Benxi returned to the country together with the heroine Qiu Jin and Yao Hongye. Qiu Jin went to Xunxi Girls' School to work as a female teacher to make a living, but Yao Hongye, a man of lofty ideals, died of hunger. suicide note.Only the ranger Yi Benxi came to Hunan and caught up with the grand event of the Hongjiang Society of Liulong Mountain.

However, when the three major forces in Jianghu jointly launched an incident, the big brothers charged forward and stained Xianghu Lake with blood, but we didn't seem to see Yi Benxi's shadow. Where did he go?
He is back to Hubei!
Yi Benxi hurried back to Hubei to call on the brothers in Hubei to get up and respond, but he came at an unlucky time. It just so happened that his French friend Mr. Ojiro was coming to give a speech and propagate revolutionary ideas, and the brothers of the Tongmenghui in Hubei were busy receiving him. , didn't care to talk to Yi Benxi, but Yi Benxi had a bad temper, he vomited blood for several liters and died in a fit of anger.

Where is this Oroji sacred?How dare he cause a man of lofty ideals, Yi Benxi, to vomit blood and die?
If you say this, you have to go in a big circle. Simply put, it is like this:
Captain Orogi, the French garrison in Tianjin.He came to Hubei to give a lecture under the order of his superior, Major Bujabi.

So why did Major Bujabi order his subordinates to come to Hubei to give a speech?

This was due to an order from the French Governor General in Vietnam.

But why did the French Governor-General in Vietnam issue such an order?

This is because of an order issued by the Prime Minister of the French Cabinet, Clement Lemon.

Why did the Prime Minister of the French Cabinet issue such an order?
This was because Clementine's best friend, Doumey, the governor of the Federation of French Indochina, asked the Prime Minister to issue this order.

So why did Dumei ask the Prime Minister to issue such an order?

Speaking of this answer, it is even fresher.

The reason is that Sun Wen is a member of the French Freemasonry.

This Freemasonry is the most mysterious association in the world. According to data, the United States, which has the greatest influence on the world, was established by the Freemasonry. In addition, does the Freemasonry have a conspiracy to rule the world? It is the question that people who know the Freemasonry organization are most concerned about...

It was first in Germany that a strange book titled "Uncovering the World Political System" appeared, which accused the Freemasons of secretly planning a worldwide revolution. Sure enough, three years later, the Freemasons instigated the Great Revolution in France , This led European historians to trace the origin of revolutionary ideas, and found that the beginning of world revolutionary ideas began with this mysterious underground gang.

Now we have a deeper understanding of Sun Wen. He is an out-and-out fan of secret gangs. When he sees a secret gang, he will join. Whether it is the Japanese Black Dragon Society or the French Freemasonry, basically One above counts as one.

The influence of the Freemasonry has penetrated into China, which marks that the development of the Chinese revolution will be more lively.

The idea of ​​Freemasonry is spread by the priests, and the secret agency in Wuchang that receives Captain Ou Luoji is called Rizhihui, which is also founded by a Christian Huang Jiting. The reception unit is right.

Now the person in charge of the Rizhihui is Liu Jingan. He was originally a member of the banned "Science Tutoring School", but he was exposed when Ma Fuyi, the old leader of the Gelaohui, rebelled. The direct consequence of that incident was that Song Jiaoren was arrested. He was expelled from the school and fled to Japan, but Wang Han, a member of the science cram school, was angry and chased Tie Liang to Zhangde, Henan, where he finally threw himself into a well and died.

When the Science Tutoring Center was raided, the secret letters between Liu Jingan and Huang Xing, the head of the Huaxing Association, were copied out. These letters were quickly reported to Li Yuanhong, the deputy commander of the Eighth Town of the Hubei New Army, but Liu Jingan, who was Li Yuanhong's clerk, was not at all. Unaware of the imminent disaster, he went back to the barracks to go to work, drafting documents and reports for Li Yuanhong.

(2) The Living Bodhisattva

Li Yuanhong is notoriously simple and honest, treats people with sincerity, is kind to others, and follows the basic principle of being kind to others, so his reputation is definitely not too good.

However, after Li Yuanhong received the report from his subordinates, he called Liu Jingan who was pretending to be working at his desk, showed him the letter Huang Xing wrote to Liu Jingan, and taught him earnestly: "Xiao Liu, you are still young, you have to fight for your own life." Responsible, to join the Revolutionary Party is to beheaded.

After the teaching, Li Yuanhong granted Liu Jingan sick leave, and the matter was over.

Liu Jingan ran back to Rizhihui and continued to propagate the revolution.It stands to reason that Li Yuanhong let him go, suppressed the matter and did not pursue it, the revolutionaries should have a good impression of Li Yuanhong.

Happily not!

The Tongmenghui accused: Liu Jingan was not tolerated by Li Yuanhong...

It's no wonder that the League is dissatisfied with Li Yuanhong, probably because Li Yuanhong has been thankless all his life. In his early years, he was a small general manager in the Guangdong Navy, and he accompanied the Guangjia to deliver goods to the Beiyang Navy. Arriving in Beiyang just in time for the outbreak of the Yellow Sea naval battle, the Guangjia, where Li Yuanhong was located, went to sea with the Beiyang navy to fight against the Japanese.Before the battle between the two armies, the Beiyang navy lined up and placed the Guangjia in the position where it was most likely to provoke the firepower of the Japanese ships. Wu Zhirong, the commander of the Guangjia, was furious and simply ordered the Guangjia to leave and withdraw from the battle. .

Unexpectedly, the Guangjia was also unlucky, and fled to the Dalian Bay area, but ran aground, so Wu Zhirong ordered Li Yuanhong, the general manager, to "stick to his post", but Wu Zhirong himself left in a small boat.

Not long after, the Japanese ship caught up and was about to capture the Guangjia, so Li Yuanhong ordered the brothers on the ship to scuttle the ship and never leave it to the Japanese. After the ship was scuttled, everyone jumped into the sea and died.Some scholars died by jumping into the sea. This is what Li Yuanhong did, which can be called tragic.

However, Li Yuanhong was so fateful that he was washed ashore by the waves, and he survived again. A man who fought to the death, survived by chance, even if he was not given a commendation meeting, it was justified to be given the title of a battle hero.

However, Li Yuanhong was doomed to be unlucky, he had to be named a battle hero, and the court wanted to hold him accountable for the failure of the naval battle. Considering that Wu Zhirong was a leader, it was not easy to train a the responsibility fell on Li Yuanhong. Sentenced to six months in prison.

It was Li Yuanhong's bad luck to die by jumping into the sea, but was imprisoned instead.

The founding of the Republic of China was criticized by thousands of people. This is the unlucky thing for Li Yuanhong.

To sum it up, Li Yuanhong is a person who needs to be talented, capable, and capable. When it comes to loyalty to the country and the belief in the republic, this person deserves to be ranked first in the Republic of China era.However, this person has a very good temper, known as Li Bodhisattva, and always smiles at everyone.Since he has no temper with others, it is inevitable that others will lose their temper with him.

Whenever his subordinates committed crimes, Li Yuanhong covered them all without exception, especially when the revolutionaries were most active under his nose, Li Yuanhong half-closed his eyes and pretended not to see them.

But what the League wants Li Yuanhong to do is not that you just pretend not to see it, and that’s it. Then the leader of the overseas students, Yang Du, just refuses to join the League?what's the result?Could it be that he fled to Tokyo in the end and hid in Tibet?
Now that Li Yuanhong is fighting with the League again, will there be any good fruit for him?

In short, Li Yuanhong's life concept of "be kind to others and conquer others with virtue" is useless in front of the League, and can only become a living target for everyone to attack and criticize.

But at that time Liu Jingan was too busy criticizing Li Yuanhong, he was busy developing revolutionary forces in Rizhihui.Ever since she left Li Yuanhong's control, Liu Jing'an went crazy, and unexpectedly recruited more than 100 people in one go.

Among the more than 100 people, there are many famous people: Sun Wu, Ji Shilin, Liu Yaohui, Peng Chufan, Xiong Bingkun, Wu Zhaolin, Wang Xianzhang, Lan Tianwei, Xiong Zizhen (Xiong Shili)...etc.

In addition to these celebrities, Liu Jingan also developed a more famous person:
Guo Yaojie!
Who is this Guo Yaojie?
Think about it, Shi Jianru, a man of lofty ideals, bombed the Governor's Yamen in Guangdong three times. Who told the secret and arrested him?

Detective Guo Yaojie!
God, why did this guy come to Wuchang from Guangdong?
(3) Skull Hunter

In fact, this Guo Yaojie should be regarded as the earliest headhunter in China, who only hunted the great heads of the brothers of the Jianghu Society to make money and make a living.

Guo Yaojie's earliest business was carried out in Guangdong, but as the situation changed, the revolutionary trend in the two lakes became more and more prosperous, so Guo Yaojie rushed to Wuchang excitedly, set up a branch company, and started business.

In Wuchang, Liu Jing’an’s lectures at the Rizhihui are given publicly every week, and the activities of the Tongmenghui are almost public. Guo Yaojie only needs to find a few young people, crying bitterly, patting his chest and yelling: “It’s not peaceful, it’s not peaceful, China’s worst If you are not is easy to join the Rizhihui.

So when Mr. Ojiro of the Freemasonry came to Japan to give a lecture, Guo Yaojie also ran back and forth as an activist, serving tea and water, applauding and cheering, very busy.

In addition to Guo Yaojie, there is another more exciting character who also ran around behind Liu Jingan's buttocks, exerting a lot of strength.

This person's name is Zhang Biao.

Who is he?
Zhang Biao, a confidant of Zhang Zhidong, the governor of Hubei and Hubei, was officially appointed as the commander of the eighth town of Hubei New Army.

To put it bluntly, the Hubei New Army was created by Zhang Zhidong. The highest official in the army is Zhang Biao, and the second official is Li Yuanhong.

Zhang Biao, known as Ya Guye, was able to be appreciated by Zhang Zhidong, and that was eight years ago.

Eight years ago, Zhang Zhidong served as the governor of Shanxi. He once went to Wenwu Temple. When he returned, a group of tough people robbed the sedan chair. The husband ran wildly, Zhang Zhidong also ran after the guards, but he couldn't run them, and fell into the hands of the people.

The people dragged Zhang Zhidong to the side of the road, built a fire on the spot, and were about to barbecue when a passerby happened to pass by. Seeing this scene, they were greatly surprised, and they stepped forward and suggested that everyone should be civilized, and cannibalism is barbaric.The people were furious, and they rushed at the passers-by with a dung fork and a rice shovel, but they saw that the passers-by were not in a hurry, fisted and kicked, fighting all the people hard, and the sky was dark and the earth was in a mess. The strong man who was blocking the way saved Zhang Zhidong.

Zhang Zhidong was overjoyed, and asked his name. He was Zhang Biao from Jin Dynasty, who was currently laid off and waiting for work.After that, Zhang Zhidong took him by his side as his confidant, and married the smartest maid around him to Zhang Biao as his wife, so Zhang Biao got the good name of uncle.

But why did Zhang Biao come to Rizhihui to do volunteer work? Did he also join the Tongmenghui?
Not also!

The actual reason was that Liu Jingan made too much noise, and Ojiro, a foreigner, was too dazzling. Rizhihui's activities were completely public, even Zhang Biao could see clearly with his eyes closed.So when he heard that Ojiro was going to give a speech, Zhang Biao led a large team of spies to see what was going on.

In short, on the day of Mr. Ojiro's speech, there were more spies than the members of the League, and more people from the League than ordinary people. In short, it was a strange gathering.

All the official detectives and private detectives have their eyes on Captain Ojiro, and this foreign guy is in trouble.

Captain Ojiro didn't know it at all. After he finished his speech, he was surrounded by countless government detectives and private detectives, talking sideways. Nothing was left.

Then Captain Ojiro left Wuchang, went to Hankou, passed Changsha, went to Jiujiang, passed Nanjing, went to Shanghai, went to Fuzhou, and went around Xiamen. After a long journey, he returned to Tianjin with countless detectives.

Seeing that Ojiro had stopped, the detectives held the first detective meeting to discuss the next work schedule. After two days and one night of intense disputes, the meeting finally decided that all the detectives would pay five yuan each to bribe Oji Luo's personal chef, let the chef get some information for everyone.

The cook got a lot of money for no reason. Overjoyed, he went into Ojiro's bedroom, took out all the papers with words, and handed them to the detectives. I took it back to Zhang Zhidong and asked for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Zhang Zhidong reported these strange materials again, and the Qing court used this as a basis to make strong representations to the French government, demanding that the French give up their stupid practice of interfering in China's internal affairs.

The Frenchman rolled his eyes and transferred Ojiro to Vietnam, and the matter was over.

There are many official detectives, and it is easy to make money, but it is not easy for private detectives.Here, Guo Yaojie has been pondering in the Rizhihui, wondering which head is the most valuable. To be honest, the bounties offered by Zhang Zhidong are not too high for the several alliance parties hidden in the Rizhihui. The highest is only five hundred yuan.

In addition to the Brotherhood of the Tongmenghui, Liu Jiayun, the leader of the Changjiang Society, was also wanted, with a reward of [-] yuan.However, Liu Jiayun did not appear in the Rizhihui. The price of other members of the alliance is too low. I am afraid that they will not make much money last time.

If you can’t make a lot of money, there’s nothing you can do about it. There’s always business to do.

So Guo Yaojie reported to the brothers in Rizhihui that Liu Xiaolin, the manager of Hunan Liuhe Antimony Mine Company, was willing to give 10 yuan to everyone. What a frightening amount, they rushed to find Liu Xiaolin for a meal, but the meal was not served, and many people with lofty ideals in the League were arrested instead.

Among the captured patriots, the happiest one is probably Hu Ying from Huaxing Club, because the prison director, Tan Guohua, is his father-in-law, so the father-in-law, considering his daughter's married life, specially set up a separate room for his daughter and son-in-law in the prison. , It is said that there are books and newspapers in the single room, as well as advanced flush toilets. Under such harsh conditions, Lao Hu continued to persevere in the revolution.

There is another party member, Li Yadong, who is even more ruthless. He was arrested and imprisoned at a dinner for no reason. He was very unhappy, so he established the Hubei Army League. I came to the prison to report to him, which made the prison very lively... This is a later story, so I will skip it.

Then Guo Yaojie personally led the patrol to arrest the key members of Rizhihui, and accused Liu Jingan of being the tycoon Liu Jiayun. This bad guy caused Liu Jingan a lot of trouble. It's Liu's family can he not admit it?He doesn't admit who to ask for everyone's bonus?
This time, a total of more than a dozen people were arrested in the Rizhihui Tongmenghui. The secret organization was completely destroyed. In addition to Guo Yaojie who made a small fortune, the development of the revolution in Hubei was blocked. The center of the uprising shifted from Xianghu to Guangdong and Guangxi.

(4) Heroes from Guangdong and Guangxi

It is said that there is a wealthy family in Singapore from Chaoan County, Chaozhou Prefecture. Their surname is Xu. They have a son named Xueqiu. They didn't like reading or money since they were young. Only one of them liked to play knives and sticks, which made his family smashed. Heart.When his parents were alive and took care of him, the situation was good, but not long after his parents died of illness, then Xu Xueqiu was out of control, he didn't care about the property every day, he just called friends, worked hard, and only envied the life of the heroes in the world.

Suddenly one day, a doctor from Youfang passed by this, spreading revolutionary ideas in his words, advocating to kill all the Manchus and restore the Han people to the world. From his hometown in Hong'an Township, An County, he began to search for heroes and heroes everywhere, and tried to share them with each other.

However, the area around Chao’an is the sphere of influence of the Hongmen Triad. The leaders of Huanggang are Yu Chou and Yu Tong, Luo Feiyan of Fengshun, Qiusong of Raoping, Lin Hesong of Jieyang, Huang Desheng of Huilai, and Chen Yunsheng of Haiyang. ...These heroes of the party also have the ambition to conquer the world, and they hit it off with Xu Xueqiu at first sight. Now the brothers set up an altar to worship and form alliances.

Xu Xueqiu went to Nanyang to purchase weapons, and sent a man named Li Xingpo to receive the heroes of the Quartet. Another Wu Jinming, in the name of running a regiment, gathered more than 400 triad brothers and went to Qidu Temple in Chaoan Intense drills.After all, it was the first uprising, and the brothers had no experience. They only made great fanfare every day, but forgot that the Qing court was also a living person. How could there be a reason to sit and wait for death?
Then there was a secret from the Qing government (seriously suspected that this spy was Guo Yaojie) pretending to be a revolution, defecting to Li Xingpo, Li Xingpo was overjoyed, and the secret agent came up with a plan for the uprising.

Wu Jinming, who was training in the Qidu Temple, was also detained by the government, and then the government launched a policy campaign to encourage Xu Xueqiu to surrender to the Yamen as soon as possible. It is better to plead guilty, or maybe it can be lenient...

The pressure of the policy attack was too great, so Xu Xueqiu had no choice but to bite the bullet and surrender to the Daotai Yamen, but he didn't expect his elder brother to reveal his identity in the government.

There is no way for this case to be tried. The two Daotai had a drink in the official office, drinking and drinking, inviting friends and meeting friends. Promptness is indispensable, and Duyue only needs to have... This matter is over like this.Wu Jinming, who was sent to the big prison, was released on bail with the help of local gentry and elders.

Then Xu Xueqiu went to Singapore to raise funds, and he had to continue. This time he was lucky, and happened to meet Sun Wen who was also looking for money, so Sun Wen strongly suggested that he join the League, and he would go to the uprising and raise funds. Leave it to Sun Wen.

In 1906, Xu Xueqiu formally joined the Tongmenghui.

Sun Wen formally appointed Xu Xueqiu as the "Commander of the Eastern Army of the Chinese National Army", awarded him an eagle ball stamp, and personally painted a blue sky and white sun flag with Xu Xueqiu, and sent him back to continue the uprising.In order to ensure the success of the uprising, Sun Wen also sent six members of the alliance, and two members of the Black Dragon Association, Kayano Changzhi and Chi Xiangji, a total of eight cadres, to Huanggang Town.

Afterwards, Xu Xueqiu set up the secret agency in the "Taixing House" at No. [-] Danshui Street Lane, Huanggang Township. After a period of operation, more than a thousand members of the Triad Society expressed their interest in the next uprising.

(End of this chapter)

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