The Republic is so violent

Chapter 30 The Glorious Generation of the Green Forest

Chapter 30 The Glorious Generation of the Green Forest (3)
Zhang Binglin was jokingly called Zhang Crazy by the world. His biggest problem was hitting people before he could say a few words.Once when he was eating, he was discussing with Huang Xing while eating, but he suddenly lost his temper, picked up his job bowl and slammed it on Huang Xing's forehead, causing Huang Xing's face to be covered in blood, but Huang Xing could only embarrass Sorry for laughing - he can't go crazy and you go crazy too, right?If you are beaten by a lunatic, you can only suffer from being dumb, and if you change someone, you can only think that you are unlucky.

Zhang Binglin has too many lunatics. When this person first arrived in Japan, the police department came to check his household registration and asked him to fill out a form. Zhang Binglin filled it out like this:

Parentage: illegitimate child.

Occupation: Saint.

Age: Longevity is boundless.

... Who can believe that he is so crazy even filling out a form, saying that he is insane?
The reason why Zhang Binglin went crazy was because he was more annoyed, probably because he had learned more than anyone before and after. He is a heavyweight master of Chinese studies, but in the mind of this master of Chinese studies, knowledge and learning piled up like a hill , placed together in a disorderly manner, it is just that they have not been able to ferment and produce great ideas.With only learning but not forming his own exclusive thoughts, he had no choice but to adjust his book bags, and eventually became a very stupid old Dong Hong, a nerd.Not only Zhang Binglin, this kind of thing would drive anyone crazy.

Sun Wen can lead the group with his hodgepodge of thoughts, but others don’t even have hodgepodge in their minds, so if you don’t read more ancient books than anyone else regardless of knowledge, and only see whose thoughts are more valuable, then Sun Wen is at least better than others. Zhang Binglin was half a square taller.

The leader's thinking is only half a block higher than that of his subordinates. This is really a dangerous thing. You must know that just above this half block, there is a real ideological teacher Zou Rong. If this young man hadn't exhausted himself With his own energy, Yu died in prison, I am afraid that it will be difficult for Sun Wen to form a climate.

What's more dangerous is that once someone on the same level as Zou Rong appears again, Sun Wen's authority will be strongly challenged.

Just at this juncture, this great thinker who is qualified to be compared with Zou Rong has really come.

And two came at once: Liu Shipei and He Zhen!
What is the history of these two people?Why do you say they are thinkers?

Liu Shipei and He Zhen are a loving young couple. While they are in love, they ponder revolutionary ideas. At that time, Liu Shipei even gave himself a pseudonym called "The Fierce School No. 1", which means that all the people in the world I am the most revolutionary, no one can compare to me.This loving couple made a big fuss in Shanghai, advocating the racial revolution. The magistrates were so shocked that they wanted to cry, and begged them to change places to go to the revolution... So Liu Shipei and his wife ran to Tokyo and lived with Zhang Binglin. Discuss the road to revolution together.

The main topic of the three people is: Gu Hongming, who has small feet and combs.

This Gu Hongming worked as an aide under Zhang Zhidong, the governor of the two lakes. The newspaper was read upside down. When all the foreigners were amazed and laughed so hard, Gu Hongming put the newspaper away and recited the news in foreign dialect, which surprised countless foreigners.

Gu Hongming studied Western learning too deeply and knew its disadvantages. Unfortunately, he turned around and fell into the quagmire of nationalism. He traveled all over the world, gave public lectures, and persuaded Western countries to follow the example of China, abolish monogamy, and establish polygamy system, polygamy is good, as long as it is good, it is good...

Gu Hongming's advocacy of polygamy is aimed at annoying Western women and deliberately causing trouble.Sure enough, many Western women went to openly debate with him, thinking that the social system of polygamy is not as good as polyandry, and men's endurance is obviously not as good as that of women, so polyandry is more scientific.

So Gu Hongming said with a smile: Have you seen the teapot and tea bowl?This teapot is a man, and this teacup is a woman. There has always been a teapot with several teacups. Who has seen a teacup with several teapots?
Such a clever metaphor made the Western woman who insisted on polyandry dumbfounded and had nothing to say.

In short, Gu Hongming intends to promote the quintessence of traditional Chinese culture and attack the disadvantages of Western learning with shocking and strange theories. It is no longer exciting to just argue with foreign women, so Gu Hongming decided to find a foreign big name and do a good job.

He chose Tolstoy, a great Russian writer, to start, and in 1906, through the Russian Consulate General in Shanghai, he sent Tolstoy his own book written in English:

One is "Respecting the King", and the other is "Today, Emperors, Please Think Deeply!On the Moral Causes of the Russo-Japanese War"...Looking at these two titles alone, it looks like two articles rather than two books.

After the great writer Tolstoy received these two books, he wrote a reply letter not long after, entitled: "Letter to a Chinese", which was clearly published in the German version of "New Freedom" and the French version of "Europa". The Post and the Japanese edition of the Osaka Mainichi Shimbun.

The letter said:
In China's recent years, the impetuous Lun, aiming at the new party, believes that reforming China is nothing more than imitating Western methods.There are those who speak to suggest a representative regime, those who speak to revitalize the army and navy, and those who speak to revitalize the commercial industry of Western law.Discussions are clamoring, as thick as beetles.This is not only a shallow and clumsy talk, but also a foolish solution.Based on what I know from China, this system actually runs counter to the Chinese nation.Today, the legal system, military system, and industry are all important things, but the Westerners have followed suit, but the agricultural life in China has been lost at once.

The translation of Tolstoy's letter is not very clear. If it is translated again, there will be only one sentence - beware of the peaceful evolution of the Qing Dynasty by Western capitalist countries. Conservative agricultural life, believe in the three teachings of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and the disaster will disappear."

Tolstoy asked the Chinese to stay in the farming age and not learn from foreigners to move forward to modern civilization. This letter was nothing more than a sap, which stunned all the members of the League and fell into delusional thinking.

(10) Smash Washington's dog head

You must know that the ideological source of the Chinese Republican Revolution is to learn from the democratic systems of Europe and the United States. It is hoped that the Chinese people will be freed from the shackles of imperial power through the Republican Revolution. For example, Zhang Binglin is unswervingly convinced:

China also hopes to have the masters of Yao and Shun who will come out of revolution, so that this kind of species will not perish. Why hope that it will be as extreme as Washington and Napoleon!
Obviously, at least in Zhang Binglin's eyes, foreign sages like Napoleon and Washington are far superior to domestic sages like Yao and Shun.

The influence of Western democracy not only involves intellectuals, but even the officials selected by the imperial court can see the influence of these great Western figures. Some officials put up questions for candidates, and the topic turned out to be "Xiang Yu Napoleon". I don't know what Napoleon is, so I wrote: "Xiang Yu can push mountains, so why be afraid of breaking the wheel?"

In short, the hope of the republican revolution is to establish a Western-style democratic system.

But now Tolstoy warns everyone: Don’t be fooled by capitalism. China is not suitable for democracy and modern civilization. It will stay in the era of small-scale peasant economy.

If this is the case, is there any need for us to carry out a republican revolution?

However, the republican revolution must be carried out, and this has already been achieved. If the revolution is not carried on to the end, why not go back and let the Qing court arrest him and put him in prison?
If you want a revolution, but you can't start capitalism, then how should this revolution be carried out?

In desperation, Liu Shipei stepped up and brought anarchism to China:
As far as its goal is concerned, anarchy will be implemented in China.

It's over, as soon as this sentence is said, Liu Shipei has been nailed to the iron pillar of anarchism since then, and it will be difficult to get rid of it for 1 years.

But in fact, Liu Shipei’s thinking is far more than that. This person has sprinted into the era of communism—we’ll talk about this later. Let’s just say that Liu Shipei’s prescription for anarchism solved the suspense of the Chinese republican revolution. All the revolutionaries cheered.

Of course, Zhang Binglin was the first to be influenced by Liu Shipei's thought—this is the trouble of not having his own thought system.

I have no thoughts, so I have no choice but to follow other people's buttocks, and what others say is what they say.

Thought and knowledge are not the same concept, knowledge can be learned from the outside world, and ideology is your own thinking, your own thoughts, but it is difficult for people who have formed a thinking inertia to change themselves—so Zhang Binglin became impulsive, and then One go crazy:

I want the deceased to know that they should use the golden vertebra to approach the tomb, and if they see Napoleon and Washington, they will knock their heads!

Take a look at Zhang Binglin, did Napoleon Washington provoke you?You actually want to get into someone's grave and hit him on the head with a "golden vertebra"?
Zhang Binglin is known as a lunatic. He suddenly sprinted from one extreme to another, which is normal and reasonable.

But when Pan Xiaohuang, a beautiful and talented woman from Songling who had been hiding in the world for a long time, came in obliquely, we knew that Liu Shipei's thoughts had already had a strong impact on intellectuals throughout China.

Pan Xiaohuang, a woman from Songling—this time he appeared as Liu Yazi's man, and wrote a poem saying: "Hua, why do you need to talk about Nazhuzi... Liu Yazi stuttered since childhood, stuttered, and had a serious femininity tendency. He always argued with others." , often filled with tears, it is helpless.But even he didn't pay attention to Washington and Napoleon.

Just ignore it, but Western democracy cannot be imitated, Washington and Napoleon's dog heads will all be smashed, so what is the goal of the Chinese republican revolution?

——Sprint to communism!

The young Liu Shipei prescribed this decisive medicine for China.

(11) Running into Communism

It is not without basis that we say that Liu Shipei was a great thinker in the era of the Republican Revolution.

In fact, Liu Shipei was the first to introduce Marxism to China. In 1907, he translated and introduced some chapters of the "Communist Manifesto" in a publication he presided over, and spoke highly of it:
Since Marquez thought that all societies in ancient and modern times were moved with the aid of the industrial system, all historical facts are different because of business organizations, but class struggle is the same as in ancient and modern times.Since then, friendship has invented, and then the socialists have obtained the basis. Ingels discovered this history with Markov, and Darwin discovered biology.

It can be seen that Liu Shipei was the first to introduce Marxism into China before the gunfire of the October Revolution, but before everyone digested these thoughts, his thoughts had already entered the era of communism.

What surprised us the most was that the communist ideology created by Liu Shipei was "practiced" in our lives later on.For example, in the communist era envisioned by Shipei Liu, everyone is completely equal, living in the same house, wearing the same shoes, and eating the same meals... However, everyone has different intelligence, different degrees of diligence, and different contributions to society. different, so what to do?

Liu Shipei said: deserve it!

He suggested that in a communist society, all people under the age of 20 should be sent to shelters for the old and young.When you turn 21, no matter whether you are Liu Xiang, Yao Ming or Guo Jingjing, you have to build roads. After one year of road repairs, everyone will go to the forest to cut wood, and then they will have four years to be construction workers, moving bricks on the construction site. Don't be too tired, work hard, after moving bricks for four years, then you will be a blacksmith for three years, then you will be 30 years old, OK, then you will work as a textile worker for five years, at the age of 36 you can finally stop working. Do physical work, now you have two years of free time, during these two years, Liu Xiang can go for a run - this is 36, can he still run?Whether you can run or not is your business, and Liu Shipei doesn't care. After two years of running, you will have to work as a chef for another three years. What if the dishes you cook are particularly unpalatable?Then those who deserve to eat are unlucky. Fortunately, you can only work as a chef for three years at most. After three years, you will be 40 years old. After another five years, you will work in logistics and transportation. At 46 years old, you will be a doctor... what? ?You don't understand medicine?You don't understand that the patient deserves to be unlucky, and you can be the doctor if you want to, and you can be the doctor if you don't want to.After five years of being a doctor and killing countless patients with mild illnesses, you are already 50 years old, and you can return to the shelter for the elderly and eat the worst meals cooked by the most incompetent chefs. A doctor who doesn't know anything about medicine sees...

According to the work flow chart designed by Liu Shipei, if Liu Xiang and Yao Ming want to be athletes, Li Yuchun wants to sing, Han Han and Guo Jingming want to write books, then what should we do?
What are you kidding?As long as there is no job on the form, don't think about it, it doesn't matter if you are Li Yuchun or Guo Jingming, go to repair the road...

If you want to play games on the Internet... not allowed, you can only repair roads.

Listen to Liu Shipei's great idea, isn't it very familiar?

That's right! In the "unprecedented" ten years, all Chinese scientific researchers were driven into the cowshed to "study engineering" and "study agriculture". At that time, intellectuals secretly greeted Liu Shipei's mother in their hearts.

Liu Shipei, a master of thought, not only painted a beautiful picture of communism, but also produced the most feasible plan to realize communism.

In 1908, there was a flood in Guangdong, and the people were devastated. Liu Shipei wrote an article "On the Flood as an Opportunity to Implement Communism" in spite of his compassion.

The article said: Once the floods came, the fields and properties were wiped out, all people were impoverished, and finally equal, so this is the best time to realize communism.Of course, it is not that the victims of the disaster want to share the property with themselves, but to share the property of the landlord's old property:

What I tell the hungry people now is to teach them to kill officials and rob rich households.If these two things are done to an end, then communism and anarchy can be achieved.

Then, Liu Shipei earnestly warned the people who have realized communism, "Everyone should build thatched roof together", "Everyone should ask for food together", "If you have money, you should use it together, if you have food, you should cook it together, eat."

In this way, Liu Shipei is not only the No. 1 person who introduced Marxism to China, but also the initiator of the violent revolution.

When Sun Wen hadn't thought about establishing a special socialist zone on Salmonella Island, Liu Shipei's thoughts had rushed into the era of China's Cultural Revolution, even surpassing the stage of violent revolution.

Who do you think runs faster between these two?

(12) Dayu is a big lizard
Liu Shipei ran a little too fast, and everyone really couldn't catch up with him.

Later, this person trained a student named Liu Wendian.

This Liu Wendian is a well-known master of Chinese studies. His ten-volume "Zhuangzi Supplement" caused a sensation all over the country. At that time, it was said that there were only two people on the earth who understood "Zhuangzi", one was Zhuangzi himself, and the other was Liu Wendian.

Because of this, Liu Wendian was hailed as a national treasure by the "Chairman Chiang" at the time, so Chairman Jiang kindly went to see the national treasure Liu Wendian, but unexpectedly Liu Wendian called Chairman Jiang a "new warlord" when they met. He slapped Liu Wendian twice, is Liu Wendian the one who suffers?Unceremoniously, he flew up and kicked the chairman's lower abdomen, causing Chiang Kai-shek to roll all over the floor in pain, sweating profusely.

Chairman Jiang got angry and ordered: Lock up Liu Wendian, and then let him get out of Anhui and go to Tsinghua University to teach!
If you break the chairman, you will be imprisoned?

After hearing about this, classmate Zhou Yucai—he is now a well-known Mr. Lu Xun—became furious and wrote an article to reprimand him:
Professor Liu Wendian, the president of Anhui University, was locked up for many days because he did not claim to be the chairman, and he was finally released on bail.

Mr. Lu Xun's pen is really powerful. He called Chiang Kai-shek a new warlord face to face, but was dismissed by Mr. Lu Xun as "not called the chairman", and he didn't mention it when the two fought.

Let's not talk about Chiang Kai-shek's losses, our topic is still Liu Wendian.

During the Anti-Japanese War, Liu Wendian was at the Southwest Associated University, where he was a colleague of the great writer Shen Congwen. Once a Japanese plane came to bomb him. Suddenly, Shen Congwen also rushed out of the room, fleeing with his life.

At that time Liu Wendian was extremely surprised, stopped and scolded:
I ran to preserve the quintessence of the Chinese nation and to teach "Zhuangzi" to the students; the students ran to preserve the spark of culture, but you damn thing, why are you running?
Poor great writer Shen Congwen, just because he wrote a few novels, in the eyes of the master of Chinese studies, he doesn't even have the right to escape for his life.

But Liu Wendian's words do have some truth. It's not that writing novels is worthless, but compared with the masters of Chinese studies, they are always a little bit worse anyway.

Now we know that Liu Wendian is a little taller than Shen Congwen, who almost won the Nobel Prize for Literature.

As for the lunatic Zhang Binglin, he is a little bit taller than Liu Wendian.

Zhang Binglin, who was slightly taller than Liu Wendian, was most displeased with Sun Wen, but admired Liu Shipei and his wife.

Not only Zhang Binglin, but when Liu Shipei gave a speech in Tokyo, another master of Chinese studies, Qian Xuantong, also ran around behind Liu Shipei, serving tea and water.

Although Qian Xuantong has a solid background in Chinese studies, unfortunately, this guy did a random research and found out that the ancient Chinese sage, Yu the Great who controlled the floods, was a worm. Don’t you think this is nonsense, and Yu the Great is a worm. Didn't Yu's earlier Yellow Emperor become an amoeba?
The Korean archaeologists, the more they research, the more ancient they have been. They have already identified Chi You, the opponent of the Yellow Emperor, as the ancestor of the Koreans, but Qian Xuantong actually tested Dayu as a reptile at the level of a lizard. Isn’t this a deliberate attack on the Chinese? Your pride!

Mr. Lu Xun couldn't stand it anymore, so he wrote a collection of short stories "New Stories", which spoofed ancient myths. In the novel, Mr. Lu Xun asked Qian Xuantong to climb to the bed of Nuwa Empress who was mending the sky with a wat board. On the belly, shouting loudly: ... not wearing clothes, immoral, Dayu is a bug, a bug...

(End of this chapter)

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